Ephemerality Debasement Freshness Playfulness

24 became groovy, then, people who lived in fifties changed it into magic. Meanwhile in 1960s, it was popular as fab which comes from fabulous.

d. Ephemerality

Slang is decribed as “… an ephemeral, short-lived, ever-changing vocabulary” by Mattiello in 2008 p.47. This idea is supported by Eble 1996 who states, “slang is ephemeral” the new vocabulary that enters the language changes rapidly p.12-13. Thus, slang is not long lasting. It will disappear as soon as after it is created. However, there are some slang words which have been slang for a long time or they transform into informal form or colloquial term Eble, 1996.

e. Debasement

Mattiello 2008 states that slang is considered as “debased, subordinate speech, characteristically dominated by reversed prestige, lack of dignity and anti- social features.” p.47. Slang is viewed as a low and negative variety. Its users are considered that they degrade their prestige and disgrace their self. It is regarded as non-prestigious variety since it against the standard variety. It breaks language rule in standard variety. Batistella 2005 reveals slang is regarded as a bad language which is seen as “undignified an unintelligible” so teachers and parent do not suggest their children to apply slang p.84.

f. Freshness

25 Freshness is one of properties that are found in slang. Based on Mattiello 2008, slang is often defined as “fresh vital vocabulary that keeps language alive and growing p.47. This is also supported by Coleman 2012 who equalizes slang as a wild fruit implanted onto a tame stock of language which give a new vitality on language p.9. Slang refreshes the language. It creates new words and keeps the language growing and renewing Coleman, 2012. Using slang in the conversation brings a fresh feeling. It also makes the speech sound more interesting and less monotonous.

g. Playfulness

Mattiello 2008 states “slang is usually playful, since it manipulates word and their meaning. Slang makes word sounds funny. Its effect is created by applying jocular sounds to create slang words Mattiello, 2008. It may happen by suffixation of affix –y and –ie. The exampling is showed by huggy to denote „hug‟.

h. Obscenity