Background of the Study

since they are considered as the most common violence that exists around the world. In the case of physical abuse, the abuser could cause physical damage to the victim, such as bruises and bone fracture. Sexual abuse could cause fatal problems, such as unusual changes in the genital area, pregnancy, and transmitted diseases. The lack of care to a childperson also has negative effects, such as child‟s poor personal hygiene and persistent hunger. Emotional abuse could give negative effects such as headache, nausea, and mental development problems. Although each type of these abuses has different effects, it can greatly influence human‟s personality development if it occurs continuously in the range of years. One of the factors that cause in abuse is the low economic level of a family. Unfortunately, many people are not aware that poverty can encourage the abusers to abuse their family members or others. Gilhan and his colleagues in Corby, 2006: 131 discovered that there is a correlation between male unemployment and abuse of children in a survey of nearly 7,000 cases in Strathclyde in the early 1990‟s. Another research done by the National Incident survey in 1996, they founded that the child sexual abuse were 18 times higher for children from poor families in the USA Sedlak and Broadhurst in Corby, 2006: 132. Human beings have the right to live in this world peacefully and receive freedom. According to the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary-3 rd Edition, freedom could be defined as “the condition or right of being able or allowed to do, say, think, etc. whatever you want to, without being controlled or limited. ” Unfortunately, some human beings do not have the equal right of freedom. Their freedoms are denied by the act of violence they get. Many people have been neglected, starved, and attacked cruelly, so abuse is considered as a serious problem around the world. There have been some cases of abuse in different countries. In New Guinea in the Bena-Bena area, selling and exchanging children as hostages occurred Serpcnti in Korbin 1981: 15. The cases of abuse could also be found in Britain. According to Pollock in Corby, 2006: 20, there were 385 tried cases of such a practice between 1785 and 1860. Another case happened in Cleveland in 1987. A number of 121 children were sexually violenced and most of them were abused anally Hobbs and Wynne in Corby, 2006: 44. Since many cases have occurred in some countries throughout the years, it is very important for people to prevent this act from happening since it is against the human right and limits freedom. Some literary works reflects the phenomenon of abuse since it is a reflection of human life. One of the literary works that strongly reflects human experience is an autobiography. Autobiography is a non-fictional story about a person which is written by the person itself. One of the autobiographies that talk about the phenomenon of abuse is Tess Stevens‟ autobiography entitled Sold. Although this autobiography contains t he issues of poverty and women‟s struggle, the researcher would like to focus on the abuses mentioned in the autobiography because it is the main issue of the book. The use of psychological approach in literature is appropriate because psychology and literature deals with the analysis of human. Although both have a similarity, psychology and literature differ in the dimension of the object. The dimension of the object of psychology is the real world, while the object of literature is the imagined world, which is the world of literary works which contain the reflection of human behaviors. Mimetic approach is appropriate to be used in psychological literary research since this approach seeks to see how well a work adjust with the real world. Tess Stevens was born and grew up in South London, Britain. She lived with her family in a brothel. Her mother, Grace, rent her to rich men when she was eleven years old. From this man she endured sexual abuse. In her adult life, Stevens followed her mother‟s step by opening a brothel. She then met Christine Keeler, the Kray twins, Myra Hindley, famous actors and politicians. Although many books about sexual abuse have been written, Tess Stevens‟ autobiography entitled Sold is more interesting because the main character the writer herself experience abuses, talks about the life of abused victim in a brothel, and talks about women‟s struggle in gaining wealth. Among the issues being talk in the autobiography, abuse is the most dominant issue in the autobiography entitled Sold. Tess experienced several abuses such as physical, sexual, neglect, and psychological abuses. She receives the abuses from her mother, step-fathers, friends, caregiver, teacher, partners, and punters. Due to these unpleasant treatments, she suffers from psychological problems in her childhood. These experiences do not only affect her childhood and adult life, but also her personality development. So, it is worthy to discuss the effects of the abuses on personality development.

