Obscenity Subject Restriction Novelty Orality Unconventiality

25 Freshness is one of properties that are found in slang. Based on Mattiello 2008, slang is often defined as “fresh vital vocabulary that keeps language alive and growing p.47. This is also supported by Coleman 2012 who equalizes slang as a wild fruit implanted onto a tame stock of language which give a new vitality on language p.9. Slang refreshes the language. It creates new words and keeps the language growing and renewing Coleman, 2012. Using slang in the conversation brings a fresh feeling. It also makes the speech sound more interesting and less monotonous.

g. Playfulness

Mattiello 2008 states “slang is usually playful, since it manipulates word and their meaning. Slang makes word sounds funny. Its effect is created by applying jocular sounds to create slang words Mattiello, 2008. It may happen by suffixation of affix –y and –ie. The exampling is showed by huggy to denote „hug‟.

h. Obscenity

Slang is close to the taboo subjects of culture because it is rich in dirty words and obscenity Mattiello, 2008, p.48. Slang uses vocabulary which come from the subject which is taboo to be discussed. Usually, those words related to sexual things such as pussy, prick, fuck, wank, etc. Slang vocabulary also can be formed form excretion subject such as, crap, shit, and dingleberry.

i. Subject Restriction

26 According to Mattiello 2008, “sometimes slang is described as the special, even specialized, vocabulary of some professions, occupations or activi ties in society”. Slang is usually used by particular people who have the same jobs. In instances, drug dealer, robber, and mafia. For those people who deal with the criminal field, slang has function as a secret code among their group. Furthermore, their slang is only recognized by people who have the same jobs.

j. Novelty

Slang is novel because new terms always appear in slang. As stated by Mattiello 2008 “slang is generally up-to-date” p.48. Once, a slang word will be outdated. People stop using the word. Then, new generations renew it by created new vocabulary. This property of slang is exemplified by the word boo that is used to denote „a lover or babe‟ is replaced by bae.

k. Orality

Slang exists through spoken language. It does not develop in the formal situation. Commonly, it is used in the informal conversation. Mattiello 2008 reveals slang is associated to spoken language. The employment of slang in the oral language makes it popular in the particular social group. Slang is not created from written language.

l. Unconventiality

27 Slang users have an intention to use different vocabulary than the conventional ones. Dumas and Lighter 1978, p.13 argue that the speakers form slang “to break with the established linguistics convention“, As cited by Mattiello 2008, p. 49. Speakers want to create new terms and employ them to change common vocabulary. Thus, they change the usual words into the new terms. The speakers can use the words super, quality, rock, cool, badass, wicked, corker, killer, and brill to alter the use of word good, which is considered as a conventional term.

m. Faddishness