commit to user 98 Tak mungkin mengadakan makanan dari udara kosong 058HPdRK- 390AltSem The data number 58 is quite interesting since the three raters give different score 1, 2 and 3. It means that the datum is less acceptable for the mean of data is 2. One of the rater points out the part of target text which makes it sound like a translation work. There are unnatural expression and word choice when the translator translates the words make good food and out of nothing into mengadakan makanan dan udara kosong . According to the rater, the word choices are unnatural. Thus, the translation is considered to be difficult to understand since it is not expressed naturally in the target text. The researcher has the same opinion with one of the rater that as a translator, we should be able to present this meaning in a clear natural expression. The phrase out of nothing becomes udara kosong sounds peculiar in the receptor language. Therefore, the researcher provides the suggested translation as Tidak mungkin memunculkan makanan begitu saja because for the receptor language, mengadakan makanan dari udara kosong sounds a work of translation and less natural.

4.3. Discussion

There are 121 exclamatory sentences found in the novel of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows . All the sentences mentioned have experienced such technique which is technique of adjustment. The researcher has taken several commit to user 99 observations through the exclamatory sentences and finds out that there are five kinds of techniques of adjustment applied to translate them. As had been mentioned before that the data used in this research are exclamatory sentences, which types of sentences that are closely to declarative but more forceful and are ended with an exclamation point. As Warriner states, ―An exclamatory sentence is a complete sentence that expresses surprise, excitement, or other strong emotion. The order of the sentence is generally inverted —the subject and verb are placed near the end. An exclamatory sentence ends with an exclamation point. ‖ 1958, p: 41 Therefore, after the researcher decides the data and puts them into several types of techniques of adjustment, the research findings need to be discussed as follows: 1. Technique of adjustment From the results of analysis, it can be concluded that there are five techniques of adjustment used in translating exclamatory sentences in the novel Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows , namely: a. Technique of adjustment in terms of addition covers 24 data or 19.8 b. Technique of adjustment in terms of subtraction covers 26 data or 21.5 c. Technique of adjustment in terms of alteration covers 63 data or 52.1 d. Technique of adjustment in terms of addition and alteration covers 2 data or 1.7 e. Technique of adjustment in terms of subtraction and alteration covers 6 data or 4.9 commit to user 100 It can be concluded that translation by using technique of adjustment in terms of alteration had the biggest proportion in translating exclamatory sentences. In other words, translating by technique of adjustment in terms of alteration is the most frequently used in the exclamatory sentences found in the novel of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows . In order to create the most equivalent translation into the target text, adjustment in terms of alteration is suitable to use in translating the exclamatory sentences from the source language English into the target text Indonesian. As Nida states, ―Alteration may, of course, be all of types, from the simplest problems of correspondence in sounds to the most complicated adjustments in idiomatic phrases. However, in general, alterations can be treated under the following classes: a sounds, b categories, c word classes, d order of elements, e clause and sentence structure, f semantic problems involving single words, and g semantic problems involving exocentric expressions.‖ 1964, p: 233. The translation result as follow illustrate us that some of the data hold idioms that need to be altered in order to be more acceptable and not less expressive in the target text. e.g. ST : I think her mind’s going, personally 116HPaTDH- 553AltSem TT : Pendapat pribadiku, pikiran Bathilda terganggu 116HPdRK- 907AltSem commit to user 101 The forms of the ST and TT are different yet the meaning has been conveyed well. The translator uses different expressions in the target text which is pikiran Bathilda terganggu because it is related to the previous situation in which the character wants to show that she is sure whether about Bathilda latest condition since she is old enough. The expression is suitable to convey its meaning into the target text. Based on the context of situation, the translator wants to clear the idiomatic expressions her mind’s going into the closest meaning in the target text to make it more acceptable into pikiran Bathilda terganggu . e.g. ST : It was Ron, all Ron’s idea 112HPaTDH-500AltSty TT : Ron nih hebat, semuanya ide Ron 112HPdRK-819AltSty In the second example, the alteration is more into the style of the translator to choose the suitable expressions. It is to convey the message of how surprise Hermione is about Ron’s idea in solving the Horcrux’s thing. Instead of translating the source text literally, the translator prefers to alter the phrase It was Ron into Ron nih hebat , to deliver such expression using her own style of writing into the target text. The word choices, which are the addition nih and the alteration of hebat , apparently have equal expressive meaning to illustrate the feeling of astonishment felt by Hermione. The decision taken by the translator in rendering the ST into the TT has an aim to provide the reader with an accurate and acceptable translation. Thus, some considerations in applying such techniques of adjustment of translation and in considering the norms of translating are employed. commit to user 102 2. The purpose of applying techniques of adjustment. In creating a translation product, a translator is confronted into many strategies that need to be applied and of course there are purposes behind them. These strategies are used to encounter translation problems occur in the process of translation itself. Nida states, ―Before considering the technique of adjustment, it is important to indicate the essential purposes of these techniques.‖ 1964, p: 226 There are four essential purposes in the technique of adjustment. From the research findings in the previous part, the classification is as follow: a. Permit adjustment of the form of the message to the requirements of the structure of the receptor language covers 4 data or 3.3. b. Produce semantically equivalent structures covers 23 data or 19. c. Provide equivalent stylistic appropriateness covers 65 data or 53.7. d. Carry an equivalent communication load covers 29 data or 24. As it has been showed above, the research findings in the purposes of applying technique of adjustment proposed by Nida has put to provide equivalent stylistic appropriateness as the major purpose with 65 data or 53.7. In creating a piece of writing, a writer expresses his emotions, attitudes, and aesthetics through his choice of lexical items and grammatical forms. The writer hopes that his expressive words or sentences bring an effect to the readers and then the readers get certain impression from them. The same thing goes for creating a translation. In translating a source text, a translator might eager to get close with the source text or might wish for synchronization between the source texts with that in the target text. Yet, he or she commit to user 103 craves not to depend on the form of the source text but more to the message only. Therefore, to accomplish a good translation, a translator will use his or her own style to deliver the same message into target text to reach an equivalent and stylistic expression found in the source text. e.g. ST : Harry and I are fine with it the way it is 019HPaTDH- 081AltSty TT : Harry dan aku oke-oke saja dengan keadaannya 019HPdRK- 019129AltSty The example clearly shows the style of writing the translator has to gain similar expressive meaning in the source text. The word fine has been translated into oke-oke saja while actually in the target language the phrase is actually not in the formal one. Instead of translating the word into baik-baik saja , the translator inserts Indonesian reserved word oke . 3. The Accuracy and Acceptability In the table 3 and 4, the mean data have shown that the result of translation in Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows novel is accurate and acceptable with the range of 2.6 for accuracy and 2.8 for acceptability. The decision taken by the translator in rendering the ST into the TT has an aim to provide the audience with an accurate and acceptable translation. Thus, some considerations in applying technique of adjustments are employed. e.g. ST : Dumbledore was already dying when Snape finished him 120HPaTDH-593AltSem commit to user 104 TT : Dumbledore memang sudah sekarat ketika Snape menghabisinya 122HPdRK-976AltSem The example above is the datum that given score 3 from each of the raters. From the whole sentence and based on the context of situation, the translator has succeed to deliver the equivalent message in the source language into the target one. The faithfulness of the source language text is still maintained in the target language text. Thus, The raters give score 3 since the message or the content of the source text is fully transferred to the target text. The translation is clear, and no rewriting is needed. The researcher also finds that the applying of technique of adjustment in term of alteration above is impressive. e.g. ST : Nice night for it 111HPaTDH-499SubSty TT : Malam yang menyenangkan 111HPdRK-818SubSty The datum above is considered acceptable in the target text although there is a phrase that omitted by the translator. Therefore, the raters give score 3 for it since the omitted phrase is no longer needed in the target text. Based on the context of situation, the message of the omitted phrase has already included somewhere in the text and therefore the translator avoid to do a repetition that will create unnatural translation result. In conclusion, the translation text of the second example is considered to be natural, nearly unlike a translation work and no grammatical error. commit to user 105