The Goals of Communicative Language Teaching The Roles of Teachers and Learners in the Classroom The Benefits of Communicative Language Teaching

21 the correct language use. Through this principle, the learners can get benefits when they face the error in using language. 8 Recognize and respect affective factors of learning Besides focusing on the language targets, the teacher must be able to respect the learners’ efforts in using the language. When the learners get a great deal of attention, they can be motivated to achieve the target and goal.

c. The Goals of Communicative Language Teaching

According to Richards 2005: 14, CLT sets its goals as the teaching of communicative competence. This goal is surely different with the concept of grammatical competence. Grammatical competence refers to the knowledge which has purpose to produce sentence in a language. Then, the communicative competence includes the following aspects of language knowledge: 1 Knowing how to use language for a range of different purposes and functions. 2 Knowing how to vary the use of language according to the setting and the participants. For example, knowing when to use formal and informal speech or even knowing when to use language appropriately for written as opposed to spoke communication. 3 Knowing how to produce and understand different types of texts such as narrative, report, interview, and conversation. 4 Knowing how to maintain communication despite having limitations in one’s language knowledge. For example, through using different kinds of communication strategies. 22

d. The Roles of Teachers and Learners in the Classroom

The type of teaching and learning activities proposed in CLT also imply new roles for the teacher and learners. The learners are required to participate in the classroom activities that are based on a cooperative rather than individualistic approach to learning. The learners are expected to take on greater degree of responsibility for their own learning. Then, the teacher has to assume the role of facilitator and monitor. Moreover, the teacher has to develop different views of learners’ error in facilitating language learning.

e. The Benefits of Communicative Language Teaching

According to Jacobs and Farrell 2005: 38, CLT has eight main benefits to language teaching and learning. 1 Learner autonomy CLT gives learners greater choice over their own learning, both in terms of the content of learning as well as processes they may employ. 2 The social nature of learning CLT becomes the approach which ensures the learners to deal with social activities. The movement is known as cooperative learning and not as an individual private activity. 3 Curricular integration It means that CLT can make strong connection between different strands of curriculum. Therefore, CLT has greater adaptability and flexible in such curriculum, including Curriculum 2013. Moreover, the project work in 23 language teaching requires the learners to explore issues outside the language classroom. The language can be implemented not only in classroom activity but also in a real life situation. 4 Focus on meaning. CLT becomes an approach that can ensure the learners to make the exploration and identification of meaning. It means that the students are intended to understand the meaning based on the content of designed materials. 5 Diversity In CLT, learners study language in different ways and have different strengths. The diversity is intended to help students in enhancing their skills in learning the English lesson. 6 Thinking skills Through CLT, language is served as means of developing higher thinking skills. It means that learners are required to develop and apply their creative thinking skills in situations that go beyond the language classroom. 7 Alternative assessment CLT provides new forms of assessment which are needed to replace traditional multiple-choice and other items that test lower order skills. 24 8 Teachers as co-learners It must be a good chance when CLT considers teacher as a facilitator. In language teaching, CLT has led to an interest in action research of classroom integration.

f. The Practical Activities of Communicative Language Teaching

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