Main Product Revision Overall Evaluation


5. Main Product Revision

The results of the preliminary field testing indicated that the designed materials were very satisfying. Because of that, there were no significant changes which were made towards the learning materials. The revision was done based on the respondents’ suggestions regarding to the designed materials. There were three suggestions which were given by the preliminary field testing respondents. The first suggestion was to reconsider the time allotment for the activities in each unit. It was true that the designed materials were not implemented so the researcher had some difficulties to manage the time allotment. The researcher had already provided the sample of lesson plan. However, the researcher did not separate it into two meetings so that it caused a little problem with the time allotment. That is why, the researcher accepted the suggestion to reconsider the time allotment in the final version of the designed materials. The second suggestion was to recheck the acknowledgement of the texts in the designed materials. In fact, the researcher already gave the reference in the bottom of the text but unfortunately there were some texts without acknowledgement. Since it is compulsory to acknowledge other’s writing, the researcher decided to accept the suggestion by checking the source in the final version of the designed materials. The third suggestion was to provide a note of text genre in each unit in student’s book. Since this suggestion was very important and would help the students to gain the better understanding on the text genre, the researcher accepted the 69 suggestion and gave additional information about text genre in the final version of the designed materials. In conclusion, the designed materials were revised by conducting three things. First, the researcher separated the lesson plan so that it covered one unit materials for two meetings. Second, the researcher put some references and sources of the text to acknowledge others’ writing. Third, the researcher put some notes about text genre in each unit. Then, to answer the second research question, what the designed of English reading materials using Contextual Teaching and Learning approach for eleventh grade students of SMA Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta looks like, the final version of the revised materials was presented in Appendix G.

B. The Brief Description of the Reading Materials Design

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