Characteristics of Contextual Teaching Learning CTL Components of Contextual Teaching Learning

21 Moreover, this approach is an educational system which is suitable to human brain capacity to build up the meaning by relating the lessons to the daily contexts of the students Muslich, 2007, p. 41. In other words, CTL enables students to find a meaning by recalling and relating the materials that they have learned to their daily life so that they can understand the lessons easier.

a. Characteristics of Contextual Teaching Learning CTL

Trianto 2009 said that CTL has some characteristics which make it different with the other learning models p.110. The characteristics of CTL, as proposed by Trianto 2009, are: cooperation, supportive, fun, comfortable, powerful, integrated learning, and student’s active p.110. Another finding comes from Muslich 2007, he noted that contextual learning approach has some characteristics, such as: learning in real life setting, meaningful learning, learning by doing, learning in a group, learning to know each other deeply, learning to ask or to inquiry or to work together, and learning as an enjoy activity p.42.

b. Components of Contextual Teaching Learning

There are eight components in CTL according to Johnson 2008. Those are: building the meaningful relationship, doing the meaningful project or task, learning independently, teamwork or group work, thinking critically and creatively, developing the learners, achieving the high standard, and applying authentic assessment. Meanwhile, Trianto 2009 stated that CTL has 5 five learning elements. They are: activating knowledge, acquiring knowledge, understanding knowledge, applying knowledge, and reflecting knowledge p. 22 110. Besides the elements above, a learning using CTL involves 7 seven components Muslich, 2007, p. 43. They are: 1 Constructivism CTL emphasizes on constructing self-understanding of the learning actively, creatively, and productively based on the previous knowledge and meaningful learning. 2 Questioning CTL supports the students to learn, to guide students to gather the information, and to know the students’ competence through questioning. 3 Inquiry CTL makes the students to observe and to analyze the topic or the problems so that they can find something. 4 Learning Community CTL enables to create a learning community that students can discuss and work together with other students. 5 Modeling Giving a model by showing things or project, by demonstrating activity, or by giving an example in learning will help students to learn easily. 6 Reflection This is the most important component in CTL. CTL forces students to think, to review, and to respond the activities and experiences that they have learned in the learning process. 23 7 Authentic Assessment Authentic assessment is done periodically and continuously through some aspects to measure the students’ improvement on their performance.

6. Reading

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