The relationship among metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery, and reading comprehension.



Marita Safitri. 2016. The Relationship among Metacognitive Learning Strategy, Vocabulary Mastery, and Reading Comprehension. Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program in English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

Students’ metacognitive learning strategy is believed to provide positive impacts on their reading comprehension. It has an executive function by means of planning, monitoring, and evaluating the whole learning process and offers contributions on the students’ reading comprehension since this strategy involves students’ awareness in reading comprehension process in successful ways. Their reading comprehension is also believed to have long association with their mastery of vocabulary. Their vocabulary mastery is necessary to help them to comprehend texts.

This research aims to discover the correlation among metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery, and reading comprehension. Furthermore, it also studies students’ perception of the correlation of metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery, and reading comprehension. Consequently, the research was designed based on the theory of a mixed-method approach. The population was the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Depok DIY, which consisted of 194 students while the sample was 32 students in one class by applying a cluster sampling technique. The main data of the research were collected by using tests and a questionnaire. The tests were vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension in the form of multiple choices based on the current curriculum of Senior High School. Furthermore, the questionnaire was used to assess the metacognitive learning strategy. The data were computerized and processed by using the statistic software called SPSS 16.0. Then, the results obtained from a questionnaire of the students’ perceptions were described to support the quantitative data.

The research findings confirm that there is a positive and significant relationship among metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery, and reading comprehension. Moreover, the relationship can be predicted (sig = 0.000 < 0.05). The findings are supported by the results of qualitative analysis through description and interpretation of the students’ perceptions of the correlation of metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery, and reading comprehension.

These research findings have some practical implications in the field of English learning that should take account of the nature of the relationship among metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension. It is recommended for the students to be aware of the use of metacognitive learning strategy and master vocabulary in order to improve their reading comprehension. Moreover, the teacher can implicitly teach metacognitive learning strategy such as planning, monitoring, and evaluating learning process especially for the students’ reading comprehension.

Keywords: Metacognitive Learning Strategy, Vocabulary Mastery, Reading Comprehension.



Marita Safitri. 2016. The Relationship among Metacognitive Learning Strategy, Vocabulary Mastery, and Reading Comprehension. Yogyakarta: Program Pasca Sarjana Kajian Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Strategi belajar metacognitif pembelajar dipercaya memberikan pengaruh positif pada pemahaman membaca mereka. Strategi belajar metacognitif memiliki sebuah fungsi yang melibatkan merencanakan, memantau dan mengevaluasi keseluruhan proses pembelajaranserta memberikan kontribusi pada pemahaman membaca mereka dikarenakan strategi ini melibatkan kesadaran mereka dalam proses pemahaman membaca dengan cara-cara yang tepat. Pemahaman membaca pembelajar juga dipercaya memiliki hubungan dengan penguasaan kosa kata mereka. Penguasaan kosa kata Bahasa Inggris mereka berkontribusi dalam membantu mereka memahami teks-teks bacaan.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan hubungan antara strategi belajar metacognitif, penguasaan kosa kata dan pemahaman membaca pembelajar. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga mengkaji pendapat mereka terhadap hubungan strategi belajar metacognitif, penguasaan kosa kata dan pemahaman membaca mereka. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini disusun berdasarkan pendekatan mixed-method. Populasi nya adalah pembelajar kelas sebelas SMA Negeri 1 Depok DIY yang terdiri dari 194 pembelajar sementara sampelpenelitian adalah 32 pembelajar dalam satu kelasdengan menggunakan teknik cluster sampling. Data utama penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui tes dan kuesioner. Tes tersebut adalah tes penguasan kosa kata dan pemahaman membaca dalam bentuk pilihan ganda yang berdasarkan pada kurikulum SMA saat ini. Selain itu, kuesioner digunakan untuk menilai strategi belajar metakognitif. Data tersebut kemudian dikompeterisasi dan diproses dengan menggunakan software statistik SPSS 16.0. Kemudian, hasil yang diperoleh dari kuesioner dari pendapat pembelajar digambarkan untuk mendukung data kuantitatif.

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa ada hubungan antara strategi belajar metakognitif, penguasaan kosa kata dan pemahaman membaca pembelajar dan hubungan tersebut dapat diprediksi (sig= 0.00 < 0.05). Hasil penelitian tersebut juga didukung dengan analisa kualitatif yang berupa deskripsi dan intrepretasi pengalaman dan pendapat siswa tentang hubungan strategi belajar metacognitif, penguasaan kosa kata dan pemahaman membaca mereka.

Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan pandangan bahwa hubungan anatara strategi belajar metacognitif, penguasaan kosa kata dan pemahaman membaca pembelajar menjadi sangat penting untuk diperhatikan. Disarankan pada pembelajar untuk sadar akan kegunaan strategi belajar metakognitif dan penguasaan kosa kata mereka untuk meningkatkan pemahaman membaca. Selain itu, guru dapat mengajarkan strategi belajar metakognitif secara implisit seperti merencanakan, memantau dan mengevaluasi proses belajar khususnya untuk pemahaman membaca pembelajar.

Kata kunci: Strategi Belajar Metakognitif, Penguasaan Kosa Kata, Pemahaman Membaca




A Thesis Presented to

The Graduate Program in English Language Studies in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Magister Humaniora (M.Hum.)


English Language Studies

by Marita Safitri


Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta





A Thesis Presented to

The Graduate Program in English Language Studies in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora (M.Hum.) in

English Language Studies

by Marita Safitri


Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta








Presented by

Chairperson Secretary Members

Yogyakarta, Atgust I 6, 20 16 The Graduate School Direetor




This is to certifu that all ideas; p'hrares, centences, unless otherwise $ate{

are mine.


understmd the


consequeflces including degree cancellation



took somebody else's ideaq ptnaseq or seirt€nges withort proper references.

Yogyakartq August 16, 2016




“I dedicate this thesis to





Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma.


: Marita Safiti

NomorMahasiswa :146332048

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetatruaq saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharrra karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:



Beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma


untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendishibusikannya di internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin maupun memberikan royalti kepada saya selama tetap mencanfumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenamya.

Dibuat di Yogyakarta

Pada tanggal: 16 Agustus 2016


Marita Safitri




First of all, I would like to thank to Allah SWT, the almighty God, who has given me health and ability, so that I could finish this thesis. Without Allah, nothing would happen.

Firstly, I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Dr. B.B. Dwijatmoko, M.A., whose patience, encouragement, and guidance have made it all possible for me to finish this thesis. I would also like to express my gratitude to F.X. Mukarto, Ph.D., as my first thesis reviewer and Dr. Fr. B. Alip, M.Pd, M.A., as my second thesis reviewer who had made my thesis better and more comprehehensible. Moreover, I would like to express my gratitude to all lecturers of the Graduate Program in English Language Studies of Sanata Dharma University; Dr. J. Bismoko, Prof. Dr. Soepomo Poedjosoedarmo, Widya Kiswara, M.Hum., and Dr. E. Sunarto, M.Hum., for giving many valuable things during my study.

Secondly, the same gratitude goes to the big family of SMAN 1 Depok, Sleman especially to the headmaster Drs. Maskur, the English teacher Biadi, S.Pd. and the eleventh grade students especially XI IPS 1 and XI IPS 2 who have helped me so much during the research.

Thirdly, my sincere gratitude goes to my beloved parents, the late father, Sukirman Hamidi and mother, Suniati. Then, my sincere gratitude also goes to my beloved family, who always give support, care, prayer, and endless love for me during my study.

Then, my special thanks go to my beloved friends in English Language Studies: Mbak Wulan, Cacha, Bundo Wulan, Mbak Vivi, Mbak Kristin, Mbak Gatri, Mbak Rini, Mbak Tya and my closed friends: Muda, Yuti and Dwi whose encouragement and care have made me stronger during the process of finishing my study. Last but not least, my special thanks to my special friend, Deni who has encouraged me during my study. Hopefully, this thesis will be useful for readers and the idea presented is expected to give contribution to the improvement of life quality.



















CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research Background ...1

1.2 Problem Delimitations ...7

1.3 Research Questions ...7

1.4 Research Objectives...7

1.5 Research Benefits...8


2.1.1 Language Learning Strategies ...9

2.1.2 Metacognitive Learning Strategy ...10


ix Definitions of a word ...16

2.1.4 Vocabulary Knowledge ...17 Receptive and productive vocabulary knowledge ...19 Breadth and depth of vocabulary knowledge ...20

2.1.5 The Function of Vocabulary in Reading Comprehension ...22

2.1.6 Reading Comprehension ...23 Definitions of reading comprehension...23 Types of reading comprehension...25 The process of reading comprehension ...26

2.1.7 Related Studies ...29


CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Research Design...36

3.2 Nature of Data...37

3.3 Source of Data...37

3.4 Data Gathering Instrument...38

3.5 Pilot Study...43

3.6 Procedure of Data Collection...43

3.7 Data Analysis ...46

3.8 Triangulation...50


4.1.1 Quantitative ...52 Descriptive Statistics ...53 Inferential Statistics ...57 Normality test ...58 Hypothesis testing...59

4.1.2 Qualitative ...65 Qualitative Data (qualitative survey method) ...65


4.2.1The Correlation among Metacognitive Learning Strategy, Vocabulary Mastery and Reading Comprehension...79 4.2.2The Correlation between Metacognitive Learning Strategy and



Reading Comprehension...80

4.2.3The Correlation between Metacognitive Learning Strategy and Vocabulary Mastery ...83

4.2.4The Correlation between Vocabulary Mastery and Reading Comprehension...84








TABLE 3.1: Blueprint of Meta-cognitive Learning Strategy ... 39

TABLE 3.2: The specification of Reading Comprehension ... 40

TABLE 3.3: Blueprint of Interview ... 42

TABLE 4.1: Descriptive Statistics of Meta-cognitive Learning Strategy ... 53

TABLE 4.2: Descriptive Statistics of Vocabulary Mastery... 55

TABLE 4.3: Descriptive Statistics of Reading Comprehension ... 56

TABLE 4.4: Normality Test ... 58

TABLE 4.5: Multiple Correlations ... 60

TABLE 4.6: ANOVA: Multiple Regressions ... 61

TABLE 4.7: Coefficient: Multiple Regressions ... 62




FIGURE 2.1: Metacognitive Model of Strategy Learning... 13

FIGURE 2.2: Components of Word Knowledge ... 18

FIGURE 2.3: The Process of Reading Comprehension... 27

FIGURE 2.3: The Process of Reading Comprehension... 28

FIGURE 3.1: Procedure of Data Collection ... 44

FIGURE 4.1: The Frequency of the Meta-cognitive Learning Strategy... 54

FIGURE 4.2: The Frequency of the Vocabulary Mastery ... 55

FIGURE 4.3: The Frequency of the Reading Comprehension ... 57

FIGURE 4.4: Normal P-P Plot of Regression Standardized Residual... 58




AA : Answer Amora(Participant’s initial) AD : Answer Diana(Participant’s initial) ADP : Advanced Preparation

AE : Answer Erna(Participant’s initial)

INT : Interesting

MLS : Metacognitive Learning Strategy

NOTA : Note Taking

P : Productive

QA : Question Amora

QD : Question Diana

QE : Question Erna

R : Receptive

RC : Reading Comprehension

SEEV : Self-evaluation

Sig : Significant

SUM : Summarizing

UNC : Understanding Checking

UND : Understanding




APPENDIX 1: Metacognitive Learning Strategy Questionnaire... 96 APPENDIX 2: Test of Vocabulary Mastery... 97 APPENDIX 3: Test of Reading Comprehension ... 101 APPENDIX 4:Students’ Scores of Metacognitive Learning Strategy, Vocabulary

Mastery and Reading Comprehension ... 108 APPENDIX 5: Interview Transcript ... 109 APPENDIX 4: Permission Letter ... 118




Example : AE08

AE : answer Erna



Marita Safitri. 2016. The Relationship among Metacognitive Learning Strategy, Vocabulary Mastery, and Reading Comprehension. Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program in English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

Students’ metacognitive learning strategy is believed to provide positive impacts on their reading comprehension. It has an executive function by means of planning, monitoring, and evaluating the whole learning process and offers contributions on the students’ reading comprehension since this strategy involves students’ awareness in reading comprehension process in successful ways. Their reading comprehension is also believed to have long association with their mastery of vocabulary. Their vocabulary mastery is necessary to help them to comprehend texts.

This research aims to discover the correlation among metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery, and reading comprehension. Furthermore, it also studies students’ perception of the correlation of metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery, and reading comprehension. Consequently, the research was designed based on the theory of a mixed-method approach. The population was the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Depok DIY, which consisted of 194 students while the sample was 32 students in one class by applying a cluster sampling technique. The main data of the research were collected by using tests and a questionnaire. The tests were vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension in the form of multiple choices based on the current curriculum of Senior High School. Furthermore, the questionnaire was used to assess the metacognitive learning strategy. The data were computerized and processed by using the statistic software called SPSS 16.0. Then, the results obtained from a questionnaire of the students’ perceptions were described to support the quantitative data.

The research findings confirm that there is a positive and significant relationship among metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery, and reading comprehension. Moreover, the relationship can be predicted (sig = 0.000 < 0.05). The findings are supported by the results of qualitative analysis through description and interpretation of the students’ perceptions of the correlation of metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery, and reading comprehension.

These research findings have some practical implications in the field of English learning that should take account of the nature of the relationship among metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension. It is recommended for the students to be aware of the use of metacognitive learning strategy and master vocabulary in order to improve their reading comprehension. Moreover, the teacher can implicitly teach metacognitive learning strategy such as planning, monitoring, and evaluating learning process especially for the students’ reading comprehension.

Keywords: Metacognitive Learning Strategy, Vocabulary Mastery, Reading Comprehension.



Marita Safitri. 2016. The Relationship among Metacognitive Learning Strategy, Vocabulary Mastery, and Reading Comprehension. Yogyakarta: Program Pasca Sarjana Kajian Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Strategi belajar metacognitif pembelajar dipercaya memberikan pengaruh positif pada pemahaman membaca mereka. Strategi belajar metacognitif memiliki sebuah fungsi yang melibatkan merencanakan, memantau dan mengevaluasi keseluruhan proses pembelajaranserta memberikan kontribusi pada pemahaman membaca mereka dikarenakan strategi ini melibatkan kesadaran mereka dalam proses pemahaman membaca dengan cara-cara yang tepat. Pemahaman membaca pembelajar juga dipercaya memiliki hubungan dengan penguasaan kosa kata mereka. Penguasaan kosa kata Bahasa Inggris mereka berkontribusi dalam membantu mereka memahami teks-teks bacaan.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan hubungan antara strategi belajar metacognitif, penguasaan kosa kata dan pemahaman membaca pembelajar. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga mengkaji pendapat mereka terhadap hubungan strategi belajar metacognitif, penguasaan kosa kata dan pemahaman membaca mereka. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini disusun berdasarkan pendekatan mixed-method. Populasi nya adalah pembelajar kelas sebelas SMA Negeri 1 Depok DIY yang terdiri dari 194 pembelajar sementara sampelpenelitian adalah 32 pembelajar dalam satu kelasdengan menggunakan teknik cluster sampling. Data utama penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui tes dan kuesioner. Tes tersebut adalah tes penguasan kosa kata dan pemahaman membaca dalam bentuk pilihan ganda yang berdasarkan pada kurikulum SMA saat ini. Selain itu, kuesioner digunakan untuk menilai strategi belajar metakognitif. Data tersebut kemudian dikompeterisasi dan diproses dengan menggunakan software statistik SPSS 16.0. Kemudian, hasil yang diperoleh dari kuesioner dari pendapat pembelajar digambarkan untuk mendukung data kuantitatif.

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa ada hubungan antara strategi belajar metakognitif, penguasaan kosa kata dan pemahaman membaca pembelajar dan hubungan tersebut dapat diprediksi (sig= 0.00 < 0.05). Hasil penelitian tersebut juga didukung dengan analisa kualitatif yang berupa deskripsi dan intrepretasi pengalaman dan pendapat siswa tentang hubungan strategi belajar metacognitif, penguasaan kosa kata dan pemahaman membaca mereka.

Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan pandangan bahwa hubungan anatara strategi belajar metacognitif, penguasaan kosa kata dan pemahaman membaca pembelajar menjadi sangat penting untuk diperhatikan. Disarankan pada pembelajar untuk sadar akan kegunaan strategi belajar metakognitif dan penguasaan kosa kata mereka untuk meningkatkan pemahaman membaca. Selain itu, guru dapat mengajarkan strategi belajar metakognitif secara implisit seperti merencanakan, memantau dan mengevaluasi proses belajar khususnya untuk pemahaman membaca pembelajar.

