The Curriculum for Senior High School

31 c. Attractive presentation e.g. the use of attractive colors, pictures, graphics, or photographs, lots of white space d. Appealing content e.g. topics of interest to the target learners, topic which offer the possibility of learning something new, engaging stories, universal themes, local references, authentic materials

7. Curriculum

Curriculum is a guidance and tool which contains the learning goals, learning materials, and learning contents. It is applied as a base in designing learning strategies and methods in order to achieve the goals. Curriculum is developing time by time in line with the educational and human development. The following is the explanation about curriculum which is implemented nowadays in Indonesia.

a. The Curriculum for Senior High School

The curriculum applied in Senior High School nowadays is School-Based Curriculum in Indonesia, it is called as ‘KTSP’. This curriculum has been applied since 2006, as the improvement of Competence Based Curriculum in 2004.In fact, the principles of teaching reading in English lesson according to KTSP is important since the researcher designs the reading materials for the eleventh grade students of SMA Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta. According to KTSP, the level of English accomplishments for senior high school students consists of three parts; performative level, functional level, and informational level. In performative level, students are expected to read using symbols that are used in the reading passage. In functional level, students are expected to be able to use the language for their daily needs, such as in reading 32 the newspaper, magazines, and so on. Informational level emphasizes on the process of accessing new knowledge using linguistic ability Peraturan Menteri No. 22, 2006, p. 307. Among those three levels, the English lesson for senior high school students more emphasizes on the informational level since they are prepared to study in the higher education level. Because of that, the focus of English lesson according to KTSP is on the reading activity. The students are asked to understand many types of text Peraturan Menteri No. 22, 2006, p. 308. Besides, KTSP gives a signal on its implementation and the use of teaching strategy by focusing on students’ work or ‘student-centered’ Trianto, 2009, p. 104. There are three aspects of English lesson based on KTSP: a. Students are expected to be able to understand written text to achieve informational level b. Students are expected to be able to understand various short functional texts and monologues in form of procedure, descriptive, narrative, recount, report, news item, analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, and spoof. c. Students are expected to develop their competences, such as linguistics competence the use of grammar, vocabulary, intonation and tones, socio- cultural competence the use of appropriate expression in various context, and strategic competence solving problem when reading texts. 33

B. Theoretical Framework

This study focuses on designing a set of interactive reading materials for eleventh grade students of SMA Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta. In order to design a set of the reading materials, the researcher applied a model proposed by Kemp 1977, p. 8. Kemp’s model is applied as the main instructional design of this research. Kemp’s model is adapted because of its flexibility. It enables the designers to use the model flexibly to suit their own needs Kemp, 1996. In this research, the researcher does not fully take the steps in Kemp’s model but the researcher modifies some steps into new steps which are applied in this research. In addition, Kemp’s model can be applied in all education levels. The structure of Kemp’s model shows that each aspect is interrelated. Besides, the steps of Kemp’s instructional model are clearly stated so that it is easy to be applied. In addition, the researcher also adapts the material development theory proposed by Hutchinson and Water 1987 which also stated about materials adaptation. In designing materials, the researcher applied the theory form Carrell 1988 and Goodman 1975 about interactive approaches to second language reading. Since English is regarded as a foreign language in Indonesia, the researcher also applied the theory of ESL or EFL in this study as stated by Goodman 1975, pp. 5-16. In developing the materials, the researcher applied the theory of materials development in language teaching which is proposed by Tomlinson 1998. By applying that theory, the researcher can create the materials based on the characteristics of a good material. Meanwhile, for the reading material and the activity, the researcher adapts the reading techniques promoted

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