The Function of Vocabulary in Reading Comprehension Related Studies

The forth type is predictive comprehension. This comprehension means integrating the readers’understanding of a text and their own knowledge about the text. It aims to determine what possibility that can occur. The fifth type is evaluative comprehension. This type is the same as inferential comprehension. Meanwhile, this type requires readers’ comprehensive judgment about several aspects in a text and ability to redevelop an understanding through related issues. The last type is appreciative or personal comprehension. It can be defined as reading to gain emotional and other value responses from a text. It asks the readers to give responses to the text using their feelings. In addition, five categories of reading comprehension adopted from reading comprehension taxonomy and Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives are literal, reorganization, inferential, evaluation, and appreciation. Based on the taxonomies, literal comprehension is the information that is explicitly stated in the text. The reorganization comprehension needs ability to synthesis, analyze, and integrate the information, which is clearly stated in the text. Contrarily, inferential comprehension is aimed to place the information that implicitly stated in the text by making assumptions and conjectures Javed, 2015. The process of reading comprehension

In order to get more understanding and ability to comprehend a text, the process of reading comprehension is important to be described clearly. The ways to comprehend a text in the process plays significant role on the readers’ achievements in reading comprehension. Therefore, Mikulecky 1990 proposes the process of reading comprehension that can be clearly seen in the following figure. Figure 2.3 The Process of Reading Comprehension Mikulecky, 1990:03 In the figure above, it describes that a reader pays more attention on the printed material that is shown in the pointing down shot bottom-up while in the pointing up shot top-down, he or she directly compares the data with what is already known in order to find an equivalent. The textual information activates prior knowledge and the prior knowledge activates expectations about what the text is in the text. The interactive processes between bottom-up and top-down processes continue until the reader feel satisfied with the match between the text and his or her prior knowledge and comprehension take place. In the bottom-up process, the text is seen as a set of graphic clues to the author’s intended meaning. At the same time, the reader gets the text equivalents at the language levels and pays attention to letters, words, associated meanings, sentences structures, typographical differences, discourse structures, genres, contexts, and others. He or she continues to find out the schemata related to the data until a tentative equivalent is found between text and what is known by him or her. In the top-down process, the cognitive and perceptual skills needed are processed by the reader in order to form conceptual structures. The reader brings his or her skills and knowledge about the world to the text. The reader’s mind must not be imagined as a storehouse of randomly stored information bits. In relation to the process of reading comprehension, the assumptions about the process also vary because of different opinions of reading processes. This is then discussed in the terms of reading models as added by Farrell, 2009 who mentions the process consists of three models. The models are top-down, bottom- up and interactive processing which can be seen in the following figure. Figure 2.4 The Process of Reading Comprehension Farrell, 2009: 19 In the figure, the in top-down processing model, reading is directed by the brain related to the theory of schema which the readers bring their prior knowledge and experiences to a text as they read. Their prior knowledge and experiences affect how they understand and interpret the text. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI In the bottom-up processing model, the readers take meaning from the text itself, from each word and sentence and from how the text is structured. The goal is to build meaning from the text only. This kind of model is related to phonics. In the last process, the interactive processing model that is combination both the top down and bottom-up processes simultaneously takes place when readers read texts. They not only use their brain but also the text in order to make meaning. In the first language reading research, this model is associated with the Balanced Approach. The reason is that it gives more balanced views of the significant inputs of the texts which are being read by the readers and their own meaning making from their background knowledge and experience. According to the two figures above, the best process which is considered from the newest version is the process of reading comprehension from Farrell, 2009. This process provides clearer views than the first one. Despite the same goals in helping readers succeed in their reading comprehension, the latest process is more recommended for readers.

2.1.7 Related Studies

This research is supported by four related studies which concern on the relationship among language learning strategy, vocabulary mastery and reading achievement. Those topics are related to the point that the researcher tries to investigate. The related studies are first by Zare 2011, second by Zhang and Sheepo 2013, third by Siagiyanto 2015, fourth by Aldvogel 2013 and last by Furqon 2013. The first related study entitled “Relationship between Language Learning Strategy Use and Reading Comprehension among Iranian Undergraduate EFL Learners - University Putra Malaysia Institutional ”. The writer, Zare 2011 used one hundred and forty eight students through cluster random sampling to participate in the study as a sample. The findings of the study show that Iranian undergraduate EFL learners can be categorized as medium strategy users and the overall use of language learning strategies has a strong positive correlation with reading comprehension achievement. Furthermore, the results of multiple regression analysis depicted that the category of metacognitive strategies is the best predictor of reading comprehension achievement. The second related study is by Zhang and Sheepo 2013 entitled “Metacognitive Strategy Use and Academic Reading Achievement: Insights from a Chinese Context”. This research investigates the metacognitive strategies of English major students in academic reading at GuizhouUniversity in China. All of the participants were third-year English majors. The data were collected by means of a Metacognitive Strategy Questionnaire MSQ, a semi-structured interview and a reading comprehensiontest. The results reveal the overall metacognitive strategy use in academic reading comprehension of Chinese EFL English as a Foreign Language students with both high and low proficiency. The in-depth analysis of their differences was also illustrated. The results show that there is a significant positive correlation between metacognitive strategy use and English reading achievement. The third related study entitled “The Correlation between Metacognitive Learning Strategy MLS and Students’ English Vocabulary Mastery at Fourth Semester of English Study Program of FKIP Um Metro Academic Year 20142015” is by Siagiyanto 2015. The population was the fourth semester of PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI English Study Program of FKIP UM Metro consisting of 43 students. The data were analyzed through quantitative methods using two measuring instruments. The results show that there is correlation between metacognitive learning strategy and students’ English vocabulary mastery. The fourth related study entitled “The Relationships between Vocabulary Learning Strategies and Vocabulary Size among Adult Spanish Foreign Language Learners” is by Aldvogel 20013. 475 college students enrolled in Spanish courses at the beginning, intermediate, and advanced proficiency levels participated in this study. The data were analyzed through quantitative methods using two measuring instruments. The results show a significant relationship between the use of certain types of learning strategies and vocabulary size exists on advanced and more experienced learners, but not on beginning-level or intermediate-level students. The last related study entitled “Correlation between Students’ Vocabulary Mastery and Their Reading Comprehension” is by Furqon 2013. The data were collected from 34 second grade students. The test items of reading comprehension and vocabulary mastery were given to the students to measure their level of reading comprehension and vocabulary mastery. The findings show that there is a strong correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and their reading comprehension. This study concludes that vocabulary mastery is contributive in helping the students to comprehend the texts. According to the five related studies, each of them has different focus of the research and so does this research. The first related study concerns on the relationship between learning strategy use and reading comprehension, the second PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI related study concerns on the relationship between metacognitive strategy use and reading achievement, the third related study concerns on the relationship between metacognitive learning strategy and vocabulary mastery, the fourth related study concerns on the relationship between vocabulary learning strategies and vocabulary size, and the last one focuses on the relationship between vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension. Meanwhile, this research concerns on the relationship among metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery, and reading comprehension. From the descriptions of the four related studies above, there can be no doubt that metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension are positively related each other. Metacognitive learning strategy and vocabulary mastery provide positive co ntributions on students’ reading comprehension. Therefore, the students need both metacognitive learning strategy and their mastery of vocabulary to succeed in reading comprehension.