Kata kunci: Strategi Belajar Metakognitif, Penguasaan Kosa Kata, Pemahaman Membaca



This chapter is to describe the general background of the study. Then, it is followed by research questions, problem delimitations, research objectives, and research benefits.

1.1 Research Background

The successful level for each student in learning English as a foreign language varies. In the field of English learning as a foreign language, not all students have the highest level of achievements since several students have lower even the lowest level of achievements in spite of the same context such as teachers, subject, and situation. This fact is mainly caused by differences they brought themselves, which is frequently mentioned as individual learner differences (Safarina, 2011).

Individual learner differences, which involve aptitude, intelligent, motivation, anxiety, learner belief, and learning strategy, have a very big role on the students’ learning achievements. According to Dörnyei, (2008), individual differences refer to characteristics or traits in value to show each individual is different from each other. To be successful in English, the differences are needed to be considered since those influence students’ achievements. The individual learner differences, which the factors involve language aptitude, motivation, or learning styles, are essential contributors to succeed in mastering English since those have a long tradition in second language.


As an important part of individual learner differences, learning strategy helps students in achieving success in learning. Learning strategy can be defined as “specific actions taken by the learner to make learning easier, faster, more enjoyable, more self-directed, more effective, and more transferable to new situations” (Oxford, 1989). The core factors that help to determine how well students learn a second and foreign language are language learning styles and strategies (Oxford, 2003). Learning strategies are considered as the steps students acquire in order to improve their own learning. Strategies are tools for the students’ active and self-directed involvement as essential parts for developing their communicative competence. Therefore, this kind of strategy is important in their language learning. The suitable language learning strategies absolutely results on the students’ improvement of proficiency and greater self-confidence (Oxford, 1990).

Since the students will become more autonomous when they are more aware of the use of language learning strategies, the other essential part that plays role in their second language learning is the students’ language learning strategies. Ellis (2008) defines learning strategies as behaviors, tactics, and techniques. They are the actions that students perform to learn a language. Learning strategies means handling their own problems of learning in order to get successful. They become better in solving their own problems in the learning process by themselves by their learning strategies than they who do not. They who are more aware about the strategies used and the reasons of using the strategies are the successful language learners (Cotterall and Reinders, 2004).


A strategy is necessary for them to solve their problems in learning. Metacognitive learning strategy refers to activities beyond and beside the cognitive process. It is one of learning strategies used by students to encourage their practice in learning process. This learning strategy gives them ways to organize their own learning process (Siagiyanto, 2015). According to Zhao (2009), metacognitive learning strategy involves an effort to control students’own learning through planning, monitoring, and evaluating. Metacognitive strategies are essentially important because they have an executive function by means of planning, monitoring, and evaluating the whole learning process.

Metacognitive learning strategy positively provides contributions on students’ learning achievement especially on their reading comprehension since this strategy involves students’ awareness in learning and reading comprehension process in successful ways. Moreover, mostly, every student has his or her own metacognitive awareness. As Renandya (2015) says,“every student has his or her metacognitive awareness.” Zare (2011) supports this statement in his research finding. The finding indicates that the overall use of language learning strategies strongly has a positive correlation with reading comprehension achievement of EFL students in University Putra Malaysia Institutional. Furthermore, the results show that the category of metacognitive strategies is the best predictor of reading comprehension achievement. In addition, metacognitive learning strategy supports students’ readingachievement, which is proven by the results of a previous study from Zhang and Sheepo (2013). The results show that there is a significant positive correlation between metacognitive strategy use and English reading


achievement of English students in academic reading at Guizhou University in China.

In the context of Indonesia, a previous study concerning on a relationship between metacognitive learning strategy and reading achievement has been completely done. The result shows that there is no correlation between metacognitive learning strategies and reading achievement. Therefore, in order to find out whether or not the relationship between metacognitive learning strategy and reading achievement does not truly exist in Indonesia, this research is conducted by involving the students in Indonesia. Moreover, the previous study is indicated that language learning strategy has not been enough yet as a contribution on reading comprehension. For that reason, the other important part of language needed as a modal to comprehend a text is vocabulary.

In addition, metacognitive learning strategy and vocabulary mastery has a positive relation. It is supported by Read (2000) who states “Learners have a particular need for metacognitive strategies in communication situation because they have to overcome their lack of vocabulary knowledge.” A supportingtheory, which shows the relationship between vocabulary and language learning strategy, is also shown by previous studies. Based on the previous study from Siagiyanto (2015), the research finding shows that there is correlation between metacognitive learning strategy and students’ English vocabulary mastery.This finding is in line with a research from Aldvogel (2013). His research finding shows a significant relationship between the use of certain types of learning strategies and vocabulary size exists on advanced and more experienced students, but not on the


beginning-level or the intermediate-beginning-level students. These studies show that the language learning strategy and vocabulary are related each other.

In order to improve students’ English achievement in language learning process especially their reading comprehension, the role of vocabulary is necessary to achieve success. Vocabulary, an important part in communication, is needed in four English skills namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Before students are able to understand the meaning of a text, they need to understand vocabulary. They will stop understanding the meaning of such an English text because of the limitation of mastery of vocabulary. On the contrary, more reading can enlarge a student’s vocabulary mastery. It means that by reading more books and English texts, they will add more vocabulary to his or her mastery of vocabulary (Fitriana, Nurkamto, and Pudjobroto, 2011).

By supporting the strategies used by students through vocabulary mastery, their reading comprehension also improve well. As the other essential part, which plays roles on language learning strategy and reading comprehension, mastery of vocabulary is a big contribution. Vocabulary gives many contributions both on metacognitive learning strategy and on reading comprehension. As Furqon (2013) says, students’ vocabulary mastery and their reading comprehension are strongly correlated. It is obtained that in helping them to comprehend texts, vocabulary mastery is contributive.

Reading is the basic competence, which is needed by the Senior High School (SHS) students especially to face their problems. Based on the curriculum of SHS, students should comprehend some texts from they are in grade ten to grade twelve since most questions they receive are about how they comprehend a


text. Therefore, the students’ reading comprehension isimportant to be considered and noticed.

Through reading, a writer is able to share his or her knowledge, ideas, and feelings to readers. As a result, both the writer and readers have their own language patterns and experiences. It shows that by reading, a reader does not only obtain messages from a text, but also utilize the reading purposes and strategies to do with. Moreover, reading comprehension is an understanding that is obtained by a reader in which he or she has already been read. Comprehension means a thinking process depending on the skill of comprehension and on the reader’s experience and background knowledge. The comprehension can be achieved when the reader has successfully extracted the useful knowledge from a text and constructed it into his or her own new understanding (Furqon, 2013).

Reading is considered as the main way in getting and increasing knowledge. By reading, meaning can be required in order to extract information and to construct new understanding from a written text.Comprehension is the process of thinking that depends both on the comprehension skills and on the readers’ experience and background knowledge (Furqon, 2013).

There can be no doubt that metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension are positively related each other. Several explanations and the previous studies, which have clearly been, mentioned show that students’ metacognitive learning strategy and mastery of vocabulary have positive contribution on their reading comprehension. Therefore, vocabulary mastery, metacognitive learning strategy, and reading comprehension have a strong relation.


1.2 Problem Delimitations

In this research, the researcher focuses on the relationship among metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery, and reading comprehension of the eleventh grade students in SMAN 1 Depok Yogyakarta. They are in the second semester. Beside, this researchtries to propose the students’ perceptions of the correlation among metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery, and reading comprehension.

1.3 Research Questions

The research has two research questions. Those are stated as the following: 1. Is there a positive correlation among metacognitive learning strategy,

vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension?

2. What is the students’ perceptionof the correlation of metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery, and reading comprehension?

1.4 Research Objectives

This research consists of two research objectives. First, it aims at finding out whether there is a positive correlation among metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension of the eleventh grade students. The results are obtained by employing a correlational research design through Multiple Regression statistical procedure. The significance level of 0.05 is used to determine whether the correlation is significant or not. If the correlation is significant, then, it means that there is there is a positive correlation among metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery, and reading comprehension of the eleventh grade students.


Second, on the basis of the answer of the problem one and to answer the problem two, the second research question aims at finding out the students’ perception of the correlation of metacognitive learning strategies, vocabulary mastery, and reading comprehension. This objective explains to what extent metacognitive learning strategies and vocabulary mastery contribute in the students’ reading comprehension. In addition, it clarifies and interprets the relationship among the variables.

1.5 Research Benefits

The research is expected to have some benefits. Theoretically, the research might become an additional reference on the literature of English Studies in Indonesian context. It is mainly for those who concern on the relation of metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery, and reading comprehension. Hopefully, the results of the research or the theories of the relations among metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery, and reading comprehension can improve one’s understanding on the theories such as how one variable may affect the other variables.

Practically, the research gives some benefits dealing with understanding of the theories especially for the readers. First, the understanding is able to explain the relationships among metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery, and reading comprehension. Second, it helps the readers to predict the possible circumstances in the language learning process, to foresee that the circumstance of one variable might become a posibility influence to other variable or not. Third, the understanding controls the three variables for further and better language achievements.



In order to answer the research questions logically and theoretically, the clarification of the concepts and concept relation are discussed in this chapter. This chapter consists of two major sections, namely theoretical review and theoretical framework.


In this part, several related theories as the theoretical background of this research are presented. The theories are related to the three variables that are involved in this research. Those are the theories of language learning strategy, metacognitive learning strategy, the nature of vocabulary, vocabulary knowledge, vocabulary mastery, the function of vocabulary in reading comprehension, and reading comprehension. Those are clearly seen in the following explanations.

2.1.1 Language Learning Strategies

Language learning strategy is considered as an effort in order to develop competence on linguistic and sociolinguistic in the target language. The examples are memorization, initiation of conversation with native speakers, and inference (Ellis, 2008). In relation to language learning strategy, Oxford (1999) states“The construct refers to specific actions, behaviors, steps, or techniques that students use to improve their own progress in developing skills in a second or foreign language”. O’Malley and Chamot (1990) classify the three different types of strategies of language learning. They are cognitive strategies, metacognitive strategies, and social or affective strategies. Cognitive strategies work directly


with the target language and involve identifying, remembering, storing or reviewing words, sounds and other aspects of the target language. Some cognitive strategies are mainly used to learn the language and to use it. Metacognitive strategies assist language learning ultimately by helping learners in administering and monitoring their learning process. Social strategies are things that the learners accomplish to direct their feelings and to control their interactions with others.

Therefore, language learning strategy can be defined as the students’ selection of several techniques to solve problems in learning. It refers to specific actions, behaviors, steps, or techniques that they use in to develop their own skills both in a second and in foreign language. As a result, they become the successful language students.

It is supported by Ellis (2008), who says that learning strategies are classified into cognitive strategy, metacognitive strategy, and socio-affective strategy. Cognitive strategy involves analysis, transformation, and synthesis of learning materials. Metacognitive strategy involves an effort to control students own learning through planning, monitoring, and evaluating. While, socio-affective strategy concerns on ways that students interact with other users of the second language.

2.1.2 Metacognitive Learning Strategy

Metacognition is the knowledge over the cognitive processes. It basically focuses on reading, metacognitive awareness refers to what students know and metacognitive regulation refers to what they are able to do by knowing when, where, and how to use strategies (Karbalaei, 2010). According to Carrell, Gajdusek, & Wise (1998), metacognition involves the operation of skills that


come from high thinking such as planning, monitoring, questioning, and self-directing. The function is to manage the variety of components, which are needed for thinking and remembering.

The selected learning strategies are used to become additions in the model of metacognitive learning strategy according to the usefulness and applicability for learning tasks. Students are able to utilize these strategies not only for their listening, speaking, reading and writing but also for their vocabulary maintenance and content information. Good students mostly use these strategies in which teachers have already incorporated the strategies into second language instruction (Chamot, Barnhardt, Pamela and Robin, 1999). As Oxford (1990) says, “Metacognitive strategies are actions which go beyond purely cognitive devices and which provide a way forlearners to coordinate their own learning process.”

According to Cotterall and Reinders (2004), metacognitive strategy involves planning the organisation of written or spoken language and monitoring while performing a task. The awareness and monitoring of student’s comprehension processes are critically important aspects of reading. Such awareness and monitoring processes are often referred to in the literature as metacognition. The processes are able to be thought as the student’s knowledge in reading and self-control mechanisms. Those can be trained when the student is monitoring and regulating text comprehension (Mokhtari and Richard, 2002).

Metacognitive learning strategies involve thinking and lead to higher learning and better performance. The most important skills are done by understanding and controlling cognitive process. Those are able to help second languagestudents’ abilitiesdevelop (Ranjbary and Rasekh, 2003). Metacognitive


strategies are the strategies in whichstudents know about learning and control the learning through planning including advance organizers, directed attention, functional planning, selective attention and self-management. Then, they are asked to monitor such as checking, verifying, or correcting their comprehension or performance in the course of language task. In the end, they evaluate the learning activity including checking the outcomes of their own language learning against a standard after it has been completed (O’Malley and Chamot, 1990).

According to Chamot, et, al, 1999, model of metacognitive learning strategy includes four processes namely, planning, monitoring, problem solving, and evaluating. Students start learning by planning through thinking variety of activities they often employ in their free time. By continuing their planning through narrowing their focus to the activities, they recognize vocabulary in the target language. Students may decide several ways in gathering educational vocabulary such as asking their teachers, looking at their own notes, checking their own dictionary and other activities depending on their level of knowledge. After planning, the students monitor themselves in the learning process. When they are facing a problem, they ask for clarification especially when they do not understand a response. This activity refers to the problem solving process. In the end of the activity, they evaluate their learning by reflecting on their use of language required. These processes are described in the figure 2.1 in the following.


Figure 2.1 Metacognitive Model of Strategy Learning (Chamot, et, al, 1999:13)

According to figure 2.1, metacognitive model of strategy learning is started by planning process. Students mostly plan their learning by setting their goals of what they want to get. The second process is monitoring in which the students read and check whether they are making sense in the learning process. Moreover, when they do not understand an important part in the process, they ask as the process of problem solving. In the end of process, they evaluate their learning in evaluating process. Each of the process is clearly explained in the following.

First, being a self-regulated student, the central step is planning. To represent students’ planningprocesses that includes how they plan, organize, and schedule events daily, weekly, and monthly, a graphic of a calendar planner is used. The planning strategies can help them in developing and using the forethought. Before beginning a task, the students are going to reflect rather than divide into the activity unprepared and with little thought as to what will occur since the strategies encourage their thinking. Good students think how they are going to approach and carry out the task during the planning process. By thinking about their objectives for the task, they set their goals. They come up with a plan of strategies in order to help them through the task. Therefore, they are going to


meet the objectives. Good students think about what they have already known about the task and the related topic. After that, according to on the information, they predict what they need to do.

Second, after the students prepare an approach, they monitor to measure their effectiveness while working on the task. This activity is defined as monitoring process. A thermostat is used to represent the monitoring process since it symbolizes two components of monitoring. First, the students monitor how they are doing as they work. Second, they monitor by making adjustments. They should think about where their focus of concentration needs to be at any given time and consciously focus their attention on a specific aspect of the task while they are monitoring. They monitor their comprehension and production through thinking whether they are comprehending when reading and listening or whether they are making sense when writing and speaking.

Third, the students choose a strategy of problem-solving process when they get difficulty in doing a task. For example, according to all available information they have, they make an educated guess if they do not know the meaning of a word. Similarity, the students think of another way to say something they are not sure how to say it correctly. To solve these problems, they use any resource available to them, which can come from themselves, reference materials and other students. In this problem-solving process, the strategies vary from solving problems autonomously by making a guess according to the context as information obtained in a dictionary. Successful students are they who are active and appropriate in engaging in problem solving.


Fourth, in the evaluating process, the students reflect on how well it goes after they complete all tasks. In order to find out whether they carry out their plans and check how well strategies have helped them, the students do the evaluating process. Assessing whether they meet their goals of the tasks, why they do not meet the goals if they do not and what they can do next time is mostly done by strategic students. In this process, they evaluate the correctness of their predictions and guesses. They think about how they can learn to make everything better next time if the predictions and guesses are unacceptable. The evaluating process is essential for the students in learning from it in spite of positive or negative. The function doing this process is that the students are able to make improvements on the next tasks.

It means that metacognitive learning strategy is the strategies that students use which involve planning their own learning, monitoring while learning, and evaluating the learning activity. This strategy offers the ways that the students direct their own learning process and control the process until evaluate it. It helps them to manage their learning successfully.

