Bentuk Tidak Normal Unnormalized


4.3.4 Normalisasi Bentuk Tidak Normal Unnormalized

Bentuk ini merupakan kumpulan data yang akan direkam, tidak ada keharusan mengikuti format tertentu, dapat saja data tidak lengkap atau terduplikasi. Data dikumpulkan apa adanya sesuai pada saat memasuk kan atau menyertakan data. Tabel 4.1 bentuk tidak normal Username Name Password Gender Address place_of_birth 106093003092 Indra Prasetyo f79a86fb8a54a Pria Jl. Tanah seratus Ciledug, Tangerang Jakarta 106093003082 Fathurrahman a9786fb27488 Pria Jl. Benteng, Grobogan, Jawa tengah Jakarta Date_of_birth Grade Email Telephone Id_class Class_desc 2007-11-28 1A 02193931415 1 Damaskus 2007-01-12 1A 08565761313 2 Al-Hamra id_testimoni Testimony Wali Day Date Hour 1 My child little by little can control his emotion. Thank you Ayah Sabtu 2010-10-28 15:36:31 2 My child is really have a talent in ballet dance. Ibu Jumat 2010-10-27 19:36:31 3 I can know the studying progress of my child easier. Thx Ayah Senin 2010-10-30 10:36:31 Photo Read Username Name Publish Attitude _id Attitude_desc Sub_id 6217.jpg Null 106093003092 Indra Prasetyo Y 1 Diligences and neatness 1 92 4325.jpg Null 106093003082 Fathurrahman Y 2 Orderly obey the rules 2 3562.jpg Null N Subject_ desc Smr_i d Rep_date Rep_ date_ end Username Name Gen_comment Tmr_ id Islamic 1 2008-01- 10 2008 -06- 10 106093003092 Indra Prasetyo Generally, indra is being changing, since his just be student until this semester. 1 Mathem atic 106093003082 Fathurrahman Fathur little by little can receive the lesson in mumtaza. 2 2008-06- 10 2008 -12- 10 Very attractive, sometime active, sometime calm, confidents, just need more little chance. 2 Rep_date Rep_date_ end Username Name Wr_i d Rep_ date Rep_date _end Notes 2008-03- 10 2008-03- 10 10609300 3092 Indra Prasetyo 1 2008- 01-10 2008-01- 17 Very interest when study about mathematic 10609300 3082 Fathurrahm an Rising when study about sport. 2008-06- 10 2008-03- 10 2 2008- 01-18 2008-01- 25 Decressing when lesson was studied last week. Topic_id Topic_desc Ability_id Ability_desc Achive_code 1 Spelling 1 Recognizing six pillars of iman. E 93 2 Counting basic 2 Introducing my self. C 3 Singing 3 Ordering word number from 1 to 10. B Achive_d esc Username Name Receiving _time Text Sender_n umb SMSCNum ber Id Establish ed has mastered this skill 10609300 3092 Indra Prasetyo 2008-08- 31 03:17:49 Sama-sama, semoga amal dan ibadah kita diterima disisi-Nya. 02193931 415 - 1 Consolida ting Demonst rates this skill on most occasion with some assistance 10609300 3082 Fathurrah man 2008-01- 31 00:23:34 Happy new year muharram for mumtaza. 08565761 313 - 2 Beginnin g Making progress with regular assistance 2008-11- 12 12:50:38 I‟m sory to Mrs. Idzah, she were mentor of my child, because my child feel a little headache. 08569342 1035 - 3 InsertIntoDB SendingTime DestinationNumb Text Id DeliveryRep 2010-05-04 13:52:07 2010-05-04 13:52:07 02193931415 Kpd. Yth. Ny. Baskoro, Jatuh Tempo pembayaran Angs. Anda tgl. 2010-05- 04 Mohn abaikan SMS ini bila telah melakukan pembayaran, Terimakasih 1 Yes 2010-05-04 14:40:03 2010-05-04 14:40:03 08565761313 Kpd. Yth. Sdr El Haqqi, Jatuh Tempo pembayaran Angs. Anda tgl. 2010-05- 04 Mohn abaikan SMS ini bila telah melakukan pembayaran, Terimakasih 2 Yes 2010-05-04 14:45:32 2010-05-04 14:45:32 085693421035 Kpd. Yth. Sdr El Haqiqi, Jatuh Tempo pembayaran 3 Yes 94 Angs. Anda tgl. 2010-05- 04 Mohn abaikan SMS ini bila telah melakukan pembayaran, Terimakasih Bentuk Normal Kesatu 1NF