B. Focus of the Study

Sold is an autobiography written by Tess Stevens. It was first published in Great Britain in 2008. There are several issues discussed in this autobiography. Among them are poverty, women‟s struggle, abuse, and personality development. This research focuses on psychological aspects of Tess Stevens autobiography in order to get information about abuse, the causes, the effects in general, and the effects on personality development. There are several effects of the abuses, such as genophobia, juvenile delinquency and adult crime, physical wound in certain area of the body, and difficulties in socializing. These effects affect Tess‟ personality development. It is interesting to analyze Tess Stevens‟ autobiography since an autobiography tells about the whole life of a person. By analyzing this autobiography, it will help the researcher gain more information about Tess ‟ personality development. The researcher analyzes the personality development of Tess as the abused victim by using Erikson‟s theory of the eight psychosocial stages. According to Erikson, human experiences eight psychosocial stages in life such as infancy, early childhood, play age, school age, adolescence, young adulthood, adulthood, and old age. The beginning of each stage will influence the next stages. As an example, the abuses which Tess experienced in her school age such as being sold to punters, affect her adulthood stage on how she treated her daughter. Based on the focus of this study stated above, the researcher formulates four research questions as follows. 1. What abuses are experienced by Tess? 2. What are the causes of the abuses experienced by Tess? 3. What are the effects of the abuses experienced by Tess? 4. What are the effects of the abuses on Tess ‟ personality development?

C. Objectives of the Study

The aims of this research are: 1. to find the abuses experienced by Tess, 2. to find the causes of the abuses experienced by Tess, 3. to find the effects of the abuses experienced by Tess, and 4. to find the effects of the abuses on Tess‟ personality development.

D. Significance of the Study

Based on the background and the objectives of this study as stated above, there are some benefits could be achieved by this study. Those benefits are:

1. Theoretically

This research is intended to give better understanding on literary study. It gives and broadens one‟s perspectives on personality development, abuse and psychological phenomena in a literary work. This research is also expected to give more information and knowledge on how to apply Erikson‟s psychosocial theory in analyzing a literary work. Hopefully this research is useful and can be used as a reference for other researchers.

2. Practically

First, this research may broaden the knowledge of the readers about abuse. Readers will be aware that there are many forms of abuses and each abuse could bring negative effects to a person. Second, this research may create a better understanding for the readers to understand human personality development. 11 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW This chapter deals with literature review. This chapter aims to give explanation on the theories used, previous research findings, and the conceptual framework of this research.

A. Theoretical Background

1. Literature and Psychology

Psychology of literature is interdisciplinary between psychology and literature. Since both psychology and literature deals with the world and human as a social and living being, the use of psychological approach is considered important in literary research. The use of psychology is also considered common in interpreting literature Moghaddam, 2004: 512. According to Moghaddam 2004: 516 psychology and literature have a difference. Psychology deals with the real world and human behavior, while literature deals with the imagined world and human behavior. But this difference only differs in a matter of factuality, not on the object. The use of psychological approach in analyzing literary works is not a new thing in a research. An observation done by some psychologist including Freud, stated that the idea of „psychology is literature‟ is not a new thing Moghaddam, 2004: 519. Freud himself actually did not create the principles of psychoanalysis; he only found it in human beings. Freud did not create all theory of human behaviors; he only explained the principles of human behaviors. The behaviors of human beings would still exist whether Freud did or did not create that principle Tyson, 2006: 37. So, literary texts dealing with human being or human behaviors are included as psychoanalytic, and all criticism is included as psychological criticism because all criticism and theory proceed from assumptions about the psychology of the humans who make or experience or are portrayed in literature Holland, 1990: 29. Literature is a mirror of life since it reflects the reality. Literary works are reflection of human behavior and the world. Since literature is a reflection of human behavior and the real world, the mimetic approach is appropriate to be used. This approach seeks to see how well a work adjust with the real world. The term mimesis is derived from the Greek mimesis, meaning to imitate. According to Abrams 1953: 8 the explanation of art is imitation of aspects of the universe. Painting, poetry, music, dance, and sculpture are all imitations according to Socrates in Abrams, 1953: 8. Through the eighteen century, art is believed to be an imitation. Hurd in Abrams, 1953: 11-12 said in his ‘Discourse on Poetical Imitation’ that „All poetry, to speak with Aristotle and the Greek critics is imitation‟. In addition, Aristotle in Abrams, 1953: 9 also defines literature as imitation. Epic poetry, tragedy, comedy, and dithyrambic poetry are imitation. In relation to psychology and literature, there are three important elements Abrams in Minderop, 2013: 61. The first element is that researcher has to observe the author to explain the work. Second, understand the author regardless its work. The way to do this is by analyzing the biography of the author to

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