Descriptive statistics Data Analysis

checking or triangulation” For the qualitative data of this research, validating was done by doing member checking. In this research, the interview data were presented by the researcher in the forms of descriptive details related to the students’ perceptions of the correlation of metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension. The descriptive qualitative data were essentially used in order to support and explain the quantitative findings.

3.8 Triangulation

A methodological triangulation was implemented in this research in order to convince the readers about the empirical data in data analysis. Triangulation was defined as a process of verification in order to increases validity by incorporating point of views and methods. In the social sciences, this methodological triangulation was the combination of two or more theories, data sources, methods or investigators of a single phenomenonin one research to converge on a single construct. Moreover, this method could be used in both quantitative validation and qualitative inquiry studies Yeasmin, 2012. As a paradigm of triangulation, a mixed method involving a correlational research and a descriptive qualitative research was implemented in this research. An analysis of the quantitative data was used to find out the correlation between metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery, and reading comprehension. Then, the result s obtained from an interview of students’ perceptions were described to support the quantitative data. Therefore, since the results of the quantitative data were supported by the results of the analysis from the qualitative data, then, they were considered valid because they supported each other. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 52


This chapter presents the analysis results and discussion. The first section is the analysis results. This section is presented to describe the quantitative data, verify the hypothesis proposed in Chapter 2 and to describe the qualitative data. The second section is the discussion. This section is presented to discuss the analysis results.


As mentioned previously, this research has two research questions. The first research question is Is there a positive relationship among metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension? The second research question is What is the students perception of the correlation of metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery, and their reading comprehension? The first research question is answered with quantitative data. Meanwhile, the second research question is answered with the qualitative data.

4.1.1 Quantitative

The data were quantitatively analyzed to find out the correlation among metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery, and reading comprehension. Both inferential statistic and descriptive statistic were used to analyze the data in this research. The descriptive statistic was used to find the mean, range, standard deviation, while inferential statistic was used to find the correlation among the three variables.