Aggressiveness Culture Restriction Slang

32 are not included in their group will not understand their conversation. This is also applied by a group of boys who look for girls as sexual partners. Slang is applied by homosexuals to cover their identity from society as well.

y. Aggressiveness

Slang is regarded as aggressive language variation because some slang words offense people. Allen 1998, p.878 suggests that slang i s “vicious and hostile verbal aggression” as cited in Mattiello, 2008, p.53. This is in line with Mattiello 2008,p.53 who says, “slang is aggressive and forceful and at times malicious or even cruel”. It is used as a derogatory vocabulary to refer a particular type of people. Slut, bitch, and bimbo are the examples of slang words that are offensive for woman.

z. Culture Restriction

Social boundaries are created by slang. Mattiello 2008 states, “slang is a marker of cultural differences. It is viewed as an anti-language that serves an anti- society like beggars and gamblers and generally associated with the level of society that is culturally sub- standard.” p.53. It means that slang is considered as low language variety that is employed by the low social group such as thieves, gangster, drug dealers, etc. Slang becomes a limit that marks a certain group identity which is disapproved by the higher social group. aa. Efficiency 33 Slang is used to attain efficiency . Once, Mattiello 2008 reveals “slang is efficient in the sense that slang words may be much more direct than their sta ndard corresponding description” p.54. Patridge 1946 also suggests that slang is employed to change the complicated word with the brief and concise one cited by Mattiello, 2008. Mattiello 2008 adds that slang is not always concise but it evidently simplifies word which becomes complicated when it changes into standard word. In example, it is easier to say chicken rather than „a young in- experienced male prostitute‟. It is also simpler to say the creep rather than „having a feeling of horror caused by something mysterious‟. bb. Individuality Mattiello 2008 states that slang are considered as “a marker of an individual‟s identity”. It reveals speakers personal information like age, gender, attitude, condition, education, interests, etc Mattiello, 2008, p. 54. By employing slang, the users‟ identity may be identified because every group is divided based on the social background, such as age, hobbies, and lifestyle. Therefore, each social group has their own slang words. cc. Prestige Once Anderson and Trudgill 1990 also Allen 1998 state that slang is used to covert prestige which is associated with toughness and strength or other positives quality like independence and naturalness as cited in Mattiello, 2008, p.54. Covert prestige means conceal the real quality and build new image. It is usually applied by male. Men have a tendency to use more slang to gain prestige 34 because slang creates a strong, tough, and manly impression. According to Mattiello 2008, young men tempt to use slang swearword to build their reputation, status, and to strengthen group bound. dd. Technicality Slang explains the technical terms in particular realm based on the activity. Mattiello 2008, p.55 states, “slang can sometimes be viewed as a „technolect‟ as it behaves a s terminology in terms of restricted use.” She adds that the technicality feature is exemplified by sloth which means „to kill or to injure someone‟. ee. Spontaneity Since slang is uttered spontaneously by the speakers, spontaneity becomes one of slang characteristics. Mattiello 2008 reveals slang is a free natural speech, associated with cities and modern society.” Allen 1998 noted that many slang words are used in spontaneous conversation and prompted by the media cited in Mattiello, 2008.

5. Rhyming Slang