Alteration Techniques of Adjustment

commit to user 26 Example: SL: We have been going in a long journey since the morning, here comes the time for us to have dinner. TL: Kita telah melakukan perjalanan jauh sejak tadi pagi, sekarang kita makan malam. As stated before, transitional is a short paraphrase. It can be seen on the phrase here comes the time which is translated into sekarang . It means that the subtraction happens on the phrase here comes the time. After looking at the translation, we can conclude that transitional is an effective manner to paraphrase long words into a shorter word.

3. Alteration

According to Nida, alterations may, of course, be all types, from the simplest problems of correspondence in sounds to the most complicated adjustment in idiomatic phrases. Some types of alteration are discussed below. a. Sounds Even the most consistent system of transliteration may occasionally produce a severe difficulty, since the resulting form may have another meaning in the receptor language. Example: SL: John said, ―I love you, babe. TL: John berkata: “Aku mencintaimu, sayang . ” The word babe is quite misleading for Indonesian especially for Betawinese. The word babe in Betawi means father, while in English it means darling . The translator must be careful in translating the word babe . The example above is commit to user 27 uttered by John an English person so it is appropriate to translate the word babe into sayang . b. Categories Alteration of categories include shifts from a singular expression to plural, a past-tense to a future, passive to active voice, etc. The employment of expressions which have no corresponding function in the source language also belongs to this class of alteration Nida, 1964, p: 234. Example: SL: I am gripped by them TL: Buku-buku tersebut sungguh memikat hati saya. The shifts from passive to active involve similar alterations of categories. The subject is changed from I into buku-buku tersebut . The object of the first sentence them = buku-buku tersebut is put as a subject in the second sentence. c. Word classes Alteration of word classes includes the shifts from noun to verb, preposition to verb, etc. Examples: SL: ―You’re saying it wrong,‖ Harry heard Hermione snapped. TL: “Cara ngomongmu salah,” Harry mendengar Hermione menukas. The alteration of word class can be seen when the translator translate the word saying into cara ngomong . Saying is a verb while cara ngomong is a noun phrase. commit to user 28 d. Order The shifts are used to emphasize important elements in a sentence, and provide a pleasing rhyme, so they can make clear of a complicated expression. Example: SL: The Queen knew only too well that the simple act of getting the Waleses to talk at all was a miracle. TL: Ratu sangat memahami bahwa hanya keajaiban belaka yang dapat membuat pasangan Wales berbicara. There is a change of order in the example above. In the first sentence, the word was a miracle is put in the end of the sentence, but in the translation it is put in the middle of the sentence. The change of order is done to make a natural translation. e. Clause and sentence structure The most serious problems of alteration in clause and sentence structure are found in shifts between hypotactic and paratactic formations, with or without additions or subtractions of lexical elements. Two other important alterations in clause and structure involve: 1. Shifts from questions to statements. Example: SL: Haven’t I told you he is not going TL: Sudah kubilang dia tidak boleh pergi 2. Changes from indirect discourse to direct. Example: SL: He warns the boys not to swim out too far. TL: Dia berkata, “Jangan berenang terlalu jauh anak - anak” commit to user 29 f. Semantic problems involving single words All the semantic problems involving single words arise from distinctions in hierarchical status. Accordingly, alterations of this type may be classified on the basis of whether the lexical elements in question are of a lower rank, of a higher rank, of a higher rank plus qualifiers, or of the same rank but shifted in position Nida, 1964, p: 236 Examples: SL: They celebrate the Easter. TL: Mereka merayakan hari raya Paskah . Every Christian all over the world celebrate the Easter because Easter is one of Christian’s holy days. English people use the word Easter while Indonesian calls it hari raya Paskah . The translator alterates the term Easter into hari raya Paskah . g. Semantic problems involving exocentric expressions This type of alteration is applied to translate expressions or idioms. Because of the different social-cultural background between the SL and RL, consequently a translator often makes a radical change in translating idioms or expressions. Example: SL: ―Load of old tosh,‖ said uncle Vernon. TL: “Omong kosong besar,” kata paman Vernon. The idiom load of old tosh is used to indicate that someone is talking about something that does not make sense. In Indonesia load of old tosh means omong commit to user 30 kosong besar . The translator translates it in an appropriate way because those idioms have the same meaning.

2.6. Accuracy and Acceptability