UNIT 3 Page 22

A. Reading :

My Holiday Plan Activity 2: Please, read this text carefully Vacation to Wonosari Tourism Resorts Wonosari becomes my favorite place to have a great vacation. This tourism resort is not too far from Yogyakarta City. The location is about 40 km from Yogyakarta. In this weekend, I have a vacation plan to go Wonosari. I am going to have this vacation with my beloved friends. I usually reach that wonderful resort by motorbike. In order to save my cost, this is very important for me to bring my own meals and beverage. My mother usually prepares those stuffs before I go. I am going to reach Ngalenggeran Hill for the first destination. This resort is absolutely awesome. Ngalnggeran Hill has a beautiful view. It is located in the mountainous area. I can feel fresh and cool air in this place. There is also a beautiful park with gazebo and fish pond in the top of Nglanggeran Hill. I am going to have meals and feel the refreshing sensation in that park. After visiting Nglanggeran Hill, I am going to continue my trip in Indrayanti Beach. It is one of the most famous and beautiful beach in Wonosari. It has white sands and blue water. The view is very beautiful. I am Source: UNIT 3 Page 23 going to play football with my friends in that white shore. After being satisfied with our football game, I am going to have swimming and snorkeling. The wave is safe for swimming. The coral and fish are absolutely wonderful which can provide beautiful view for snorkeling. I am going to go home after watching the sunset. Activity 3: After reading the text above, this is your opportunity to check the understanding. Answer these following questions briefly and correctly. Number one is the example for you. 1. What is the writer going to do in this weekend?  The writer is going to have vacation in Wonosari. 2. What is the writer going to bring from his mother? 3. How does the writer go to Wonosari Resorts? 4. Does the writer go alone in this vacation plan? 5. What is the first destination in Wonosari? 6. What can the writer find in the top of first destination? 7. What is the writer going to do in the first destination? 8. Where is the writer going to visit for the second destination? 9. What is the writer going to do in the second destination? 10. Wha t is the writer’s opinion about the second destination? Source: UNIT 3 Page 24

B. Writing: My Plan in this Weekend

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