Research Method Data and Sources of Data

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A. Research Method

In discussing the accuracy of wordplay translation in the animation movie Madagascar II Escape to Africa, the researcher applies descriptive qualitative method which deals with the observation and interpretation of the researcher toward the subject of the research. Sutrisno Hadi states that a descriptive research is a research in which the researcher needs only to collect and analyze the data to subsequently be able to draw a conclusion upon the data without making a generalization 1983: 3. Qualitative research, according to Moleong 1990: 4 is a type of research that does not include any calculation or enumeration. In addition, Sutopo implies that the data in qualitative research is not in the form of numbers but in the form of words or sentences 2002:35. In this research, the researcher does not need to find and prove the hypothesis. The research encompasses the process where the researcher collects, observes, and presents the data in the form of sentences. Next, the researcher analyzes the data and interprets the analysis result. As the research conducts those steps, it can be said that the research employs a descriptive qualitative method. 29 commit to user 30

B. Data and Sources of Data

This thesis is compiled and analyzed based on two kinds of data. The first data were taken from animation movie Madagascar II Escape to Africa. The movie which is directed by Eric Darnell and Tom McGrath was released on November 7, 2008. It was produced by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by Paramount Pictures. The researcher decided to choose the animation movie Madagascar II Escape to Africa because of these following reasons: 1. The movie was awarded as the Favorite Animated Film by Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards www.imdbtitlett0429952awards 2. The movie contains numerous wordplays. Subsequently, the subtitle text of the serial into Indonesian shows various wordplay translation, which functions as the data of the research. The second data were taken from the raters in the form of questionnaire result and the comments given upon the translation. The raters were expected to determine the accuracy level of the subtitle text of dialogues containing wordplay in the animation movie Madagascar II Escape to Africa. The other sources of data were written sources such as books and also information taken from relevant and reliable online journals or other internet- based information. In his book Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif, Sutopo states that in choosing resource person, researcher is required to acknowledge the stand point along with his or her various roles and relation to the information access which is commit to user 31 relevant to the need 2002: 51. Referring to S utopo’s statement, the researcher sets several standards for the raters. The qualifications are as follow: 1. The raters are fluent both in source and target languages 2. The raters have background knowledge and experience in translation 3. The raters are willing to take a part in this research The raters’ responsibilities are to examine the data and to give score to the translation indicating the accuracy level of the puns translation presented in the questionnaire. Moreover, they can give comment, information, suggestion, or to make revisions if it is felt to be necessary.

C. Sample and Sampling Technique