2.1.3 The Nature of Vocabulary

In this part, supporting theories are provided in several divisions. This section is aimed to support the theories of vocabulary. The elements are definitions of a word, vocabulary knowledge, vocabulary mastery, and the function of vocabulary in reading comprehension. Those are clearly seen in the following explanations.

Vocabulary can be used to measure how far students’ knowledge. According to Fitriana et al. (2011), vocabulary is defined as the known words


which are used by students. It can be a list or collection of words and phrases. It is usually alphabetically arranged and explained, a list or term collection, code available for use, a sum of word that is employed by a language group, individual and in a field knowledge. According to Nation & Newton (1997), vocabulary is considered as the knowledge of words and word meanings. Furthermore, Lehr, Jean, and Hiebert (2001) define vocabulary as“knowledge of words and word meanings in both oral and print language andin productive and receptive forms. “Based on the explanations above, it can be inferred that vocabulary deals greatly with words. Definitions of a word

Words can be defined as the basic building blocks of language. Those refer to the units of meaning from which larger structures such as sentences, paragraphs and whole texts (Read, 2000). According to Daller, Milton, and Treffers-Daller (2007:2), “According to context and need, researchers can consider types, tokens, running words, lemmas, and word families as words.” Words are defined by making some basic distinctions as its basic points. One is the distinction between token and types. The distinction refers to any count of the words in a text. Token can be defined as individual words that occur more than once in the text and are counted each time they are used. It is added by Daller et al. (2007:2), they state “Tokens refers to the total number of words in a text or corpus.” However, the number of types is the total number of the different word form. Therefore, a word, which is repeated many times, is counted only once (Read, 2000:18). According to Daller et al. (2007:2), “types refer to the total number of different words.”


The other distinction is between function word and content words. Function words include kind of words such as articles, prepositions, pronouns, conjunctions, auxiliaries, and others. These words are seen as belonging more to the grammar of the language than to its vocabulary. Different from content words, whichinclude nouns, ‘full’ verbs, adjectives, and adverbs, they have little if any meaning in isolation and serve more to provide links within sentences, modify the meaning of content words and so on. The content words come in various forms. For example, the word “wait” may become as waits, waited, and waiting. The words would normally regard as the same word in different forms. The forms are as the results of inflectional endings adding to a base form without changing the meaning or the word class of the base. The base and inflected forms of a word are known as lemma. It is supported by Daller et al. (2007:3), they state“A collection of words such as work, works, working worked, comprising a root form and the most frequent regular inflections, is known as a lemma.” The base forms have a variety of derived forms that often change the word class and add a new element of meaning. For example, the word bright: brightly, brightness, andbrighter. All of these words closely correlated in form and meaning. Such a set of word forms, sharing a common meaning, is known as a word family. According to Daller et al. (2007:4), they say“closely related words would be called a word family.” 2.1.4 Vocabulary Knowledge

Knowing a word means being able to recognize it when it is heard or when it is seen and to distinguish it from words with a similar form, being able to judge if the word sounds right or looks right. Besides, it means having an expectation of what grammatical pattern the word will occur in, having some expectation of the


words it collocates with, and being able to recall its meaning when it is met (Nation, 1990:31). According to Thonburry, 2002:130, knowing a word means knowing the word’s form (spoken and written), the word’s meaning, any connotations the word might have. In addition, it means knowing whether the word is specific to a certain register or style, the word’s grammatical characteristics for example part of speech, the word’s common collocation, the word’s derivation and the word’s relative frequency.

The assumption of word knowledge can be seen from Nation (1990:31). He added receptive and productive knowledge and several considerations and reorganized them. The assumption is seen in the following Figure.

Figure 2.2 Components of Word Knowledge (Nation, 1990:31)

The figure above shows further distinctions of receptive and productive word knowledge. The distinctions explain the words students obtain both from reading and from listening to communication. Furthermore, those distinctions enlighten the words they can identify in mind when they want to speak and write


in a foreign language. The word knowledge is necessary for their process of learning the foreign language. Receptive and productive vocabulary knowledge

The other ideas on the vocabulary knowledge are proposed. First, it involves receptive and productive knowledge. Second, it consists of active and passive vocabulary knowledge. These aspects are crucial to support vocabulary knowledge.

Receptive and productive knowledge are the factors, which can affect students’ mastery of vocabulary. Students need to consider these factors in order to recognize vocabulary. Accordiong to Nation (1990), the receptive knowledge refers to listening and reading, while productive refers to all four English skills such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

The receptive knowledge is obtained by recognizing a word when students hear and see. This is mostly mentioned as their listening and reading activities. This knowledge involves being able to differentiate the words with its similar forms and being able to judge the right sounds. The receptive knowledge has an expectation of the grammatical pattern, which takes place. The productive knowledge involves activities of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It consists of how to pronounce a word, how to write and spell it, how to use it correctly based on grammatical patterns. In the low-frequency word, the productive knowledge does not require to use a word too often rather than use it in appropriate situations (Nation, 1990).

In addition, vocabulary is classified into active and passive vocabulary knowledge. Active vocabulary knowledge is defined as the items, which are used


properly by students in spoken and written activities as productive vocabulary. In order to use the productive vocabulary, they need to know how to pronounce it well, use grammar of the target language, must be familiar with collocation and understand the connotation meaning of words. Therefore, the productive vocabulary is considered difficult to put into practice. Passive vocabulary is the language items that the students need to know and understand in reading and listening contexts as receptive vocabulary (Aebersold, 1997).

It is added by Lehr et al. (2001) who describe two kinds of vocabulary. First, the words come in two forms. They are oral and print vocabulary. Oral vocabulary involves the words known and used in listening and speaking, while print vocabulary involves the words known and used in reading and writing. Second, the word knowledge comes in two forms, namely receptive and productive vocabulary. Receptive vocabulary involves the words known when hearing and seeing them. Productive vocabulary involves the words used in the spoken and written forms. Breadth and depth of vocabulary knowledge

Vocabulary knowledge is divided into two dimensions. The dimensions of vocabulary knowledge are depth of knowledge and breadth or size of knowledge. Breadth of vocabulary knowledge is defined by Nation (2001) in Nassaji (2006), as the quantity or number of words students recognize at a particular level of language proficiency. It is defined by Daller et al. (2007:7) as “the number of words a learner knows regardless of how well he or she or he knows them.” According to Read (2000:31), “vocabulary size refers to the number of words that a person knows.”


Depth of vocabulary knowledge is the quality of lexical knowledge. It refers to how well learners know a word (Meara, 1996, Read, 1993, 2000 in Nassaji, 2006). Daller et al. (2007:8) add that depth of vocabulary knowledge refers to “how much the learner knows about the words he or she knows.” It is supported by Endrawan (2007), he states that depth of vocabulary knowledge is a learner’s level of knowledge obtained from a variety of aspects of a given word. It refers to how well he or she knows the word.

Therefore, it is concluded that breadth of vocabulary knowledge is the quantity or number of words that students recognize at a particular level of language proficiency. Meanwhile, depth of vocabulary knowledge is the quality of lexical knowledge. It can be proven from how well they know a word. In this research, vocabulary refers to depth of vocabulary knowledge instead of breadth of vocabulary knowledge. The reason is that this research focuses on the measurements of the students’ comprehensive vocabulary knowledge involving knowledge of language and their ability to put and use it in context.

2.1.5 Vocabulary Mastery

Mastery of vocabulary means that knowing the words and its meanings, how the words sound, and how they are used in the context. Therefore, it is considered more complex (Furqon, 2013). Vocabulary mastery can be defined as a comprehensive knowledge of vocabulary students have to recognize and use. The mastery itself is the comprehensive knowledge. Then, vocabulary mastery is the a comprehensive knowledge of vocabulary that students know or use (Fitriana et al., 2011).


According to Bachman and Chapelle in Read (2000), vocabulary mastery or vocabulary ability includes both knowledge of language and the ability to put language to use in context. Thus, its three components are the context of vocabulary use, the vocabulary knowledge and fundamental processes, and metacognitive strategies for vocabulary use.

Therefore, it means that vocabulary is students’ knownwords, which can be group of words and phrases such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs others. Moreover, vocabulary mastery is the comprehensive vocabulary knowledge that students recognize and use. It involves not only knowledge of language but also the ability to put and use it in context.

Since students learn language, automatically they learn vocabulary because vocabulary is a part of language. It shows that students’ language and vocabulary always support each other. Therefore, vocabulary is considered as an essential part in learning language.

