Hypothesis testing Inferential statistics

Meanwhile, the significant coefficient is 0.07 which is greater than 0.05 sig = 0.07 0.05. It is concluded that the correlation coefficient between metacognitive learning strategy and reading comprehension is not significant. In addition, the correlation between metacognitive learning strategy and vocabulary mastery is 0.44 which is bigger than 0.00 and the coefficient is 0.00 r = 0.44 0.00 and sig = 0.00 0.05. It is found that there is a positive and significant correlation between students’ metacognitive learning strategy and vocabulary mastery and this correlation is considered medium. It means that if their metacognitive learning strategy is high, their vocabulary mastery will also be high. On the contrary, if their metacognitive learning strategy is low, their vocabulary mastery would also be low. The other result shows that the correlation between vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension is 0.70 which is bigger than 0.00 and the coefficient is 0.00 r = 0.70 0.00 and sig = 0.00 0.05. It is concluded that there is a positive and significant correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension and this correlation is considered large. It means that if their vocabulary mastery is high, their reading comprehension would also be high. On the contrary, if their vocabulary mastery is low, their reading comprehension will also be low. According to the significant coefficient, the most predictable is vocabulary mastery. It means that vocabulary mastery is the best predictor of reading comprehension.

4.1.2 Qualitative

In addition to the quantitative results explained above, this research is also reported in qualitative description and interpretation of the relationship among metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery, and reading comprehension. In this part, qualitative data are presented to support the statistical correlations which are discussed previously. The explanation is seen in the following parts. Qualitative data qualitative survey method

The results of quantitative data previously are supported by the qualitative data that were obtained through an in-depth interview with the students. The interviews were conducted to reveal the students’ perceptions of the correlation of metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery, and reading comprehension. Moredetailed information about how they used their metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension, their feelings and opinions in their reading comprehension could be investigatedby using the interview. After the data were obtained from the interviews, they were transcribed and coded. The samples of students’ responses are presented as follows. Table 4.8 Sample of Students’ Responses from the Interview Interview Point Theme Sample Response Reading Comprehension Students’ interest in reading “I like reading because by reading I can increase vocabulary and knowledge.” AD04 Students’ knowledgeunderstanding of reading “Reading is an activity to seek new knowledge. We are able to obtain much knowledge and it becomes wider by reading.” AA11 Metacognitive Learning Strategy Students’ advance preparation “Yes. It is sometimes, but not really.” AE18 Students’ understanding checking “It is connected.” AA25 Interview Point Theme Sample Response Metacognitive Students’ self-evaluation “Yes. It is connected.” AA26 Learning Strategy Students’ perceptions of the relationship between metacognitive learning strategy and their reading comprehension “A half.” AD19 Students’ note taking “I absolutely take note.”AE32 Students’ summarizing “If it is related to my study, I summarize. AD27 Students’ perceptions of the relationship between metacognitive learning strategy and vocabulary mastery “If I take note around 80.” AE35 Vocabulary Mastery Students’ perceptions of the relationship between vocabulary mastery and their reading comprehension “Yes. It is related. If we do not master all words, we do not know the meaning. There will be many missing words that we have not known yet so that it will be better for us to master the words.” AE38 Every word has its role. Since I know it is based on the context so that I can comprehend more. AA45 Students’ perceptions of the relationship of metacognitive learning strategy , vocabulary mastery and their reading comprehension It is because I feel comfortable and I have used that way from I was child. Yes. I have been taught through that way everyday than the other one. Choosing reading materials and summarizing refer more to Indonesian but English is different. It uses nouns which are based on the context. AE47 The table shows several responses from the students obtained through the interview. The students’ responses are elaborated based on the themes as presented below. Reading comprehension

This section presents AD, AE, and AA’s perceptions of learning English concerning on metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension. AD was the low-achiever of the test scores, AE was the middle- achiever of the test scores, and AA was the high-achiever of the test scores. They were all female students. Both AD and AA wore veil but they had different characters. AA was not a talkative student while AA and AE were talkative ones. The researcher recognized this from the first time she met them in their class, XI 1PS 1. It was in the first test. It had completely been proven by the in-depth interviews that were done on March 2016. The students liked reading and one of them, AD, felt that reading could entertain her. They were very pleased to give their time to be interviewed that made the interview successful to be done. By reading, students could improve their vocabulary and it absolutely provided positive contribution on their knowledge. “I like reading because by reading I can increase vocabulary and knowledge.” AD04 “I just love it, hehe because it is the bridge of knowledge.” AA03 “Not bad but it depends on the situation. If it is for school tasks, perhaps, I will love reading so much at that time.” AE08 The students’ responses showed that they were positively interested in reading. They were able to improve their vocabulary by reading. In relation to their tasks at school, reading made them need it to support their tasks. Mostly, the tasks were related to several texts that needed to be comprehended by the students. Based on the current curriculum, the students should comprehend several texts until they were in grade twelve as most questions they would receive in the National Examination were about how they comprehendedtexts. For that reason, they had been prepared well to be able to comprehend texts. Comprehending texts referred to their reading comprehension. Reading was an activity that can improve and add new knowledge to its readers. By more reading, the knowledge could be wider. Besides reading provided helpful contribution on its reader, it could entertain the reader. “Yes. It is an activity to increase vocabulary and to entertain myself, hehe.” AD06 “Reading is an activity to increase our knowledge so that we know what going on in the world is. It is not only based on one point of view that can be seen but also according to books, we are able to see what happens in the world.” AE09 “Reading is an activity to seek new knowledge. We are able to obtain much knowledge and it becomes wider by reading.” AA11 The responses above enlightened that reading was an activity to obtain new knowledge including vocabulary. The knowledge could be wider by more reading. Moreover, reading could entertain for several persons. In fact, the students did not always understand when they were reading texts. Some reading materials were difficult to be comprehended by them. Some were not. It was related to the differences of difficulty level of several texts. “Not all can be understood. It is because every book must contain its discussion that cannot also be understood maybe.” AE10 “If the discussion is easy to be understood.” AD07 “Not always. There are some texts that cannot be understood.” AA14 Their responses above revealed that they could not understand every text they read. They would understand easy texts for them while the difficult ones cannot be simply comprehended. If it was seen from each student’s capability, they all experienced the difficulty in comprehending texts. It means that PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI occasionally, those who always have high achievements also cannot understand several texts. In relation to the difficulty of comprehending texts, each student had her own ways to anticipate her difficulties. The ways they chose in order to make reading materials easier to be understood mostly work. It depended on each student. “If we know the words, we certainly know the reading. However, if we do not know them, we do not know what the reading is about.” AD11 “Usually, there is S-P-O-K in Indonesian. As an example, I do not understand the part of predicate, it means that the previous one is the subject, isn’t it? Then, what probably the predicate is.” AE16 “As an example, from several words, we do not know the meaning of one word but if it is seen from the whole sentence, it can be understood.” AA22 According to the responses, they referred more on words to make the reading materials easier to be understood. They believed that if they could distinguish some words according to the context such as the predicate and subject, they could guess the meaning of whole sentence. Mastering words made them easier to comprehend the texts they are reading. It means that vocabulary mastery is positively related to their reading comprehension. Beside their mastery of vocabulary, they reread for several times to understand some texts. Various techniques were chosen by the students in order to make their reading comprehension successfully work. “Sometimes, if by reading once it can be understood, I read once. However, if I cannot completely understand, I reread for several times. AD08 “Guessing what it is like. Usually, there is a test, one difficult vocabulary then, what the next one is.