Metaphorical Extension Changing the Meaning of the Words

107 In The Inbetweneers, the conversion process in slang follows the nature of standard English conversion. From the table above, the writer concluded that nouns were attained by converting the verbs, as in the wank, and ride. Conversely, slang is also obtained by changing a noun into a verb, as exemplified by spunk, bullshit, and pork. The writer also saw that slang adjective was possible to create by conversion process of noun into adjective. From those analyses, the writer claimed that they were in a par with Marchand 1966 and Mattiello 2008. Marchand 1966 suggests supported idea which states, conversion can from verbs to noun and the opposite. Besides, the slang adjectives can be obtained by converting nouns as cited by Mattiello, 2008.

b. Metaphorical Extension

Metaphorical extension is a process of creating new words by modifying the meaning of existing words Akmadjian, Demers, Farmer Harnish, 2010. Even though the metaphorical extension changes the meaning of the words, it still holds the meaning or the sense that is almost close. The metaphorical extension is exemplified by word spit . It refers to the activity „to force out the content of the mouth‟ such as saliva or food. However, it is also possible to denote the act of forcing out to say something. The following sentences show the metaphorical extension of spit and its use. 1 Grandma spits her dinner because it tastes horrible. 2 Oh, come on. Spit it out, Bill Tell me everything now 108 The employment of spit in those different sentences shows the distinction in terms of meaning. However, it shares the almost the same sense. Moreover, it is related to the mouth and activity of forcing out something. Metaphorical extension exists in the English slang word-formation. The writer classified them into four groups. Each group captured the similar part and the closeness between the actual meaning and the extended meaning. Therefore, the writer divided those words based on the similarity of shape, function, characteristics, and activities. Table 4.13 shows the classification according to the shape which is used by the William McKenzie and Jay Cartwright. Table 4.13: Metaphorical Extension in English Slang Sentences Slang Words Actual Meanings Extended Meanings Ooh, I‟m Mr. Gilbert. I‟m such a big, huge, massive freak And I just love to suck the headmaster‟s balls balls an object with sphere object testicles Right, vodka, whisky, and a load of creme de menthe.When she sees you after this, shell be frothing at the gash.” gash a long deep cut in the skin a vagina The writer associated the words in the table 4.9 into Metaphorical Extension because the writer concluded that they had the similarities in term of shape. The process of extending the meaning occurred in the ball. The conclusion was taken based on the shape resemb lance between „ball‟ and „testicles‟. Both of them had a round and sphere shape. 109 The writer also claimed that meaning extension was applied in the word gash to build slang word. In standard English, gash denotes „a long deep cut in the skin‟. Since, it was considered to have the same shape with a vagina the meaning of gash was then expanded. It was used to denote the female genital. In addition to the metaphorical extension based on the shape, the writer found that it also might be happened by pairing the function of the object. The writer discovered it was applied in the jug which was used by Jay Cartwright. He used it in the sentence “How is Will getting off with Charlotte Big Jugs brilliant news? ” The sentence was found in the fourth episode. By analyzing the meaning of jug in standard form and slang, the writer jumped into the conclusion that jug denoting „a container to hold a liquid such tea and milk‟. The writer saw that it shared a resemblance with jug meaning breasts. Both of them had the same function, which was as storage of milk. As stated previously, slang had a possibility to be formed by metaphorical extension which shared the similarities and closeness between the actual meaning in standard English and the new one which was laid in the slang. The writer believed that the similarity in terms of characteristics also underlie the slang metaphorical extension process. The writer found this phenomenon in The Inbetweeners. For example, the word animal, which was applied in the Jay Cartwright‟s sentence “Listen to me, that bird Beckys an animal ” . It was found in episode five. The case of this typical metaphorical extension in The Inbetweeners was presented in the table 4.14. 110 Table 4.14: Metaphorical Extension in Slang Slang Words Actual Meaning Extended Meaning stud a male horse kept for breeding a sexually active, powerful, potent male. animal living things but not include as human or plants someone who is wild in bed Wet covered in water or another liquid sexually aroused for women The writer found stud had a close meaning to the promiscuous man. In standard English, stud means „a male horse kept for breeding‟ and it denotes a promiscuous man. Based on the writer ‟s analysis, both meaning shared almost the same senses. They were male who had a lot of sexual partners and ready to engage in a sexual intercourse. In addition, men were also symbolized by horses because of the virility. The same case also occurred in the word animal. In English slang, someone who is wild in bed was defined as animal. It was because the wilderness of that person was comparable to the wild animal or it could be said that the person acted like an animal. Another phenomenon of slang was discovered in the word wet as well. It appli ed in the episode four by Jay Cartwright in his sentence “When Carli finds out, shes going to be two things - jealous and wet, because now shell know youre a stud ” . In slang, wet gained meaning „desiring sexual gratification”. This lexical was only applied for women. Therefore, it could be said that women produced sexual liquid when they were sexually aroused. 111 Metaphorical extension was presented in the word finger that applied in the sentence “I fingered a bird” that was said by Neil Sutherland. The writer found that the meaning of finger in slang had a close sense with the actual meaning. In the standard English, finger had a significance „to touch something with finger‟. It was activities of using finger to do something. The writer viewed that the actual meaning was resemblance to the new meaning. In slang, it meant doing a sexual activity by using finger. Thus, because of the similarity, the writer concluded that the phenomenon was metaphorical extension.

c. Broadening