Sample and Sampling Technique Research Procedure Technique of Collecting Data

commit to user 39 The source of data of this research is J.K. Rowling’s famous novel entitled Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows and the raters. The novel itself was published by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, London 2007 and its Indonesian translation, Harry Potter dan Relikui Kematian that was published by Penerbit PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama 2008, whereas the raters are three people who have both Indonesian and English competence, communicative competence, and translation competence, who provide data in relation to the influence of the technique of adjustment in its translation. Furthermore, the data of this research are the exclamatory sentences that experience technique of adjustment in terms of addition, subtraction and alteration.

3.3. Sample and Sampling Technique

According to Lexy Moleong, in qualitative inquiry, sampling is gathering information as many as possible from various sources and construction 2002, p: 224. Sutopo explains that source of data in qualitative research do not represent population but tend to represent the information 2006, p: 57. The researcher employs a total sampling technique. Therefore she takes all exclamatory sentences that experience technique of adjustment as reflected in the novel Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows which are translated into Bahasa Indonesia. Those sentences are taken as sample of this research. In addition, the questionnaire which has been assessed by three raters to find the accuracy and acceptability of the translation of the novel are included in the analysis. commit to user 40

3.4. Research Procedure

The research was conducted following the procedure below: 1. The first step taken by the researcher is to collect all dialogues which are assumed as exclamatory-sentences in the novel of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows , both from the original script of the novel and their translation in Indonesia. 2. The data gathered are, then, sorted out to find those that are compatible with the criteria established. 3. The researcher gives codes to each datum based on the series numbers, page numbers, and from where the datum is selected. 4. The researcher analyzes the data obtained. 5. The results of the translation are then compared to their original message to know the influence of technique of adjustment. 6. The researcher counts the frequency-distribution of the data based on their classification. 7. Finally, the results of the analysis are used to draw conclusion to answer the problems proposed.

3.5. Technique of Collecting Data

The data of the research include exclamatory sentences which experience technique of adjustment in terms of addition, subtraction and alteration. The data are taken from a book entitled Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows written by JK Rowling. commit to user 41 The procedures of collecting data in this research are as follows: 1. The researcher reads the whole story of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows and its translation, Harry Potter dan Relikui Kematian. 2. The researcher is taking the data from the data source, namely, exclamatory sentences and their translation in Indonesian. 3. The researcher identifies the exclamatory sentences that experience adjustment in their translation, whether it is in terms of addition, subtraction or alteration, based on the grammatical and structural characteristics. 4. The researcher makes data coding in order to make an easy classification of data, as follows: a. A datum with codes of 001HPaTDH-031 means that it is the first datum taken from the original book, Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows , on page 31. b. A datum with codes of 002HPdRK-036 means that it is the first datum taken from the translated book, Harry Potter dan Relikui Kematian , on page 36. c. Additional data coding are also made to clarify such technique that has been applied and its purpose, as follows: Add : Technique of adjustment in terms of addition. Sub : Technique of adjustment in terms of subtraction. Alt : Technique of adjustment in terms of alteration. Alt+Add : Technique of adjustment in terms of alteration and addition. Alt+Sub : Technique of adjustment in terms of alteration and subtraction. commit to user 42 Struc : The purpose of using such technique in order to permit adjustment of the form of the message to the requirements of the structure of the receptor language. Sem : The purpose of using such technique in order to produce semantically equivalent structure. Sty : The purpose of using such technique in order to provide equivalent stylistic appropriateness. Comm : The purpose of using such technique in order to carry an equivalent communication load. 5. The researcher uses two methods in collecting the data, namely, content analysis and questionnaire. In the first method, content analysis, the researcher collects the data from the source of data, i.e. exclamatory sentences that experience technique of adjustment. In the second method, the researcher uses a close and open-ended questionnaire. The raters, who have to complete the questionnaire to rate the accuracy and acceptability of the translation, should give mark or score of the accuracy and acceptability of the translation and then they might give their comments related to the translation.

3.6. Technique of Analyzing Data