Suffix –ock Suffix –ing


e. Suffix –ock

Suffix –ock is only found in the slang British English Matiello, 2008. It was not applied in Standard English. According to Mattiello 2008, suffix –ock creates nouns. Mattiello2008 reveals the –ock suffixation occurs in bollock. It was built from ball and suffix –ock. Then, it had a spelling changing from „a‟ became „o‟. Thus, the writer believed bollock, which was applied in the sentence “Well, Id give a left bollock for em” By Jay Cartwright in the fourth episode of The Inbetweeners, was the result of the –ock suffixation because it was in par with the statement of Mattiello 2008.

f. Suffix –ing

Suffix –ing is a common suffix which is applied in English. It is used both in standard English and English slang Mattiello, 2008. The writer found slang words which were added with suffix –ing. Table 4.24 summed up the use of suffix –ing in English slang that was found in The Inbetweeners. Table 4.24: Suffix –ing in English Slang Slang Root Words Meanings brown-nosing brown-nose flattering frothing Froth a state of sexually aroused by overflowing wetness in the vagina The used of suffix –ing in brown-nosing aimed to form a noun from the verbs. The word was originated from brown-nose denot ing „to flatter‟. Suffix –ing 127 here changed the lexical category from verb to noun, thus, the meaning switched into „flattering‟. It was found in the Simon‟s sentence “Being scared of teachers and brown- nosing everyones parents is just an act, isn‟t it?” The same process was also applied in frothing. It was found in the Jay Cartwright‟s utterances in the sentence “Right, vodka, whisky, and a load of creme de menthe. When she sees you after this, shell be frothing at the gash.” The word froth literally d enoting „to make a liquid produce bubble‟ changed into “a process of producing bubble in a liquid‟. In slang, the sense became „a state of sexually aroused by overflowing wetness in the vagina”.

4. Inflection