Metacognitive learning strategy Qualitative data qualitative survey method

them so that they would summarize if they thought summarizing was related to their subject. As parts of metacognitive learning strategy, taking notes and summarizing were contributive to their vocabulary mastery. They had contribution to the students’ vocabulary mastery. Each student got positive contribution on her mastery of vocabulary. “A little.” AD29 “Yes, big.” AE34 “Yes.” AA40 The students’ responses above showed that all of them agreed that metacognitive learning strategy was closely related to their mastery of vocabulary mastery. By taking notes and summarizing, they were able to master their vocabulary more. It could be concluded that metacognitive learning strategy and vocabulary mastery had a positive relationship. Metacognitive learning strategy was positively contributive to vocabulary mastery. The students’ vocabulary mastery positively improved by taking notes while reading and summarizing after reading. They claimed that by applying these strategies in their reading comprehension, they could develop their vocabulary mastery. “The improvement is progressed.”AD30 “Yes. It can.” AE37 “Yes.” AA41 The responses above explained that the students agreed that metacognitive learning strategy provided positive contribution to their vocabulary mastery. Metacognitive learning strategy was able to improve their mastery of vocabulary. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI They could improve their vocabulary mastery by applying metacognitive learning strategy. Vocabulary mastery

As the second independent variable, students’ vocabulary mastery had a closed relationship with their reading comprehension. The relationship was proven by the students’ perceptions of the use of English words based on the context on their reading comprehension. Comprehending a text through mastering English words such as adjectives, adverbs, nouns and others in context was considered easier to help them understand more. “If it is like that, I can understand.” AD32 “Yes. It is related. If we do not master all words, we do not know the meaning. There will be many missing words that we have not known yet so that it will be better for us to master the words.” AE38 Their responses above proved that they were able to understand a text more if they had mastered vocabulary according to its context. It means that their vocabulary mastery is positively related to their reading comprehension. Since by mastering vocabulary based on the context they got easier to comprehend a text, the students’ mastery of vocabulary was important to be increased to support their reading comprehension. The stud ents’ vocabulary mastery was connected to their reading comprehension since they were able to comprehend some texts by mastering English words according to its context. Therefore, it can be stated that their vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension have a positive relationship. “It is related.” AD34 “Yes. It is related. It is because I can understand more. If we do not master the words, how we can understand in that reading” AE40 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI “It is connected. Since I studied autodidact so I do not really understand what the S-P-O-K is. The important thing is guessing, hehe.” AA43 Their responses revealed that they could comprehend several texts more if they had vocabulary mastery because they needed to master the English words based on the contexts to help them comprehend better. The more they mastered vocabulary, the better they comprehended texts. It means that vocabulary mastery have a positive relationship with reading comprehension. The students’ vocabulary mastery provided useful contributions on their reading comprehension. The contributions of vocabulary mastery on reading comprehension explained that these two things were closely connected. The relationship between vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension was considered big. “Yes. Big.” AE41 “Big.” AA46 The responses above showed that vocabulary mastery was contributive in helping the students to comprehend several texts. If they mastered vocabulary, they would comprehend the texts better. On contrary, if they did not master vocabulary, they would get difficulty to comprehend the texts since vocabulary mastery gave big contributions on their reading comprehension. In relation to vocabulary mastery as a big contribution, the students preferred using their vocabulary mastery to support them to comprehend some texts. They chose vocabulary mastery as a big input since it made them comprehend better. They succeeded to achieve their reading comprehension by using their mastery of vocabulary. “I refer more to the vocabulary.” AD42 “The A, understand noun and others. “ AE46 “The A.” AA49 Their responses explained that they chose and used their mastery of the English words such as adjectives, adverbs, nouns in context to comprehend texts. They used more of vocabulary mastery to assist them to comprehend texts. They used their vocabulary mastery because they had used it in their daily lives and it worked to make them succeed to comprehend the texts. “Just like before, if the vocabulary can be understood, it can be understood.” AD43 “It is because I feel comfortable and I have used that way from I was child. Yes. I have been taught through that way everyday than the other one. Choosing reading materials and summarizing refer more to Indonesian but English is different. It uses nouns which are based on the context.” AE47 Their responses above explained that they would comprehend better if they understood and master vocabulary. They often used vocabulary mastery as a big contribution in their reading comprehension.


