The instrument of vocabulary mastery

strategy , vocabulary mastery and their reading comprehension or the ways you choose to comprehend the texts such as using your own knowledge and evaluating your text comprehension?

3.5 Pilot Study

Pilot study was implemented in this research in order to measure the validity and reliability of the instruments. A pilot study can be used as “a small scale version or trial run in preparation for a major study” Polit, Beck, and Hungler, 2001 as cited in Simon, 2011. In this research, the pilot study was conducted by involving three students. They were the students of English Language Studies of Sanata Dharma University. It aimed to to check whether the instruments were comprehensible and usable. The three instruments were pilot-tested before they were given to the sample of the research. The results of conducting the pilot study were two revisions on the instruments. First, the total number of reading comprehension tests was decreased from 50 items became 25 items in order to make the sample easier and faster to do the test. Second, several inappropriate words were changed to be better and more comprehensible.

3.6 Procedure of Data Collection

The data collection was carried out in February – March 2016. The procedure of the data collection was described into seven steps. The steps were presented in figure 3.1 in the following. Procedure Outcome Figure 3.1 Procedure of Data Collection The figure showed that firstly, theresearcher chose the population and sample by using cluster random sampling technique. The technique was a probability sampling procedure that gave every class an equal chance to be selected and tended to produce representative sample. By using the sampling technique, all classes were raffled and shuffled to be selected as the sample. The selected class was XI IPS 1 consisting of 32 students. Then, this step provided the population and sample to be studied. Secondly, she conducted pilot study as one of the ways to measure the validity and reliability of the instruments of the research. The pilot study was done by involving three students of English Language Studies of Sanata Dhrama