Reading: Letter from Pen Pal

UNIT 1 Page 2

A. Reading: Letter from Pen Pal

Having a pen pal is an excellent way for students to practice English skills, especially reading and writing. A pen pal can be said as a long distance relation. We can reach our pen pals through writing and sending private letter. The sending process can either be done by using the post office service or even by using E-mail in the internet. However, the old fashioned way by writing letter on hand still becomes the sweetest way to reach the pen pals. Source: Activity 1: Warming up 1. Do you have a long distance relation? 2. How do you reach your long relation? 3. Do you have a friend from another country? 4. Do you know how to introduce yourself by using English? UNIT 1 Page 3 Activity 2: Please, read the text carefully Dear, Irfan Through this letter, I would like to introduce myself to you as a new pen pal. I get your address while reading a teen magazine. I am very happy to have a pen pal from another country. I hope that we can share our information and interesting moments to widen our sight about something new outside there. My name is Jordy Classy. You can call me Jordy. I am from Groningen, Netherland. I am 16 years old and a first grade student of Van Houten High School. My favorite subject is English. I love learning English because I can reach other people by using it. I have two younger sisters and one older brother. My younger sisters, Lilly and Ella are twin. They are studying in the six grade of elementary school. My older brother, Robin is a college student. He is a smart student. Robin is very convenient to help my homework. My hobbies are travelling and writing. I like going to somewhere new to get pleasure and unique experiences. Every time I have new and unique experiences, I always write them on my book. This is very happy to save the story on my own book. I can recall the sweet memories while reading on my own note. That’s why I always bring note book and pen anywhere I go. I usually go travelling with my close friends. This is very wonderful to have a sweet moment with beloved friends. When I go travelling, train becomes my favorite transportation. Train is a fast and safe public transportation that can reach the destination on time. The cost is also affordable for us as students. After browsing on internet, I have known that Indonesia has so many beautiful places. This is so amazing It must be a great pleasure to go Indonesia and visit the historical and famous places there. UNIT 1 Page 4 Therefore, I’d really love to know well about Indonesian people and the wonderful places there. Please, drop me the sweet letter about you and Indonesia. I cannot wait to receive the letter from you, Irfan. Cheers, Jordy Classy Activity 3: After reading the text, answer the following question briefly Example: Q: Who is the sender of this letter? A: The sender of this letter is Jordy Classy 1. Where is Jordy Classy from? 2. Where does Jordy Classy study? 3. Is Jordy the oldest son in his family? 4. Where does Jordy find Irfan’s address? 5. Does Jordy have older twin sisters? 6. What are Jordy’s hobbies? 7. Why does train become the most favorite transportation for Jordy? 8. What does Jordy always bring anywhere he goes? 9. Is it true that Jordy often visits Indonesia? 10. What is Jordy’s opinion about Indonesia? Source: UNIT 1 Page 5

B. Writing: Letter for Pen Pal

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