Specifying Learning Indicators Planning

57 From the goals and general purposes, there were some topics that should be learned by the eleventh grade students in a year. For the reading competences, there were 5 types of texts and several functional texts. The topics are provided in Table 4.2. Table 4.2: The Learning Topics of the Materials No Learning Topics 1 Banner, pamphlet, poster, brochure 2 Report 3 Narrative 4 Analytical Exposition 5 Hortatory Exposition 6 Spoof

b. Specifying Learning Indicators

Learning indicators are used to measure whether the students had mastered the competences or not. Students mastered the topic if they succeed to achieve the learning indicators. In developing materials, indicators could be used to construct tests, to select tasks or exercises, and to select the suitable learning materials. The learning indicators for English reading competence are presented in Table 4.3. Table 4.3: The Learning Indicators of the Materials Basic Competences Learning Indicators 5.1 Be able to respond to meanings in short written formal and informal daily life texts i.e. banner, poster, brochure, etc accurately, fluently, and acceptably. 5.2 Be able to respond to meanings and rhetorical steps in essays of daily life report, narrative, and analytical 5.1.1 Be able to identify the main message in a banner. 5.1.2 Be able to identify the main message and specific information in a poster 5.1.3 Be able to answer comprehension questions correctly by understanding the content of the brochure. 5.2.1 Be able to identify the main idea of a passage 5.2.2 Be able to identify specific information of a passage. 58 Basic Competences Learning Indicators exposition accurately, fluently, and acceptably in order to access information 5.2.3 Be able to identify the orientation, complication, and resolution of a narrative 5.2.4 Be able to identify the topic and supporting sentences of a passage. 11.1 Be able to respond to meanings in short written formal and informal daily life texts i.e. banner, poster, brochure, etc accurately, fluently, and acceptably. 11.2 Be able to respond to meanings and rhetorical steps in essays of daily life narrative, spoof and hortatory exposition accurately, fluently, and acceptably in order to access information 11.1.1 Be able to identify the main message in a banner. 11.1.2 Be able to identify the main message and specific information in a poster 11.1.3 Be able to answer comprehension questions correctly by understanding the content of the brochure. 11.2.1 Be able to identify the main idea of a passage 11.2.2 Be able to identify specific information of a passage. 11.2.3 Be able to identify the orientation, complication, and resolution of a narrative 11.2.4 Be able to identify the topic and supporting sentences of a passage. 11.2.5 Be able to identify the twist of a spoof.

c. Listing Subject Content

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