Juvenile Delinquency and Adult Crime

I was stunned. The slap hurt all right, and a stone in the ring she was wearing had scratched me, so that was stinging. On top of that, I was shocked that she‟d hit me round the face. Teachers could hit you, but not round the face, I was sure of that. Stevens, 2008: 190 According to the quotation above, Tess is physically abused by her school teacher. She is being sl ap at her face leaving a mark of the teacher‟s ring on Tess‟ face.

4. Difficulties in Socializing

The fourth effect of the abuses experienced by Tess is difficulties in socializing. Children who have been abused seem to have problems in peer relationship. Physically abused and neglected children are more withdrawn and more open to conflict and hostility in their relationships with others Bolger et al in Corby, 2006: 189. The reason abused and neglected victims have difficulties in socializing is because they have difficulties in trusting other people, they tend to feel unsafe and worried of their surroundings, so they starts to create a boundary and awareness between themselves and others. The victims of abuse and neglect also feel unwanted and unloved, so they have low self-esteem and avoid social interactions. I didn‟t have any special friends at school – in fact I didn‟t really have friends at all. I just didn‟t get in the groups that other girls did. And they could never have come round to see me. Anyway, I had a feeling that they might tease me about Victor as he wasn‟t good-looking, and I didn‟t want the boys to start calling me Tit-up Tess again. Stevens, 2008: 171 From the quotation above it is described that Tess has difficulties in socializing with her friends at school. It is stated that she does not have any friend at school and could not join the groups of girls at school. The girls at school also do not found any interest to make friend with her. The mistrust Tess has towards her school mates creates a sense of worriedness in her. She worries if her school mates would tease her because of her boyfriend‟s appearance who is ugly and worried if the boys would call her „Tit-up Tess‟ again. Her difficulties in making friends and creating trust towards them is due to the neglect her mother did, that is by keeping her off school frequently. By keeping her off school, it would decrease her ability in socializing and interacting with her school mates. „Oh, bugger the washing,‟ she said. „Just get down the road and do what he wants. I‟ve been trying to get him here ever since his wife did a runner, so you be nice to him, understand?‟ What could I do? I nodded mechanically, and made my way out of the scullery, my feet dragging. Even though I‟d been expecting something, it didn‟t make it easier when it happened. Stevens, 2008: 142 From the quotation above it could be explained that Tess is trauma of being ordered to visit the neighbor because she had experienced in the past that she was abused because of visiting other people. It is stated above that she is worried of going to her neighbor‟s house. Her worriedness could be seen from how she reacted after being ordered by her mother to visit the neighbor‟s house.

D. The Effects of the Abuses on Tess‟ Personality Development

Abuse is one of the human crimes which occur around the world. It may occur in any social classes and any social status. Abuse also could be done by both men and women. The abuse which happens in Tess‟ life in the autobiography of Sold is a reflection of the phenomenon happens in the society. Abuse is an act which could cause negative and positive effects towards the victims. The effects of abuse which are classified as physical effects are dangerous and harmful for the victims, but, psychological effects could cause greater problems and influence the personality development of the victims. The abuses experienced by Tess affects her personality development. The effects of the abuses on her personality development are inferiority, role confusion, isolation, and generativity.

1. Inferiority

The first effect of the abuses on Tess‟ personality development is inferiority. Inferior or inferiority is the dystonic quality of the school age, the age from 6 until 13 years old. At this age, children will deal with the conflict between industry versus inferiority. Industry is the quality of a person who is hard- working. While inferiority, is describes as the feeling of not having the quality which is required by other people or by the society. Industry could emerge from a person in a condition if a person could accomplish the task given by others teachers or parents and given support to do their task, heshe will become industrious. However, a person would become inferior if heshe receives not enough support and if hisher work is being considered as insignificant by teachers, parents, or schoolmates. In the case of Tess, she becomes inferior due to the abuses she receives. The next day I was stiff and sore. It hurt to get washed and dressed, but I had to go to school. I was so scared of seeing Mother again. What if she turned her back on me for ever? What if she sent me away? I knew people at school were looking at me, but I ignored them. I didn‟t care what they thought. I only cared about Mother and getting back into her good books. Stevens, 2008: 184 The first quotation as that proves Tess becomes inferior could be seen above. From the text above, it could be explained that Tess loses her trust from

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