Focus of the Study

human beings would still exist whether Freud did or did not create that principle Tyson, 2006: 37. So, literary texts dealing with human being or human behaviors are included as psychoanalytic, and all criticism is included as psychological criticism because all criticism and theory proceed from assumptions about the psychology of the humans who make or experience or are portrayed in literature Holland, 1990: 29. Literature is a mirror of life since it reflects the reality. Literary works are reflection of human behavior and the world. Since literature is a reflection of human behavior and the real world, the mimetic approach is appropriate to be used. This approach seeks to see how well a work adjust with the real world. The term mimesis is derived from the Greek mimesis, meaning to imitate. According to Abrams 1953: 8 the explanation of art is imitation of aspects of the universe. Painting, poetry, music, dance, and sculpture are all imitations according to Socrates in Abrams, 1953: 8. Through the eighteen century, art is believed to be an imitation. Hurd in Abrams, 1953: 11-12 said in his ‘Discourse on Poetical Imitation’ that „All poetry, to speak with Aristotle and the Greek critics is imitation‟. In addition, Aristotle in Abrams, 1953: 9 also defines literature as imitation. Epic poetry, tragedy, comedy, and dithyrambic poetry are imitation. In relation to psychology and literature, there are three important elements Abrams in Minderop, 2013: 61. The first element is that researcher has to observe the author to explain the work. Second, understand the author regardless its work. The way to do this is by analyzing the biography of the author to reconstruct the author from its life, and use the author‟s work as a life record. Third, reading a literary work to find the mirror of personality of the author.

2. Erik Erikson‟s Psychosocial Theory

a. The principle of psychosocial theory

Erik Homburger Erikson was born in Germany in 1902. He was a psychoanalyst whose aim was to extend Freud‟s perception on personality development. Erikson graduated from the Vienna Psychoanalytic Institute before coming to the United States in 1933. He became a citizen of the United States in 1939 and contributed greatly to literature on psychoanalysis, personality theory, educational practice, and social anthropology. Eri kson‟s post-Freudian theory develops Freud‟s developmental stages into adolescence, adulthood, and old age. According to Erikson, each of the stages has its influence on personality development. According to Erikson in Feist and Feist , 2008: 246 “ego is the partially unconscious organizing agency that synthesizes our present experiences with past self-identities and also with anticipated images of self. He defined the ego as a person‟s ability to unify experiences and actions in an adaptive manner.” Erikson in Feist and Feist , 2008: 246 “stated the three interrelated aspects of ego: the body ego, the ego ideal, and ego identity.” The body ego refers to experiences with our body, a way to see our physical self differently from others. The ego ideal represents the image of us compared to another ideal ego. The ideal ego is responsible for the satisfaction of our physical

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