This chapter presents the discussion of research methodology and procedures employed in this research. It is organized into seven major sections, namely, research design, nature of data, source of data, data gathering instruments, procedure of data collection, data analysis and interpretation and triangulation.

3.1 Research Design

The goal of this research is mainly to discover the correlation among metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery, and reading comprehension. Besides, it also studies s tudents’ perception of the correlation of metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery, and reading comprehension. Consequently, the research was designed based on the theory of a mixed-method approach. The researcher employed both correlational research and qualitative survey research design in order to answer the research questions. The mixed-method approach was designed in sequential explanatory strategy. According to Creswell, 2003, the sequential explanatory strategy aims to use the qualitative results to help in explaining and interpreting the finding of a primarily qualitative study. In this research, the qualitative analysis was used to explain and interpret the relationship among the variables and to describe data on variable of interest, which was on the use of metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery, and reading comprehension. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

3.2 Nature of Data

The data in this research consisted of quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data were primarily gathered in this research because the correlational research mainly dealt with quantitative data. The qualitative data were used as the additional information and clarifications of the correlational results. Basically, two major techniques were employed in the research for the data collection, namely tests and questionnaire. The quantitative data were obtained from the tests of vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension and metacognitive learning strategy questionnaire. The type of the data obtained from the tests was interval data. This close-ended questionnaire with 5-points Likert scale revealed the data in the forms of interval data which was then converted into nominal categorical data. The data were converted in order to make them able to be operated by using statistical analysis of Multiple Regression. Besides the data of the tests and questionnaire, the data were also obtained from an interview. Normally, the interview data were in the forms of students’ perceptions of the correlation among metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery, and reading comprehension. Those were verbal data.

3.3 Source of Data

For gathering the quantitative data, the population was the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Depok that consisted of 194 students in six classes XI IPA 1, XI IPA 2, XI IPA 3, XI IPS 1, XI IPS 2, and XI IPS 3. The school is located in Sleman DIY. The students were in the second semester. Furthermore, the research was conducted in February - March 2016. A cluster sampling PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI technique was used in order to get the sample which consisted of 32 students in one class. By using this sampling technique, the class was selected randomly. After doing the selection, then the class was determined as the sample. This technique was chosen for the sake of teaching learning process smoothness. Moreover, the consideration of choosing this technique was because of small possibilities to find a certain place or class for the sample to do the tests. Meanwhile, for the qualitative data, three students were selected as the sample to be involved in an in-depth interview concerning on the students’ perception of the correlation of metacognitive learning strategy and vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension by using purposeful sampling technique. Each student was selected based on the highest, middle, and lowest scores of the tests of metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension.

3.4 Data Gathering Instrument

For data gathering instruments, the main data of the research were collected through tests and a questionnaire. The followings are the descriptions of the instruments.

3.4.1 The instrument of metacognitive learning strategy

The instrument that was used to assess the metacognitive learning strategy was the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning SILL Version 7.0 developed by Oxford 1990. The original SILL consisted of 50 fifty statements but only six strategies concerning on the metacognitive strategy were adopted and adapted to fit the research purpose. In order to make the instrument become richer, four statements were personally added by the researcher, which had been adopted and adapted from Metacognitive Strategies by Chamot et al., 1999. The questionnaire PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI was in the forms of 5-point Likert scale which was used to indicate the frequency of the usage were never, seldom, sometimes, usually, and always. The metacognitive learning strategy was designed to allow the students to control their own reading by organizing, planning, and evaluating as seen in the following table . Table 3.1 Blueprint of Metacognitive Learning Strategy Oxford, 1990:153 and Chamot et al., 1999:13 Type Clarification Item numbers Planning Advance preparation 1 Directed attention 2 Monitoring Vocabulary monitoring 3 Comprehension monitoring 4 Note taking 5 Understanding checking 6 Problem-solving Activate background knowledge 7 Imaginary use 8 Evaluating Summarizing 9 Self-evaluation 10

3.4.2 The instrument of vocabulary mastery

The instrument used to assess vocabulary mastery was a test in form of multiple choices consisted of 34 items. Each test was adopted and adapted from Senior High School students’ English books and exercises based on the current curriculum. The specification of the test of vocabulary mastery included lists of words inits context such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and conjunctions. The test was used in order to measure the students’ comprehensive vocabulary knowledge involving knowledge of language and their ability to put and use it in context. “Any vocabulary test, therefore, needs to take into account the multi- dimensional aspects of word knowledge. ” Thornbury 2002:130. The test was PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI designed to test word ’s meaning based on the context as one of the aspects of word knowledge since this research focused on depth of vocabulary knowledge.

3.4.3 The instrument of reading comprehension

The instrument used to assess reading comprehension was a test in form of multiple choices. Each test consisted of 25 items adopted and adapted from Senior High School students’ English books and exercises based on the current curriculum. In addition, Brown, 2004 suggested eight specifications of the questions to measure students’ reading comprehension. The specifications helped the researcher easier to propose the test of reading comprehension. After conducting observation on the subject of this research, the eleventh grade students should receive some texts which consisted of 250 to 300 words in one text. It is supported by Brown, 2004:206, he states that the set of questions should be based on a 250-word passage that covers the eight features. Therefore, in the reading comprehension test, three short texts consisting of 250-290 words in one text with the eight features were used as seen clearly in the following below. Table 3.2 The specification of Reading Comprehension Brown, 2004:206 No Indicator Item number Odd Even 1 Main idea topic 5, 17 14 2 Expressionsidiomsphrases in context 3, 13 18 3 Inference implied detail 15 4, 22 4 Grammatical features 9 2, 20 5 Detail scanning for a specifically stated detail 23 8, 12 6 Excluding facts not written unstated detail 6, 16, 24 7 Supporting idea 7, 11, 21 8 Vocabulary in context 1, 19 10, 25 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI