Research Design The Sources of the Data

the data related to the theory that was used in this research. Next, the researcher found any additional references to support the data. After that, he consulted the research with the first consultant Dr. Widyastuti Purbani, M.A., and the second consultant Eko Rujito Dwi Atmojo, M.Hum. Then, the researcher discussed the research with his friends; Happy Pramukti and Zidnie Ilma from the English Language and Literature Study Program of the State University of Yogyakarta to get their advice and support in order to create a better analysis of the work. The researcher chose those two students because both understand the theories used by the researcher. After the researcher did all of the steps, the research could be trustworthy. 45 CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS In this chapter, the researcher presents the discussion of the findings of the study. This chapter consists of four sub chapters. The first sub chapter is the abuses experienced by Tess. The second is the causes of the abuses experienced by Tess. The third is the effects of the abuses experienced by Tess. The fourth is the effects of the abuses on Tess‟ personality development.

A. The Abuses Experienced by Tess

In this autobiography, it is written that Tess suffers from several types of abuses during her childhood up to adulthood. There are several people who get involved in the abuse of Tess; her mother, step-fathers, partners, grandmother, caregiver, teacher, and the punters. These people abuse Tess in different ways. The types of abuses which Tess experienced are psychological abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, and physical abuse.

1. Psychological Abuse

Tess is a child who lives in a place which is open to a world of crime. She lives in a brothel, a house of prostitution. In this house she receives many types of abuses from her mother and step-father, Don. One of the abuses which she receives is psychological abuse. Abusers psychologically abuse others in order to gain control of the victim. In the following quotation, Tess‟ mother tries to control

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