2.1.5 The Function of Vocabulary in Reading Comprehension

In comprehending English texts, students need to be helped by their mastery of vocabulary especially for the students who learn English as a foreign language. Vocabulary supports their reading comprehension since it plays an important role to succeed in reading comprehension. It is supported by Armbruster and Osborn, 2002 who say, “Knowledge of the meaning of words is strongly related to reading comprehension.”The students are going to be easier in comprehending the English texts when they have great vocabulary. As Gooden, Carreker, Thornihill, and Joshi (2007) state,“vocabulary acquisition is considered as a high predictor of reading comprehension.”


The students’ mastery of vocabulary is closely related to their reading comprehension. It is proven by the findings in Furqon’s research in 2013. The findings show that there is a strong correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and their reading comprehension. This study concludes that vocabulary mastery is contributive in helping the students to comprehend the text. The same result is from Karina, 2014 which shows that there is a significance correlation between the students’ vocabulary mastery and their reading ability. It means that vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension is closely related since vocabulary gives positivecontributions on students’ reading comprehension. 2.1.6 Reading Comprehension

This part provides supporting theories in three divisions. This section is aimed at supporting reading comprehension theory. The three elements are definitions of reading comprehension, types of reading comprehension, and the process of reading comprehension, which can be clearly seen in the following explanations. Definitions of reading comprehension

Mostly, reading is the main step to improve knowledge. Reading can be defined is the ability to understand texts. It plays an important role in mastering other language skills especially in language learning (Fitriana et al., 2011). Reading is defined by Farell, 2009 as a process to get information from a written text and the process does not involve changing written language into spoken language. The process of constructing meaning achieved through dynamic instruction is considered as reading. It is based on several aspects. They are reader’s prior knowledge, the information suggested by the text, and the context


of the reading situation (Klingner, Sharon and Alison, 2007). As Armbruster and Osborn (2002) state, reading is defined as a process that the readers find and build meaning. Then, they comprehend the meaning by connecting what they have read to their own background knowledge.

Reading consists of two related processes. They are word recognition and comprehension. Word recognition refers to the process of perceiving how written symbols correspond to one’s spoken language. Comprehension is the process of making sense of words sentences and connected text (Fitriana et al., 2011). It is supported by Furqon (2013), he states that comprehension can be achieved when a reader succeds to extract the useful knowledge from a text and constructs the knowledge into his new own understanding.

Practically, reading is defined as equal with reading comprehension. It can be described as a complex behavior consisting conscious and unconscious use of varieties of strategies. The strategies are problem-solving strategies in order to construct the meaning model that the writer is pretended to have intended (Mikulecky, 1990). Reading comprehension is considered as the first point that needs to be related to the process of reading. Knowledge is the vital component for obtaining comprehension. It is closely related to what students have not recognized or their new information and what they previously have recognized (Simanjuntak, 1988).

According to Hill (2011), comprehension is an interactive and strategic process that is completely developed then it results in reading fluency. It can be also defined as a process when the readers are constructing meaning in a text by


using their prior knowledge, preceding experience, information in the text, and attitude about the text (Baha and Daud, 2013).

Consequently, reading comprehension means an interactive process between what students have not recognized and what they previously have recognized in contracting meaning of a text. They use their prior knowledge, experience, and the information in the text in the process of comprehension. The comprehension is successfully achieved when they succed in extracting useful knowledge from the text and construct the knowledge into their new own understanding. Types of reading comprehension

Day and Park (2005) explain several types of reading comprehension. The types are literal comprehension, inferential comprehension, reorganization, predictive comprehension, evaluative comprehension, and appreciative or personal comprehension.

The first type is literal comprehension. It is defined as an effort to have an understanding meaning of a texts traightforwardly. It usually occurs on vocabularies and facts, which are not explained in the text.

The second type is inferential comprehension. It is an effort to make a conclusion on the information that is obtained in a text. Then, the new information, which is not explicitly stated in the text, is built.

The third type is reorganization. Reorganization means the readers rearrange the information obtained from a variety of parts in a text. It aims to get new information.


The forth type is predictive comprehension. This comprehension means integrating the readers’understandingof a text and their own knowledge about the text. It aims to determine what possibility that can occur.

The fifth type is evaluative comprehension. This type is the same as inferential comprehension. Meanwhile, this type requires readers’ comprehensive judgment about several aspects in a text and ability to redevelop an understanding through related issues.

The last type is appreciative or personal comprehension. It can be defined as reading to gain emotional and other value responses from a text. It asks the readers to give responses to the text using their feelings.

In addition, five categories of reading comprehension adopted from reading comprehension taxonomy and Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives are literal, reorganization, inferential, evaluation, and appreciation. Based on the taxonomies, literal comprehension is the information that is explicitly stated in the text. The reorganization comprehension needs ability to synthesis, analyze, and integrate the information, which is clearly stated in the text. Contrarily, inferential comprehension is aimed to place the information that implicitly stated in the text by making assumptions and conjectures (Javed, 2015). The process of reading comprehension

In order to get more understanding and ability to comprehend a text, the process of reading comprehension is important to be described clearly. The ways to comprehend a text in the process plays significant role on the readers’ achievements in reading comprehension. Therefore, Mikulecky (1990) proposes


the process of reading comprehension that can be clearly seen in the following figure.

Figure 2.3 The Process of Reading Comprehension (Mikulecky, 1990:03) In the figure above, it describes that a reader pays more attention on the printed material that is shown in the pointing down shot (bottom-up) while in the pointing up shot (top-down), he or she directly compares the data with what is already known in order to find an equivalent. The textual information activates prior knowledge and the prior knowledge activates expectations about what the text is in the text. The interactive processes between bottom-up and top-down processes continue until the reader feel satisfied with the match between the text and his or her prior knowledge and comprehension take place.

In the bottom-up process, the text is seen as a set of graphic clues to the author’s intended meaning. At the same time, the reader gets the text equivalents at the language levels and pays attention to letters, words, associated meanings, sentences structures, typographical differences, discourse structures, genres, contexts, and others. He or she continues to find out the schemata related to the


data until a tentative equivalent is found between text and what is known by him or her.

In the top-down process, the cognitive and perceptual skills needed are processed by the reader in order to form conceptual structures. The reader brings his or her skills and knowledge about the world to the text. The reader’s mind must not be imagined as a storehouse of randomly stored information bits.

In relation to the process of reading comprehension, the assumptions about the process also vary because of different opinions of reading processes. This is then discussed in the terms of reading models as added by Farrell, 2009 who mentions the process consists of three models. The models are top-down, bottom-up and interactive processing which can be seen in the following figure.

Figure 2.4 The Process of Reading Comprehension (Farrell, 2009: 19) In the figure, the in top-down processing model, reading is directed by the brain related to the theory of schema which the readers bring their prior knowledge and experiences to a text as they read. Their prior knowledge and experiences affect how they understand and interpret the text.


In the bottom-up processing model, the readers take meaning from the text itself, from each word and sentence and from how the text is structured. The goal is to build meaning from the text only. This kind of model is related to phonics.

In the last process, the interactive processing model that is combination both the top down and bottom-up processes simultaneously takes place when readers read texts. They not only use their brain but also the text in order to make meaning. In the first language reading research, this model is associated with the Balanced Approach. The reason is that it gives more balanced views of the significant inputs of the texts which are being read by the readers and their own meaning making from their background knowledge and experience.

According to the two figures above, the best process which is considered from the newest version is the process of reading comprehension from Farrell, 2009. This process provides clearer views than the first one. Despite the same goals in helping readers succeed in their reading comprehension, the latest process is more recommended for readers.

2.1.7 Related Studies

This research is supported by four related studies which concern on the relationship among language learning strategy, vocabulary mastery and reading achievement. Those topics are related to the point that the researcher tries to investigate. The related studies are first by Zare (2011), second by Zhang and Sheepo (2013), third by Siagiyanto (2015), fourth by Aldvogel (2013) and last by Furqon (2013).

The first related study entitled “Relationship between Language Learning Strategy Use and Reading Comprehension among Iranian Undergraduate EFL


Learners - University Putra Malaysia Institutional”. The writer, Zare (2011) used one hundred and forty eight students through cluster random sampling to participate in the study as a sample. The findings of the study show that Iranian undergraduate EFL learners can be categorized as medium strategy users and the overall use of language learning strategies has a strong positive correlation with reading comprehension achievement. Furthermore, the results of multiple regression analysis depicted that the category of metacognitive strategies is the best predictor of reading comprehension achievement.

