Definition of Translation Process of Translation

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In this chapter, various kinds of theories related to this research will be discussed. The theories are constructive for the researcher to conduct this study. They will function as the basic foundation in analyzing the data of this research. The theories include Definition of Translation, Process of Translation, Problems in Translation, Context, Techniques of Adjustment, Accuracy and Acceptability, Definition of Sentence, Classification of Sentence, Style and About the Novel. The detailed description of each theory is as follows.

2.1. Definition of Translation

In The Theory of Translation, Nida and Taber explain the definition of translation as follow; ―Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in term of meaning and secondly in term of style,‖ 1978, p: 12. Besides that, Catford defines translation as ―The replacement of textual material in one language the source language by equivalent textual material in another language the target language ‖ 1965, p: 20. Brislin proposes another definition of translation. He says that ―Translation is the general term referring to the transfer of thoughts and ideas from one language source to another receptor, whether the languages are in written or oral form ‖ 1976, p: 6. 12 commit to user 13 Based on the statements above, it can be concluded that translation is a process of message transference from one language the source language to other language the receptor language. In transferring the thoughts and message, the most important thing is that the translator has to pay attention to the meaning and the style of text.

2.2. Process of Translation

Translating a text is a complex thing and consists of a series activity that constitutes a process. Nida proposes simpler and more common translating process illustrated in a scheme as follows: Source Language Receptor Language Source Text Translated Text Analysis Restructuring Transfer Nida and Taber, 1974:33 The explanation of the scheme as follows: 1. First, the translator has to read over text and understand the meaning and the message of the text. It will be better to repeat reading the passage two or three times in order to get a clear grasp of the entire content. 2. In order to understand the content of the text, the translator has to conduct a linguistic analysis both through grammatical and meaning analysis that covers the referential and connotative meaning. commit to user 14 3. After finishing the analysis of the text and understanding the source language message, the translator transfers the message into the target language. This process discu sses ―how the analysis result is transferred from the source language to the target language with the least possible change in meaning and with equal reaction as felt by the native source language speaker‖. The transfer certainly is not perfect yet, so it needs correction consultation to the more professional person about figurative language and style. 4. Lastly, the restructuring process discusses some kinds of figurative language, style and technique which can be used in the translation. In this stage, the translation must be adjusted with the grammar of the target language. The translation must maintain the meaning of the source language. Then after the restructuring is over, it means that the process of translation has also been completed.

2.3. Problems in Translation