Group restriction Informality Time Restriction

22 definition are necessary or sufficient, in the final analysis Dumas and Lighter are right. Slang cannot be defined independent of its function and use.” p.12. The application of the four criteria is exemplified by jerk which is used in the sentence, “Though their dissent was not always noisy or dramatic, many Americans felt the Presidents was jerk for continuing the war.” Eble, 1996. Eble 1996 reveals, in this case, jerk is classified into slang because it fulfills the criteria 1, 2, and 4b. Slang has some sociological properties which make it differ to the other colloquial terms. Mattiello 2008 concludes some properties which are owned by slang from some experts. Sociological properties usually show the relation between the use of slang and sociological reasons. It is exemplified by the use of slang to create group restriction. Below is the sociological properties of slang and also the description according to Mattiello 2008.

a. Group restriction

The intention of slang users is to keep the outsiders not entering the group. Slang is employed in order to make the outsiders do not understand the conversation of particular group members. Mattiello 2008 states that slang is frequently described as an in- group vocabulary that identifies a “common age and experience, and facilitates their group solidarity“p.46. This is in line with Battistella 2005 who suggests “slang is used to create a kind of linguistic solidarity or status by identifying oneself with a group out of the mainstream or by 23 setting oneself apart from conventional values through a style of toughness and ironic detachment” p. 86. Slang is usually used by a group of people who share the same identity, for example a gang of teenagers who shares same age and habit or a group of college students who study in the same university. Slang strengthens member ‟s solidarity and it alienates the outsiders because slang words are only understood by the group members. For example, students from particular university share slang words among them Kratz, 1964.

b. Informality

Slang appears in the formal situation to make informality. The aim of slang is to decrease the formality and to create a more familiar situation in the conversation Mattiello, 2008, p.46. It is usually used in the dailly conversation to make the situation less serious and friendlier. The slang users choose slang to replace the conventional vocabulary. Thus, the formality will decrease.

c. Time Restriction

Mattiello 2008 states “slang is temporary since it changes over time” p.47. It means that slang exists in the particular generation. The change among the generations occurs as an effect of the old generations grow up and the next generations come then change the old slang by making a new trend. For example, in 1920s, slang for word excellent was wizard and in the 1930s-1940s that term 24 became groovy, then, people who lived in fifties changed it into magic. Meanwhile in 1960s, it was popular as fab which comes from fabulous.

d. Ephemerality