In this part, two things are described by the researcher in order to support her research. In the beginning session, the discussion is about how the three variables namely metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension are related each other. In the end of discussion, hypothesis is explained as a temporary answer for the first research question. Students’ metacogntive learning strategy is positively related to their reading comprehension. The strategy helps the students to direct their reading comprehension process. According to Gooden et al. 2007 , “if students were PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI given a host of strategies that they could apply at their discretion, comprehension was greatly improved.” In the case of learning to read, especially on the bilingual income from sensitivity to metalinguistic information, metalinguistic awareness is an influential part. Comprehension monitoring automatically operates and cannot be observed until some failure in comprehending texts take place. This fact is obtained through evidence on the first-language readers Alderson, 2000. It means that metacognitive learning strategies play important roles in reading comprehension. It is supported by Gooden et al. , 2007 who state “The use of metacognitive strategies helps students to think about their thinking before, during and after they read.” In relation to reading comprehension, students need to consider and cover six important components. These components influence their fluent reading process. The components are their automatic recognition skills, vocabulary and structural knowledge, formal discourse structure knowledge, content or world background knowledge, synthesis and evaluation skills, and metacognitive knowledge Alderson, 2000. In order to improve students’ reading comprehension, their vocabulary mastery is contributive Furqon; 2013 and Karina; 2014. Vocabulary mastery supports students’ reading comprehension since it makes them easier in comprehending many texts. It means that the more they can improve mastery of vocabulary the easier they can comprehend a text. Moreover, vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension are closely related. According to Lehr et al. 2001, “This relationship seems logical; to get meaning from what they read, students PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI need both a great many words in their vocabularies and the ability to use various strategies to establish the meanings of new words when they encounter them.” Metacognitive learning strategy helps students to be aware of their mastery of vocabulary and increasing it since this strategy involves how they plan, monitor, and evaluate their learning process in gaining more vocabulary. The students who are more aware of metacognitive learning strategy in learning are better students in improving their vocabulary mastery than they who are not. As Read 2000 states, “The strategies are employed by all language users to manage the ways that they use their vocabulary knowledge in communication.” Some previous explanations evidently show that metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery, and reading comprehension are positively related. Students not only require metacognitive learning strategy to improve their reading comprehension but also need vocabulary mastery. These two things are very influential in gaining success in reading comprehension. Metacognitive learning strategy influences students’ reading comprehension. Meanwhile, they still need vocabulary mastery to support their success in reading comprehension. It means that in order to be successful in reading comprehension, metacognitive learning strategy and vocabulary must be improved well Renandya, 2015. Therefore, there is a positive correlation among metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery, and reading comprehension. Hypothesis In this research, the hypothesis is presented in order to serve as a basis for making predictions. The hypothesis is as follows: H 1 : There is a positive correlation among metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery, and reading comprehension. H o : There is no a positive correlation among metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery, and reading comprehension. 36


This chapter presents the discussion of research methodology and procedures employed in this research. It is organized into seven major sections, namely, research design, nature of data, source of data, data gathering instruments, procedure of data collection, data analysis and interpretation and triangulation.

3.1 Research Design

The goal of this research is mainly to discover the correlation among metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery, and reading comprehension. Besides, it also studies s tudents’ perception of the correlation of metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery, and reading comprehension. Consequently, the research was designed based on the theory of a mixed-method approach. The researcher employed both correlational research and qualitative survey research design in order to answer the research questions. The mixed-method approach was designed in sequential explanatory strategy. According to Creswell, 2003, the sequential explanatory strategy aims to use the qualitative results to help in explaining and interpreting the finding of a primarily qualitative study. In this research, the qualitative analysis was used to explain and interpret the relationship among the variables and to describe data on variable of interest, which was on the use of metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery, and reading comprehension. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI