54 translation but irrelevant. The second, the words had Indonesian translation but the English words were more popular to used related to the topic of the discussion. The second reason was showing solidarity to build a good relation with the target readers. Since the InfoKomputer magazine was Indonesian magazine, the language of the magazine was Indonesian language. Meanwhile, the readers of the magazine were more familiar with several computer field terms in English. In order to show solidarity and build a good relation to the readers, it was impossible to translate the terms into Indonesian language. The writers of the articles chose to mix the English word with Indonesian word; in this case were Indonesian prefix and suffix. In this situation, intra-word code-switching was employed. The last reason was quoting somebody. In order to improve reliability of the news they reported, the writers of the articles kept writing the quotation in its origin language, in this case is English. Therefore, the writers of the article switched the code from Indonesian language into English.

A. Suggestions

In this part, the researcher would like to give suggestions to the future researchers who are attracted to analyze code-switching phenomenon which occur in the magazines. The future researchers may conduct research on code-switching phenomena in the magazines in wider scope. For instance, the future researchers may compare code-switching phenomena in some different magazines. Thus, the future researchers can obtain the similarities and differences of code-switching cases which occur in more than one magazine. The future researchers may also 55 find the readers’ opinion on the code-switching phenomena. Thus, the future researchers can obtain whether the code-switching phenomena which occur in the magazine help or obstruct them in learning English. If it is possible, the future researcher may obtain the opinion from the writers of the articles on why they switch the code. Since, nowadays there are many ways to communicate with the writers of the articles, for instance using twitter, e-mail, facebook, or other tools. Thus, the future researchers can obtain more data in determining the possible reasons of code-switching phenomena. 56 REFERENCES Ary, D., Jacobs, L.C., Razavieh, A. 2002. Introduction to research in education 6 th ed.. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. Best, J. W. 1981. Research in education. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall. Bungis, H. M. B. 2007. Penelitian kualitatif: Komunikasi, ekonomi, kebijakan publik dan ilmu sosial. Jakarta: Prenada Media Group. Creswell, J. W. 2003. Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Thousands Oaks, CA: Sage Publication Inc. Dalen, D. B. V. 1973. Understanding educational research: An introduction 3 rd Ed.. New York: McGraw-Hill Ellis, R. 1997. Second language acquisition. Oxford: Oxford University Press Finegan, E. 2004. Language: Its structure and use 4 th ed.. Wadsworth: Thomson Corporation. Hoffman, C. 1991. An introduction to bilingualism. London: Longman. Holmes, J. 1992. An introduction to sociolinguistics. New York: Addison Wesley Longman Inc. Hymes, D. 1974. Foundations in sociolinguistics: An ethnographic approach. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. Krashen, S. 1993. The input hypothesis: Issues and implications. San Francisco: Laredo Publishing Company Leedy, P.D. Ormrod, J.E. 2005. Practical research: Planning and design. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Pearson. Lehmann, W. P. 1972. Descriptive linguistics: An introduction. New York: Random House, Inc. McArthur, T. 1992. The Oxford companion to the English language. Oxford: Oxford University Press. McCormick, K. M. 1994. Code-switching and Mixing. The encyclopedia of language and linguistics, 10, 581-587. Oxford: Pergamon Press.