The third chapter will be divided into five parts. It includes method, subject of this study, instruments and data gathering technique, data analysis technique, and research procedure. Those parts discuss the steps that are taken in this study

A. Research Method

This part describes the nature of the study and the method that is implemented in this research. This research intends to find the word-formation processes used in English slang which are applied in The Inbetweeners television series and discusses its processes. Therefore, this research can be identified as a morphological study. Katamba 1994 reveals that “morphology is a study of word-formation and word- structure” p.3. The writer implemented a qualitative method in this morphological research. Qualitative research may be used to conduct a linguistic study. For example, it implemented in discourse analysis which is a part of linguistics study Litosseliti, 2010. Therefore, the writer employed qualitative method in this morphological study because morphology is a branch of linguistics study. Qualitative method is a research which focuses on the phenomena that occur in the natural settings or the real world and involves studying those 74 phenomena in all complexity Leedy Ormrod 2005. Further, according to Denzin and Lincoln 2005, p.3, qualitative research transforms real world phenomenon into “series of representations, including field notes, interview, conversation, photographs, recording, and memo to the self” so all of the phenomena details may be interpreted carefully as cited in Cresswell, 2007. In a qualitative study, the data are possible to be presented in the form of observation notes, research diary, photographs, drawings, patterns, interview, audio recording, questionnaire, participant‟s diary, transcription, verbatim notes, film, video recording, and photocopy Holliday, 2002. Since this qualitative research analyzed English slang word-formation from television series transcripts, it refers to document analysis. According to Leedy and Ormrood 2005, document analysis is a detailed and systematic examination of the contents of a particular body of material for the purpose of identifying purpose, theme or biased. Moreover, they reveal document analysis is typically performed on forms of human communication, including ” books, newspaper, films, television, art, music, video tapes of human interaction, and transcripts conversation” p.42. Thus, it can be concluded that this study followed the nature of qualitative research proposed by Leedy and Ormrood 2005.

B. Research Subjects