The second related study is by Zhang and Sheepo (2013) entitled “Metacognitive Strategy Use and Academic Reading Achievement:Insights from a Chinese Context”. This research investigates the metacognitive strategies of English major students in academic reading at GuizhouUniversity in China. All of the participants were third-year English majors. The data were collected by means of a Metacognitive Strategy Questionnaire (MSQ), a semi-structured interview and a reading comprehensiontest. The results reveal the overall metacognitive strategy use in academic reading comprehension of Chinese EFL (English as a Foreign Language) students with both high and low proficiency. The in-depth analysis of their differences was also illustrated. The results show that there is a significant positive correlation between metacognitive strategy use and English reading achievement.

The third related study entitled “The Correlation between Metacognitive Learning Strategy (MLS) and Students’ English Vocabulary Mastery at Fourth Semester of English Study Program of FKIP Um Metro Academic Year 2014/2015” is by Siagiyanto (2015). The population was the fourth semester of


English Study Program of FKIP UM Metro consisting of 43 students. The data were analyzed through quantitative methods using two measuring instruments. The results show that there is correlation between metacognitive learning strategy and students’ English vocabulary mastery.

The fourth related study entitled “The Relationships between Vocabulary Learning Strategies and Vocabulary Size among Adult Spanish Foreign Language Learners” is by Aldvogel (20013). 475 college students enrolled in Spanish courses at the beginning, intermediate, and advanced proficiency levels participated in this study. The data were analyzed through quantitative methods using two measuring instruments. The results show a significant relationship between the use of certain types of learning strategies and vocabulary size exists on advanced and more experienced learners, but not on beginning-level or intermediate-level students.

The last related study entitled“Correlation between Students’ Vocabulary Mastery and Their Reading Comprehension” is by Furqon (2013). The data were collected from 34 second grade students. The test items of reading comprehension and vocabulary mastery were given to the students to measure their level of reading comprehension and vocabulary mastery. The findings show that there is a strong correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and their reading comprehension. This study concludes that vocabulary mastery is contributive in helping the students to comprehend the texts.

According to the five related studies, each of them has different focus of the research and so does this research. The first related study concerns on the relationship between learning strategy use and reading comprehension, the second


related study concerns on the relationship between metacognitive strategy use and reading achievement, the third related study concerns on the relationship between metacognitive learning strategy and vocabulary mastery, the fourth related study concerns on the relationship between vocabulary learning strategies and vocabulary size, and the last one focuses on the relationship between vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension. Meanwhile, this research concerns on the relationship among metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery, and reading comprehension.

From the descriptions of the four related studies above, there can be no doubt that metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension are positively related each other. Metacognitive learning strategy and vocabulary mastery provide positive contributions on students’ reading comprehension. Therefore, the students need both metacognitive learning strategy and their mastery of vocabulary to succeed in reading comprehension.


In this part, two things are described by the researcher in order to support her research. In the beginning session, the discussion is about how the three variables namely metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension are related each other. In the end of discussion, hypothesis is explained as a temporary answer for the first research question.

Students’ metacogntive learning strategy is positively related to their reading comprehension. The strategy helps the students to direct their reading comprehension process. According to Gooden et al. (2007), “if students were


given a host of strategies that they could apply at their discretion, comprehension was greatly improved.”

In the case of learning to read, especially on the bilingual income from sensitivity to metalinguistic information, metalinguistic awareness is an influential part. Comprehension monitoring automatically operates and cannot be observed until some failure in comprehending texts take place. This fact is obtained through evidence on the first-language readers (Alderson, 2000). It means that metacognitive learning strategies play important roles in reading comprehension. It is supported by Gooden et al., 2007 who state “The use of metacognitive strategies helps students to think about their thinking before, during and after they read.”

In relation to reading comprehension, students need to consider and cover six important components. These components influence their fluent reading process. The components are their automatic recognition skills, vocabulary and structural knowledge, formal discourse structure knowledge, content or world background knowledge, synthesis and evaluation skills, and metacognitive knowledge (Alderson, 2000).

In order to improve students’ reading comprehension, their vocabulary mastery is contributive (Furqon; 2013 and Karina; 2014). Vocabulary mastery supports students’ reading comprehension since it makes them easier in comprehending many texts. It means that the more they can improve mastery of vocabulary the easier they can comprehend a text. Moreover, vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension are closely related. According to Lehr et al. (2001), “This relationship seems logical; to get meaning from what they read, students


atau pengaruhnya? (QE25)

Pengaruhnya ada. (AE25) MLS & RC

Apa saja kontribusi dalam membacanya? (QE26)

Jadi lebih ngerti. Kalo menemukan bahasa kayak gitu lagi ga bingung lagi. (AE26)

MLS & RC Tapi jarang ya? (QE27)

Jarang. (AE27) MLS & RC

Apakah membantu kamu untuk memahami sebuah teks? (QE28)

Ga selalu si mba. (AE28) MLS & RC

Kenapa ga selalu? Berarti yang lebih itu apa? (QE29)

Lebih banyak cari ke temen yang pinter bahasanya istilahnya bahasanya dia lebih ngerti lebih tinggi itu baru bisa ngerti tapi kalo aku sendiri yang nganalisis itu ga begitu membantu juga. (AE29)


Oh caranya ga tapi lebih ke kosa kata ya? (QE30)

Iya. (AE30) MLS & RC

Terus waktu baca kamu mencatat ga? Atau merangkum. (QE31)

Kata-kata yang sulit. (AE31) NOTA

Iya. (QE32)

Iya mesti tak catet mba. (AE32) NOTA

Bagimu penting ga itu? (QE33)

Sangat berguna buat ketemu dialog gitu. (AE33) NOTA

Iya. Apa itu juga memiliki kontribusi atau peran ke penguasaan kosa katamu dengan mencatat? (QE34)

Iya. Besar. (AE34)

NOTA Seberapa besar kontribusinya? (QE35)

kalo aku mencatat tu sekitar 80%. (AE35) NOTA

Besar banget ya? (QE36)

Iya. Mencatat lebih enak dari pada cuman mengingat-mengingat aja. (AE36)

NOTA Nah dengan kamu mencatat itu membantu kamu menguasai kosa kata?


Iya. Bisa. (AE37)

NOTA Menurutmu gimana memahami sebuah teks dengan menguasai kata-kata

Bahasa Inggris seperti kata sifat, kata kerja, kata benda dan lainnya yang sesuai dengan konteksnya? (QE308

Iya itu berkaitan lah mba. Apa lagi kan kalo kita ga menguasai semua itu nanti kita ga akan tau artinya dan itu bakalan banyak kata rumpang yang kita belum tau makanya kita lebih baik menguasai dan kita menbaca literature. (AE38)


Jadi kamu lebih memahami? (QE39)

Iya lebih memahami. (AE39) VM & RC

Apa menguasai kata-kata tersebut sesuai konteknya berhubungan dengan pemahaman membacamu? (QE40)

Iya berhubungan. Lebih paham soalnya kalo kita ga menguasai gimana kita bisa memahami yang ada didalam situ. (AE40)


Jadi buatmu kontribusinya besar? (QE41)


Terus ini ada kalimat ya, “Everyone looked satisfied when seeing the wonderful concert last night.” Apa kamu mengerti kalimat tersebut? (QE42)

Iya ngerti. (AE42)


Mana yang mana yang kata sifat dan lainnya? (QE43)

Looked itu kata sifat, (AAE43) UND VM

Udah sesuai belum kalimatnya? Udah sesuai konteksnya pemilihan katanya? (QE44)

Kalo menurutku udah bener mba. Udah tak artiin udah bener. (AE44)

UND VM Kamu juga langsung paham ya? (QE45)

Iya. (AE45) UND VM

Ini terakhir ya, mana yang lebih kamu gunakan, menguasai kosa kata bahasa inggris kayak noun sesuai dengan konteksnya atau teknik-teknik saat kamu membaca kayak memeriksa pemahaman memilih bahan bacaan merangkum untuk memahami kamu membaca? (QE46)

Yang A, memahami noun dan yang lain-lain. (AE46)


Kenapa? (QE47)

Karena lebih nyaman terus dari kecil udah di ajarkan sehari-hari dari kecil malah dari pada yang tadi. Kalo memilih bacaan dan merangkum lebih ke bahasa Indonesia tapi kalo bahasa inggris beda lagi pake yang noun sesuai konteks. (AE47)


Maksudnya gimana kepemahaman membacamu? (QE48)

Jadi enak. Jadi meningkat mba. Lebih paham. (AE48) MLS, VM & RC Ok. Makasih. (QE49)

Iya mba. (AE49)

Interview Transcripts 3

Siang Amora. Mba boleh tanya ya beberapa pertanyaan.(QAO1) Iya. (AA01)

Apakah aisya suka membaca? (QAO2)

Suka. (AA02) INT

Kenapa Amora suka baca? (QAO3)

Iya suka aja, hehe karena membaca itu jembatan ilmu. (AA03) INT Aisya suka baca jenis apa? (QAO4)

Semua hal yang menarik. Novel bisa komik bisa buku pelajaran bisa. (AA04)

INT Semua jenis teks? (QAO5)

Iya. (AA05) INT

Apa yang diperhatiin pada saat baca? (QAO6)

Isi bacaan. (AA06) INT

Cuman isi nya aja? Detail-detailnya yang ada di situ. (QAO7)

Ya kadang kalo baca cerita di internet itu ada yang struktur nya rancu tu nah jadi kita tu jadi gimana sendiri gitu. (AA07)

INT Jadi kamu juga perhatikan itu? (QAO8)

Iya. Reflek mba. (AA08) INT


Hmm maksudnya? (AA09) UND Yang kamu tau tentang membaca tu kayak mana. (QA10)

Menurutku adalah kegiatan. Aku ga tau maksudnya. Hehe (AA10) UND Sama kayak kelebihannya, manfaatnya membaca. (QA11)

Oh membaca itu membuat kita memiliki banyak ilmu, ilmu kita menjadi lebih luas pengetahuan kita menjadi luas gitu. Membaca adalah suatu kegiatan mencari pengetahuan baru nah hehe (AA11)


Itu bener-bener kamu alami ga? maksudnya apa ini cuman pendapatmu tentang orang lain apa yang memang kamu alami? (QA12)

Iya. Saya alami. (AA12)

UND Iya. Memang menambah gitu kan? (QA13)

Iya. (AA13) UND

Apa kamu selalu paham sama teks-teks yang kamu baca ketika baca? (QA14)

Gak selalu. Ada juga beberapa yang ga paham. (AA14)

UND Kenapa? (QA15)

Bahasanya ketinggian. (AA15) UND

Berarti tingkat bahasa itu berhubungan dengan memahami membacamu? Kosa kata? (QA16)

Nah kan ada yang bahasa instad yang versi kuno itu yang kalo you itu thou tulisannya nah itu ga dong hehe (AA16)


Berarti lebih ke kosa katanya ya? (QA17)

Iya hehe (AA17) UND

Bagaimana kamu memahami teks? (QA18)

Nalar. (AA18) UND

Nalar. Itu lebih kemana hubungannya? Pengetahuan yang kamu punya ya? (QA19)

Iya. (AA19)

UND Apa yang kamu gunakan untuk memahami sebuah teks? (QA20)

Pikiran. Hehe (AA20) UND

Kayak lebih ke kosa kata atau cara kamu membaca dengan teknik-teknik membaca? (QA21)

Kosa kata dan insting. Jadi kita ada bekal tapi kita juga harus bisa (AA21)

UND Insting itu yang gimana? (QA22)

Misalnya kan ada kata-kata tu satu kata itu kita tu ga ngerti artinya tapi kalo liat kalimat seluruhnya jadi ngerti gitu lo. (AA22)

UND Itu lebih ke kosa kata ya? (QA23)

Iya. (AA23) UND

Apakah memilih bacaan yang ingin kamu baca saja berhubungan dengan pemahahaman membacamu? (QA24)

Iya. (AA24)

ADP Bagaimana dengan memeriksa pemahamanmu beberapa kali ketika

membaca, apakah juga berhubungan dengan pemahaman membacamu? (QA25)

Berhubungan. Berhubungan. (AA25)


Terus mengevaluasi pemahamanmu, apakah juga berhubungan? (QA26)


Apakah cara-cara itu memiliki kontribusi pada pemahaman membacamu? (QA27)

Iya. (AA27)

MLS & RC Seberapa besar? (QA28)

Sebagian besar. Sekitar 80% nan lah hehe (AA28) MLS & RC Berarti kamu menjadi lebih paham dengan cara-cara itu? (QA29)

Iya. (AA29) MLS & RC

Apa saja kontribusinya selain lebih paham? (QA30)

Lebih paham dan kosa katanya juga jadi tambah banyak. (AA30) MLS & RC Itu juga membantu kamu memahami teks? (QA31)

Iya. (AA31) MLS & RC

Kamu mencatet atau merangkum ga pas baca dan setalah baca? (QA32)

Ga. Jarang banget. Hehe (AA32) NOTA

Kayak kata-kata sulit, kata-kata penting gimana kamu catet ga pas baca apa setelah baca? (QA33)

Ga. Ga dicatet. Kalo misalnya sulit banget tu kita penasaran banget langsung buka google selesai hehe (AA33)


Jadi ga dicatet? (QA34)

Ga. Diinget. (AA34) NOTA

Oh diinget, ga dicatet? (QA35)

Ga hehe. (AA35) NOTA

Terus gimana kalo kamu ga tau tu kata-kata sulit itu kamu ga tau artinya? Gimana? (QA36)

Nah itu dia. Misalnya kalo itu bener-bener ngaruhin sama kalimatnya nanti langusung nyari itu artinya apa. Atau ga kita ngerti lah sebagian besar kalimatnya ya ga di cari. Hehe pokoknya kalo udah ngerti kalimatnya. (AA36)


Menurutmu mencatat itu penting ga? (QA37)

Ya sebenarnya penting. (AA37) NOTA

Berguna ga? (QA38)

Ya sebenarnya berguna. Hehe (AA38) NOTA

Kalo merangkum? (QA39)

Ya berguna cuman saya terlalu males melakukan hal itu hehe (AA39) SUM Iya. Apa itu berkontribusi ke kosa katamu? Kamu jadi lebih menguasai kosa

katamu? (QA40) Iya. (AA40)

VM & RC Jadi bisa membantu kamu menguasai kosa kata? (QA41)

Iya. (AA41) VM & RC

Pendapatmu gimana tentang memahami sebuah teks dengan menguasai kata-kata Bahasa Inggris seperti kata sifat, kata kerja, kata benda dan lainnya yang sesuai dengan konteksnya? (QA42)

Berarti ya bagus. Berarti dia inget S-P-O-K dan sebagainya hehe (AA42)


Apakah menguasai kata-kata tersebut sesuai konteknya berhubungan dengan pemahaman membacamu? (QA43)

Iya berhubungan. Karena dulu tu otodidak belajarnya jadi saya ga terlalu paham S-P-O-K itu apa. Pokonya kira-kira aja hehe (AA43)



konteksnya kayak noun, adjective dll sesuai konteksnya? Apa kamu jadi lebih paham dengan teks? (QA44)

Iya. (AA44)


Kenapa kamu jadi lebih paham dengan kamu menguasai kosa kata sesuai konteks? Alasannya? (QA45)

Kan setiap kata itu memiliki peran masing-masing nah karena tau sesuai konteks jadi lebih paham. (AA45)


Iya. Besar ga kontribusinya buat kamu buat pemahaman membacamu? (QA46)

Besar. (AA46)

VM & RC Ini ada kalimat “Everyone looked satisfied when seeing the wonderful

concert last night.” Paham dengan kalimatnya? (QA40) Paham. (AA37)

UND VM Apa masing-masing kata kerja, kata benda udah sesuai tempatnya? Coba

lagi ya “Everyone looked satisfied when seeing the wonderful concert last night.” (QA48)

Kayaknya ada sesuatu yang gimana gitu. (AA48)


Ok. Ini yang terakhir ya, mana yang lebih kamu gunakan, menguasai kosa kata bahasa inggris kayak noun sesuai dengan konteksnya atau teknik-teknik saat kamu membaca kayak memeriksa pemahaman memilih bahan bacaan merangkum untuk memahami kamu membaca? (QA49)

Yang A. (AA49)


menguasai kosa kata bahasa inggris kayak noun sesuai dengan konteksnya? (QA50)

Iya. (AA50)

MLS, VM, &RC Ok. Makasih. (QAA51)