This research mainly aims at discovering the relationship among metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery, and reading comprehension since the hypothesis presented in this research is that there is a positive correlation among metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery, and reading comprehension. To strengthen the findings of this research, the mixed-method design was implemented. The discussions are presented based on the hypothesis as seen in the following parts. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 4.2.1 The Correlation among Metacognitive Learning Strategy, Vocabulary Mastery and Reading Comprehension The analysis of the quantitative data reveals the answer of the first research question. According to the analysis of inferential statistic results by using the Multiple Regression, it is statistically found that there is a positive and significant relationship between metacognitive learning strategy and vocabulary mastery with reading comprehension and the relationship can be generalized. In relation to the first research question, it is concluded that there is a positive and significant relationship among metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension. It can be stated that if metacognitive learning strategy and vocabulary mastery are high, then reading comprehension is accordingly high. On the contrary, if metacognitive learning strategy and vocabulary mastery are low, then reading comprehension is accordingly low. The Multiple Regression analysis results show that the relationship among metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension can be predicted. The score of reading comprehension can be predicted from the score of metacognitive learning strategy and vocabulary mastery. The R value is smaller than α 0.000 0.05. Qualitatively, the previous discussion on the relationship between metacognitive learning strategy and vocabulary mastery, metacognitive learning strategy and reading comprehension and vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension support the statistical results of this research. The high-achiever, the middle-achiever and the low-achiever preferred using their vocabulary mastery to support them to comprehend some texts. They chose vocabulary mastery as a big input since it made them comprehend better. They succeeded to achieve their reading comprehension by using their mastery of vocabulary. They chose and used their mastery of the English words such as adjectives, adverbs, nouns in context to comprehend texts. They used more their vocabulary mastery to assist them to comprehend texts than their metacognitive learning strategy. They used their vocabulary mastery because they had used it in their daily lives and it worked to make them succeed to comprehend the texts. They would comprehend better if they understood and mastered vocabulary. Therefore, they frequently used more their vocabulary mastery as a big contribution than their metacognitive learning strategy in their reading comprehension.

4.2.2 The Correlation between Metacognitive Learning Strategy and Reading Comprehension

In relation to the relationship between metacognitive leraning strategy and reading comprehension, this correlation is 0.26 which is greater than 0.00 r = 0.26 0.00. It means that there is a positive correlation between metacognitive learning strategy and reading comprehension. This finding supports a research by Zare 2011 which shows that metacognitive learning strategy is the best predictor of reading comprehension achievement. This finding is in line with other study which reveals that there is a significant positive correlation between metacognitive strategy use and English reading achievement Zhang and Sheepo, 2013. Moreover, this positive relationship is supported by the results of in-depth interview conducted to low-achiever, middle-achiever and high-achiever. The students claimed that their metacognitive learning strategy had contribution to PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI their reading comprehension and metacognitive learning strategy and reading comprehension were related each other. All of them agreed that choosing the reading materials that they want to read only, checking comprehension several times when they were reading, and evaluating comprehension after reading had contribution on their reading comprehension. It means that the strategies arerelated to their reading comprehension. The results are supported by their statements about the contribution of metacognitive learning strategy on their reading comprehension. They stated that metacognitive learning strategy was contributive to their reading comprehension Meanwhile, the contribution of metacognitive learning strategy to reading comprehension is considered small. The significant coefficient of metacognitive learning strategy and their reading comprehensionis 0.07 which is greater than 0.05 sig = 0.07 0.05. It is concluded that the correlation coefficient between metacognitive learning strategy and reading comprehension is not significant. It means that metacognitive learning strategy has less contribution in students’ reading comprehension. This result is supported by the results of the in-depth interview conducted to middle-achiever and low-achiever. The students claimed that metacognitive learning strategy and reading comprehension had a weak correlation. Not all students had the same opinion that metacognitive learning strategy was highly contributive since some of them thought that metacognitive learning strategy had less contribution on their reading comprehension. It showed that metacognitive learning strategy did not give big contribution on their reading comprehension. Meanwhile, the high-achiever claimed that metacognitive learning strategy PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI