The Description of Unit 2: Complimenting and Showing Care

59 whether in formal or informal situation. According to Richards 2005, one of the goals of Communicative Language Teaching CLT ensures the students to be able in producing and understanding conversation. In the last activity, the researcher tried to explore the students’ understanding about this lesson unit. There are five questions which are applied as the reflection.

b. The Description of Unit 2: Complimenting and Showing Care

“Complimenting and Showing Care” was designed based on the Curriculum 2013 and Communicative Language Teaching CLT approach. The interview and questionnaire result also became the researcher’s consideration in designing the integrated materials. Through this unit, the students are expected to be able how to and when to show care and compliment. They are also required to produce appropriate response after receiving specified expressions care and compliment. In order to achieve the goal of integrated skills, the students must be able to implement every single expression in written and spoken contexts. Moreover, they are also required to know the meaning of specified expressions care and compliment in reading and listening skills. There are 9 pages page 10- 18 with 7 main activities in Unit Two. In unit two, warming up becomes the first activity. Through this warming up activity, the researcher wanted to find out the students’ feeling and action after knowing the specific conditions. This warming up activity can ensure the students to explore their social context. This activity consists of five questions. The students are required to answer every single question briefly as their own perceptions. According to Richards 2005, students need to learn English in 60 social nature. Through learning English by achieving the social nature as the goal, the students are accustomed to implement English in real daily life situations. After working on the first activity, the students are expected to know the explanation of both showing care and expressing compliment. The researcher created brief explanation that can help the students to understand the definition easily. Since “Complimenting and Showing Care” is a new material for the students, the teacher has an essential role to explain the context. Besides presenting explanation, the researcher also provided some important expressions and responses which are related to this topic. After explaining the meaning of each expression and response, the teacher has to be a good model for the students. The teacher starts producing appropriate pronunciation, and the students repeat after that. This material must be valuable for the students to understand deeply about the theory of showing care and complimenting. In order to enrich the students’ understanding, the researcher designed activity 2. In this second activity, the students are required to determine whether the illustrations need care or compliment. The researcher inserted related pictures and descriptions that can help students to understand each illustration. The students have to able in determining specific reaction for each number. This activity can be categorized as the benefit of Communicative Language Teaching. According to Richards 2005, CLT can develop the students’ thinking skills. In activity 3, the researcher created a conversation which is related to a topic entitled “Complimenting and Showing Care”. This third activity is required 61 to enhance the students’ reading skill. Every single student is required to read the conversation in pairs. Through this reading activity, the students know how to show and response appropriate expressions in a real context. Through this reading activity, the Communicative Language Teaching approach is accepted. According to Richards 2005, the students are expected to be able in using language for a range of different purpose. Moreover, the students are also required to know how to maintain communication. Through this reading activity, the students get a valuable benefit. While reading the conversation, the students can focus on meaning. In order to check the students’ understanding, the researcher also provided 5 numbers of “True or False” exercise. This activity can check the students’ understanding whether they focus on meaning or not. In activity 5, the researcher designed a writing exercise. In this activity, the students are required to write messages in English which are related to specific conditions. There are 10 conditions which must be responded by the students. This activity must be valuable to be implemented in a real life situation. They can use this writing skill when they cannot meet someone directly to show care or express compliment. This writing activity is based on the theory of Communicative Language Teaching CLT. There are two goals which can be achieved in this activity. First, the students know how to use language for a range of different purposes and function. Through writing the response, the students know how to vary the use of language according to the setting. Moreover, the students can also know how to produce different types of texts. 62 After working on the writing activity, the students are required to make a simple dialog. After creating a simple dialog with their partner, the students have to practice the conversation in front of the classroom. Through this activity, the students can enhance their listening and speaking skills. The researcher provided some keywords and categories as the choices. The dialog must be related to show care and express compliment topic. The researcher also provided an example that can help students in designing a simple conversation. This activity must be very essential for the students. Through this speaking and listening activity, the students know how to show care and express compliment in direct communication. Besides focusing on speaking skills, the other students are required to listen and determine whether the conversation is about showing care or expressing compliment. The researcher designed this activity based on the goals of Communicative Language Teaching CLT approach. Firstly, the speaking activity can ensure the students to know how to use language in different purposes. Secondly, this speaking and listening practice helps the students to produce and understand conversation according to the setting. In the last activity, the researcher tried to check the students’ understanding about this material through reflection questions. There are five main questions which are related to “Showing Care and Compliment” topic.

c. The Description of Unit 3: Expressing Intention

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