Reading comprehension Qualitative data qualitative survey method

less motivated. However, since metacognitive learning strategy helped them focus on one thing first, it increased them to be successful in learning. The other part of metacognitive learning strategy, monitoring had a positive relationship with the students’ reading comprehension. Each student claimed that checking her comprehension several times when readingwas related to her reading comprehension. “It is related.” AD14 “Yes. It is sometimes as well.” AE22 “It is connected.” AA25 All students’ responses revealed that they believed that checking their comprehension several times when they were readingwas related to their reading comprehension. It means that when they were checking their comprehension, their reading comprehension was better. Since ensuring comprehension while reading a text provided positive contribution on reading comprehension, it helped a reader comprehend better. The last part of metacognitive learning strategy, which had been clarified by the students, was whether or not evaluating their comprehensionwas associated to their reading comprehension. This was a self-evaluation meaning that they evaluated comprehension after reading. They gave various responses that were influenced by their own strategy in reading as seen in the following. “After reading, I never evaluate.” AD15 “If it has already been understood, it is not evaluated. However, if it has not been understood, it must be looked for what it is.” AE23 “Yes. It is connected.” AA26 Their responses above explained that they rarely evaluated after they read texts. It was revealed by two responses, which explained that they did not need evaluating their comprehension. They thought that evaluating their comprehension did not truly offer contribution on their reading comprehension. The relationship between metacognitive learning strategy and reading comprehension truly existed. The students claimed that the parts of metacognitive learning strategy such as planning, monitoring, and evaluating had contribution to their reading comprehension. This result revealed that there was a relationship between metacognitive learning strategy and reading comprehension. “There is a relationship.” AD17 “There is an influence.” AE25 “Yes.” AA27 According to the students’ responses above, it could be concluded that all of them agree that choosing the reading materials that they wanted to read only, checking comprehension several times when they were reading, and evaluating comprehension after reading had contribution on their reading comprehension. It means that the strategies are related to their reading comprehension. The results were supported by their statements about the contribution of metacognitive learning strategy on their reading. Since metacognitive learning strategy provided positive contribution on the students’ reading comprehension, they got some useful input for their reading comprehension process. They would not get confused when they were facing problems in reading. Moreover, the strategies were also benefit for improving their vocabulary. “It can be understood more. If I find the language like that, I will not be confused anymore.”AE26 “The vocabulary.” AD21 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Their responses above show that metacognitive learning strategy is contributive not only for the process of their reading comprehension but also for their vocabulary mastery. The strategy and their reading comprehension support each other. It can be stated that they are positively correlated. In relation to the relationship between metacognitive learning strategy and reading comprehension, this correlation is considered weak. Not all students have the same opinion that metacognitive learning strategy and reading comprehension are highly contributive since some of them think that metacognitive learning strategy has less contribution on their reading comprehension. “A half.” AD19 “Seldom.” AE27 The responses show that metacognitive learning strategy did not give big contribution on their reading comprehension. Metacognitive learning strategy had less contribution on the students’ reading comprehension. Despite of less contribution, metacognitive learning strategy helped them to comprehend several texts. The contribution of this learning strategy on reading comprehension was also necessary for the students to support them to comprehend better. “Yes. It can.”AD22 “Not always.” AE28 “Yes.” AA31 The students’ responses revealed that metacognitive learning strategy was useful for their reading comprehension. It meant that the strategy helped them to comprehend a text. Even though metacognitive learning strategy was considered less contributive to students’ reading comprehension, the strategy was very important to facilitate them to increase their reading comprehension. The reason why this type of strategy was essential since it involved planning, monitoring and evaluating while reading. These things wer important parts in students’ own learning p articularly to support students’ comprehension. Besides giving positive contribution to students’ reading comprehension, metacognitive learning strategy helped them to master vocabulary. One part of this strategy which was taking notes was barely done by the students. When it referred to the need of learning they absolutely took notes to make the learning process work well. “If it is related to my study, I take note.” AD23 “I absolutely take note.”AE32 “No. barely, hehe” AA32 The students’ responses showed that they mostly did not take notes for several times. When they thought that it was for their study they were going to take notes. Meanwhile, if it was not related to their study, they would not take notes at all. The other part of metacognitive learning strategy that was also done hardly by the students was summarizing. If they thought that it had relationship on their study, they were pleased to summarize. Moreover, although they agreed that summarizing was useful, they sometimes got lazy to summarize after reading. “If it is related to my study, I summarize.” AD27 “It is useful but I am very lazy to do that, hehe. AA39 According to the students’ responses above, summarizing after reading was not a part of their activity in their reading comprehension. They did not summarize habitually since summarizing was not considered influential by them if they believe that they had understood enough. Summarizing was useful for them so that they would summarize if they thought summarizing was related to their subject. As parts of metacognitive learning strategy, taking notes and summarizing were contributive to their vocabulary mastery. They had contribution to the students’ vocabulary mastery. Each student got positive contribution on her mastery of vocabulary. “A little.” AD29 “Yes, big.” AE34 “Yes.” AA40 The students’ responses above showed that all of them agreed that metacognitive learning strategy was closely related to their mastery of vocabulary mastery. By taking notes and summarizing, they were able to master their vocabulary more. It could be concluded that metacognitive learning strategy and vocabulary mastery had a positive relationship. Metacognitive learning strategy was positively contributive to vocabulary mastery. The