Definition of Terms INTRODUCTION

6 through this research. Moreover, it provides familiar material in morphology course because slang is a variation which is commonly used in the spoken informal situation and close to the real context of English speakers. Besides, Slang is also often found in the English films. By conducting the study, hopefully, other researchers will be encouraged to explore about any aspects in English slang deeper. Thus, the study related to English slang will be enriched and renewed. Moreover, the writer hopes the study in slang ‟ word-formation will develop the linguistics study in morphology and sociolinguistics branches. Thus, the sources that are related to slang are increasing and can help the future researcher to conduct the study on slang. The writer wishes this study is beneficial for sociolinguistics teachers. The writer hopes this study can be an example for the teachers to provide an interesting teaching material, such as: movies or television series, to explain about slang because films show the application of slang in their dialogue. Thus, it may help the teachers to explain the context of the use of slang to the students as well.

F. Definition of Terms

This part is aimed to specify the terms that are used in this study. It creates the same base among the writer and the readers in order to avoid a misunderstanding. 1. English Slang English slang is one of English variation that is usually used in the spoken situation. It is regarded as low language variation since it is against English 7 standard variety. Mattiello 2008 defines slang as a variant that is full of obscenity, debases the language, contains informality and ephemerality, and creates group-restrictions. That idea supports Ebl e‟s statement that says, “slang is an ever changing set of colloquial words and phrases that speakers use to establish or to reinforce social identity or cohessiveness within a group or with trend or fashion in society at large ” 1996, p.12. Therefore, slang is considered as an impolite and a low language variation that has an intension to restrict the outsiders to enter the group. Slang is dynamic as well; it always comes and goes. Slang changes like a fashion trend. It is popularly used in the period of time then it is stopped to be used and replaced by the new one. 2. Word-Formation Morphology is a part of linguistics which deals with the formation of words. It discusses about morphemes change into words. Once, Akmadjian, Demers, Farmer, Harnish 2010 state “morphology is subfield of linguistics that studies the internal structure of words and relationships among words” p.14. It is in line with O‟Grady, Archibald, Aronoff,, and Rees-Miller 2010 who define morphology as the system of categories and rules which is involved in word formation. Word building uses numbers of word formation processes. Akmadjian, Demers, Farmer, and Harnish 2010 group them into derivational morphology, inflectional morphology, neologism, and meaning modification. 8