Parent‟s Divorce The Causes of the Abuses Experienced by Tess

she sees and hears about sex, she remembers the time when she was abused by the punters. Ronnie was coming out of prison in a couple of months, and thought I wanted to get away from home, I wasn‟t keen on living with him again. He was a nice man, and I did like him, but I just couldn‟t stand the sex. Stevens, 2008: 275 The third prove that Tess suffers from genophobia is when she wanted to get away from her partner, Ronnie. From the text above, it could be seen that Tess does not like the sexual intercourse she have with Ronnie. As previously stated by the researcher that Tess sees sex as something horrible and made her disgusted, that is the reason why she does not like sex. Her hatred towards sex is due to the sexual abuses she receives in her childhood. According to the text above, Tess wanted to leave Ronnie before he is free from prison, and she does not want to live with him anymore. I tried not to think of what had happened, but the memory kept sweeping back. I didn‟t have any more tears left to cry, though, so at least I didn‟t disturb the other kids. Push it away, push it away, I kept telling myself. You got through the other times, nobody died, you‟ll get through this. You know you will. Mother said you‟ll never have to do it again, so it‟s over. If there was one thing I clung to, it was that – it was over. I was still trying to sort it out in my head, that I was going to stand my ground. If Mother ever changed her mind and said I had to go out, I‟d say no. Stevens, 2008: 241 The fourth prove that Tess suffers from genophobia could be seen from the quotation above. The trauma of sexual abuse occurs to Tess. The memory of the time when she was sexually abused by the punters flashed back to her mind and this makes her feel uneasy. The sadness and the fear of the abuses really is a burden for her. It is proved by her statement above that she does not have any more tears left to cry. It means that her sadness and fear is too much for her until it makes her unable to express it by crying. Tess also tries to forget all of the memories of the sexual abuses she suffers by assuring herself that it would not happen again in the future because mother already told her that she does not have to go to visit the punters again. In addition, Tess assures herself by trying to gain the courage to speak up against mother whenever mother ask her to visit the punter again.

2. Juvenile Delinquency and Adult Crime

The second effect of the abuses experienced by Tess is juvenile delinquency and adult crime. Children who suffer from abuse and being neglected by their parents in term of education may turn delinquent and involve in crime. According to Corby 2006: 193-194 studies shows that about 20 per cent of abused children are more likely to be involved in crime in their teens and adulthood. In the case of Tess, she becomes delinquent and involve in crime. I‟m not proud of the life I‟ve led. It‟s pointless saying it, I know, but I wish I could turn the clock back. I‟d try to lead a decent life, an honest life, one where I wasn‟t used and where I didn‟t use anyone. Because I did go on to use people. I grew up in a brothel, and I ended up being a madam myself. I grew up with a mother who fenced bent gear, and I became a thief myself , hoisting from shops. Stevens, 2008: 252 From the quotation above it is described that Tess regrets her life and wishes she could fix her past. The reason she regrets her life is because she did not receive a decent and honest life. She was always being controlled by her mother to do as she planned. Her mother controls and leads Tess into a life of vice. Since childhood, Tess was exposed to prostitution, because she lives and

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