The instrument of reading comprehension

Figure 3.1 Procedure of Data Collection The figure showed that firstly, theresearcher chose the population and sample by using cluster random sampling technique. The technique was a probability sampling procedure that gave every class an equal chance to be selected and tended to produce representative sample. By using the sampling technique, all classes were raffled and shuffled to be selected as the sample. The selected class was XI IPS 1 consisting of 32 students. Then, this step provided the population and sample to be studied. Secondly, she conducted pilot study as one of the ways to measure the validity and reliability of the instruments of the research. The pilot study was done by involving three students of English Language Studies of Sanata Dhrama University. After conducting the pilot study, the results showed that the tests and questionnaires should be revised in order to make the instruments useable and comprehensible. The revising involved the grammatical andmorphology errors. Thirdly, the researcher distributed try out for the tests of vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension and questionnaire of metacognitive learning strategy to XI IPS 2 class. The test of vocabulary mastery consisted of 50 items while reading comprehension test consisted of 25 items. After being analyzed, the results showed that 16 items of the test of vocabulary mastery were not valid. Therefore, only 34 items of multiple choices which were valid ware used and 25 items of reading comprehension test which were valid and used to be tested. Meanwhile, metacognitive learning strategy questionnaire consisted of 10 items. After being analyzed by using Pearson Product Moment Correlation in SPSS 16.0 Program, the results showed that all items of the questionnaire were valid. Therefore, the 10 items of questionnaire were used to be tested for the research. Fourthly, the researcher distributed the two tests and questionnaire to XI IPS 1 class which was the sample of this research. The students did the questionnaire of metacognitive learning strategy and reading comprehension test in the same day while the test of vocabulary mastery was done in different day. This tests and questionnaire were finished in three days. This step provided the students’ scores of the tests of vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension and the questionnaire of metacognitive learning strategy. Fifthly, after the students’ scores were analyzed, the researcher computed the data of the scores into SPSS 16.0 program by using the Multiple Regression. This step gave the results of the quantitative data. The results of computations PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI