Vocabulary mastery Qualitative data qualitative survey method

their reading comprehension and metacognitive learning strategy and reading comprehension were related each other. All of them agreed that choosing the reading materials that they want to read only, checking comprehension several times when they were reading, and evaluating comprehension after reading had contribution on their reading comprehension. It means that the strategies arerelated to their reading comprehension. The results are supported by their statements about the contribution of metacognitive learning strategy on their reading comprehension. They stated that metacognitive learning strategy was contributive to their reading comprehension Meanwhile, the contribution of metacognitive learning strategy to reading comprehension is considered small. The significant coefficient of metacognitive learning strategy and their reading comprehensionis 0.07 which is greater than 0.05 sig = 0.07 0.05. It is concluded that the correlation coefficient between metacognitive learning strategy and reading comprehension is not significant. It means that metacognitive learning strategy has less contribution in students’ reading comprehension. This result is supported by the results of the in-depth interview conducted to middle-achiever and low-achiever. The students claimed that metacognitive learning strategy and reading comprehension had a weak correlation. Not all students had the same opinion that metacognitive learning strategy was highly contributive since some of them thought that metacognitive learning strategy had less contribution on their reading comprehension. It showed that metacognitive learning strategy did not give big contribution on their reading comprehension. Meanwhile, the high-achiever claimed that metacognitive learning strategy PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI provided big contribution on her reading comprehension because she was the smartest student in her class that was very aware of the use of metacognitive learning strategy. She was an active student. She could always do every task given by their teacher successfully that made her always get high score in every subject. This condition explained that she barely got difficulty in her reading comprehension since she was aware of the use of metacognitive learning strategy. The importance of students’ awareness of using strategies is stated by Cotterall and Reinders, 2004. They state that “they who are more aware about the strategies used and the reasons of using the strategies are the successful language learners .” She successfully used this strategy to support her reading comprehension. Despite of less contribution, metacognitive learning strategy helped them to comprehend several texts. The contribution of this learning strategy on reading comprehension is also necessary for the students to support them to comprehend better. Since students need to require both metacognitive learning strategy and vocabulary mastery to improve their reading comprehension, these two things are very important in order to gain success in reading comprehension. Metacognitive learning strategy has impacts on students’ reading comprehension. In order to support their success in reading comprehension, they also need vocabulary mastery. It means that metacognitive learning strategy and vocabulary must be improved well to be successful in reading comprehension, Renandya, 2015.

4.2.3 The Correlation between Metacognitive Learning Strategy and Vocabulary Mastery

In addition, the correlation between metacognitive learning strategy and vocabulary mastery is 0.44 which is bigger than 0.00 and the coefficient is 0.00 r = 0.44 0.00 and sig = 0.00 0.05. It is found that there is a positive and significant correlation between students’ metacognitive learning strategy and vocabulary mastery. This finding supports other related study by Siagiyanto 2015. His research shows that there is correlation between metacognitive strategy and vocabulary mastery. It means that if their metacognitive learning strategy is high, their vocabulary mastery will be also high. On the contrary, if their metacognitive learning strategy is low, their vocabulary mastery would be also low. Moreover, this positive relationship is supported by the results of in-depth interview conducted to low-achiever, middle-achiever and high-achiever. Metacognitive learning strategy had contribution to the students’ vocabulary mastery. Each student got positive contribution on her mastery of vocabulary. All of them agreed that metacognitive learning strategy was closely related to their mastery of vocabulary. By taking notes and summarizing, they were able to master their vocabulary more. It can be concluded that metacognitive learning strategy and vocabulary mastery have a positive relationship. “This relationship seems logical; to get meaning from what they read, students need both a great many words in their vocabularies and the ability to use various strategies to establish the meanings of new words when they encounter them.” Lehr et al., 2001. They who are more aware of metacognitive learning strategy in learning