Psychological Abuse The Abuses Experienced by Tess

„Oh‟ I cried out, pushing his hand away. „You mustn‟t I‟ll tell my mum‟ No good. He pushed me off the sofa on to the floor and his knees were either side of me. He fumbled with his trousers and pulled out his willy. It was all stiff, and now I was hysterical with fear. I struggled and struggled, hitting him with my fist on his head and shoulders, but he just held me down with his other arm. He was so heavy. Now he was breathing harder than ever and his face was red. He suddenly jerked, and all this white stuff came out from his willy, splattering over my face and my vest. I was crying so hard I thought I would never stop. It was like being trapped in a nightmare. Stevens, 2008: 130 Tess is told by her mother to accompany the punter in his house. In the punter‟s house, Tess is being abused sexually. From the quotation above it could be seen that the sexual abuses she receives vary. First, her breasts are being squeezed by the punter. It is described that the punter moves his hand towards her chest and unbuttoned the buttons, after that he touches her breasts. Tess seems not to worry too much since she has experienced it several times previously. Her mother‟s words also soothe her; mother says that men like breasts since they are beautiful. It means that Tess‟ breasts are her uniqueness, and this makes her proud of her self. The second sexual abuse that she receives from the punter is by being touch in her genital area. The punter pulls her skirt up and sticks his hand up her knickers and touches Tess‟ private part. Tess dislikes this treatment, so, she tries to keep the man away from her. The third sexual abuse that she receives from the punter is being exposed to opposite sex‟s intimate organ. From the text above, it could be seen that the punter pushes Tess off the sofa on to the floor. After that, this sexual abuse occurs. The punter shows his intimate organ in front of Tess who is still underage. Tess struggles to keep the punter away from her, but she could not do it. Then, the worst thing happens when the punter ejects his sperm towards Tess‟ face and vest. He didn‟t push me to the floor, and he didn‟t let his hand wander downwards. Just undid my school blouse, lifted up my vest and felt all round my boobs. When he got his willy out, I knew to look away quickly. I studied the dresses again, wishing I could try on another one. They really were lovely. Keep looking at them, wait till he‟s finished. Stevens, 2008: 146 Tess also receives a similar treatment from another punter. Again, she is being sent by her mother to the house of the punter who is a dress designer. In this house, Tess is sexually abused by being touch in her breasts and being exposed towards male sexual organ directly. Tess does not like being treated like this. She shows her discomfort and dislike by keeping off her sight from the dress designer‟s sexual organ. Besides being abused by the punters, Tess is sexually abused by her step- father, Filth. Tess receives the sexual abuse when Filth visits her house. It could be seen from the quotation below. „Why don‟t we get acquainted?‟ he said. „Come and sit on my lap.‟ Sit on his lap? My whole self recoiled. What, get close to that stinking bundle of rags? Why? When I hesitated, he called out in a surprisingly strong voice, „Grace‟ And I heard my mother tap-tapping up the hall in her high-heeled shoes. „What‟s the matter?‟ she asked. „Little Tess here doesn‟t want to be friendly,‟ he said. Then he cackled. „She ain‟t so little, though, is she‟ Stevens, 2008: 54 Filth forces Tess to sit on his lap. At first, Tess hesitates, but Filth has an idea by telling her mom that she does not want to obey his order. Unfortunately, after telling Tess‟ mother, mother supported Filth and orders Tess to obey him. I jumped up, turning round to say, „Did you hear Mum call?‟ And that‟s when I saw it. His grubby, stained trousers were gaping open, and something was poking out, an ugly, swollen thing like a big slug. I realized immediately what it must be. I‟d seen my brothers, after all, and knew they had a willy between their legs. It never bothered me in the slightest, it was just what boys had and girls didn‟t. Now for the first time I saw a man‟s willy, and it was disgusting. I ran out of the room across the hall to the bedroom. I climbed on to the bed, shaking. I felt like crying. For some reason I couldn‟t explain, I felt dirty. Stevens, 2008: 55 Tess is sexually abused by Filth. He forces Tess to sit on his lap in order to abuse her by feeling her bottom and having sexual imagination of Tess. Filth also shows his sexual organ in front of Tess. It immediately disgusts her, makes her felt sick, and makes her cry. When a mother usually being a guardian of her own child. The figure of a guardian is absent from Tess‟ mother. Tess‟ mother becomes one of her fear in life. That is because she is one of the people who sexually abuses Tess. It didn‟t occur to me at the time, but later, when I‟d had more experience of life and men, I wondered how Mother had known I wouldn‟t actually be raped. I think I‟ve worked out why she made the „no penetration‟ rule in the first place. There‟d be evidence, physical evidence. Even if the man had used condom, like with her girls, I might have been injured. Or so traumatized that I couldn‟t keep our little secret, then all hell would have broken loose. Stevens, 2008: 240 After the sexual abuses Tess received from the punters and from Filth, she realizes that all of those sexual abuses are planned by her mother. Her mother did so in order to receive money from the punters and from Filth. The reason her mother could receive money from the punters is because before she send Tess to their houses, her mother made deals with the punters, that is by receiving money from the punters after they have fulfill their lust over Tess. That is how a deal is made between a madam of the prostitutes and the punters. An d the reason Tess‟ mother could receive money from Filth is because if she takes care of him and obeys his desire by making Tess obeys Filth, she would receive money from him. She also creates her own rule by forbidding the punters to penetrate Tess‟ intimate organ. She has her reasons for doing this. First, it could lead to physical evidence in Tess‟ intimate organ, even if the men had used condom. The second reason is that it could cause trauma towards Tess. If trauma occurs towards Tess, mother is afraid that Tess could not keep calm and exposed the sexual abuses she received to the public. This indeed could create problem for mother, since her act of selling her daughter to the punters is against the law. Another evident that Tess‟ mother sexually abuses Tess occurs when her mother tries to calm her when she orders her to visit the punter‟s house again. „Oh, don‟t worry about that,‟ said Mother, waving a hand. „It‟s sorted. I put the fear of God in him. If he tries that again, I‟ll have his guts for garters. He can go so far and no further, know what I mean?‟Stevens, 2008: 145-146 From the quotation above, it could be interpreted that Tess‟ mother tries to calm Tess after she feels uneasy since she is trauma of the sexual abuse she receives from this punter. Tess remembers that this punter whom is the dress designer have done awful sexual abuse that made her felt disgusted. At first, Tess refuses her mother order, but then her mother tries to convince her that nothing awful would happen to her agai n. Tess‟ mother told her that she had put the fear of God in the punter so the punter would not do that again, and mother would punish him if he dares to do that again. Her mother added that the punter could only touch her above the waist not below. This e xplanation shows that Tess‟ mother is involved in the planning of the sexual abuses committed to Tess. The

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