Interview Data Gathering Instrument

University. After conducting the pilot study, the results showed that the tests and questionnaires should be revised in order to make the instruments useable and comprehensible. The revising involved the grammatical andmorphology errors. Thirdly, the researcher distributed try out for the tests of vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension and questionnaire of metacognitive learning strategy to XI IPS 2 class. The test of vocabulary mastery consisted of 50 items while reading comprehension test consisted of 25 items. After being analyzed, the results showed that 16 items of the test of vocabulary mastery were not valid. Therefore, only 34 items of multiple choices which were valid ware used and 25 items of reading comprehension test which were valid and used to be tested. Meanwhile, metacognitive learning strategy questionnaire consisted of 10 items. After being analyzed by using Pearson Product Moment Correlation in SPSS 16.0 Program, the results showed that all items of the questionnaire were valid. Therefore, the 10 items of questionnaire were used to be tested for the research. Fourthly, the researcher distributed the two tests and questionnaire to XI IPS 1 class which was the sample of this research. The students did the questionnaire of metacognitive learning strategy and reading comprehension test in the same day while the test of vocabulary mastery was done in different day. This tests and questionnaire were finished in three days. This step provided the students’ scores of the tests of vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension and the questionnaire of metacognitive learning strategy. Fifthly, after the students’ scores were analyzed, the researcher computed the data of the scores into SPSS 16.0 program by using the Multiple Regression. This step gave the results of the quantitative data. The results of computations PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI were analyzed by the researcher for the analysis of the quantitative data and to answer the first research question. Sixthly, the researcher conducted in-depth interview for the qualitative analysis after the quantitative data analysis. The interview was designed in order to explain the problem in the quantitative data and to answer the second research question related to the correlation of metacognitive learning strategy, vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension. The interview was given to three selected students. Lastly, the results of the interview were analyzed through six steps of qualitative data analysis. First, the interview results were prepared and organized. Second, the results were transcribed. Third, the results were explored and coded. Fourth, the results were represented and reported. Fifth, the results were interpreted. The last, the results were validated. The results of this step were the interview organization, transcription, interpretation and validation used to support the quantitative data.

3.7 Data Analysis

For technique of data analysis,as mentioned previously, the data obtained in this research consisted of the quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data were analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Meanwhile, the qualitative data were analyzed descriptively. The details of the data analysis were clearly seen as follows.

3.7.1 Descriptive statistics

Descriptive statistics was used to describe and summarize the data before conducting a hypothesis testing by using inferential statistics. The data that were gathered from students’ scores of the questionnaire and tests were processed by using SPSS 16.0 program. This step was done to obtain the range, minimum, maximum, mean and standard deviation scores followed by the frequency chart of each variable.

3.7.2 Inferential statistics

Inferential statistics was used to test the research hypothesis. The pre- analysis tests were conducted before the statistical analysis was applied. In this research, the pre-analysis tests consisted of normality and hypothesis test. The normality test was used to find out whether the data obtained the research variables had a normal distribution of scores of scores or not. In this research, the test used the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. If p value was higher than α 0.05, it meant that the scores had a normal distribution. The hypothesis testing was used to answer the first research question. To test the hypothesis, the data were processed by using the statistic software of SPSS 16.0. Metacognitive learning strategy and vocabulary mastery were set as the independent variables and reading comprehension was the dependent variable. An analysis was used to find out how the three variables related. The technique of the analysis was a multiple regression. The multiple regressions are also called as a multiple relationship consisting of two or more independent variables. It is used to predict one dependent variable Bluman, 2009. In this research, after analyzing, the quantitative data were presented in some tables and also graphs which including numbers. The table showed the results of the statistical analysis of the multiple regressions in order to answer the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI