Accuracy and Acceptability LITERATURE REVIEW

commit to user 30 kosong besar . The translator translates it in an appropriate way because those idioms have the same meaning.

2.6. Accuracy and Acceptability

The quality assessment of translation is intended to identify whether a piece of translation is accurate, readable, acceptable and does not sound as a translation product. The quality assessment covers three points, they are: 1. The Accuracy Accurate means reproducing as exactly as possible the meaning of the source text. In translating a text, accuracy is an important thing for the translator to concern. As Baker states, ―Accuracy is no doubt an important aim in translation but it is also important to bear in mind that the use of common target language patterns which are familiar to the target reader plays an important role in keeping the communication channels open 1992, p: 57 .‖ It can be said that in translating a text the translator should also concern to the familiar language pattern which is usually use by the target readers. It is also relates to the quality of results and is distinguished from correctness. Accuracy is not only at the word level, it is also involving every grammatical level of the language. A translation text may be accurate based on the words which are used in transferring the meaning from the source language to the target language, but if it does not have relation to each other according to the standard rules of grammar and language usage, it can be said not accurate. Therefore, a translator must have a sufficient knowledge of the field being translated to have a full understanding of the subject matter. Only by having a full commit to user 31 and clear understanding of the concepts involved in the subject matter can a translator produce a translation which is both accurate and easy to read. 2. The Readability Readability refers to how easily a translation can be read. The more natural are the vocabularies and the forms used in translation, the higher it will rank readability. Richard et al defines the readability as ―readability…how easily written materials can be read and understood ‖ in Nababan, 1999, p: 63. 3. The Acceptability ―A good translation does not sound like a translation‖ Nida and Taber, 1969. It means that the text which is translated sound natural for the target readers. To make the translation acceptable or sound natural for the target reader, a translator does not only have to translate whatever it is stated in the source language, but shehe also has to reconstruct, adapt, or even rewrite it. Acceptability can only be measured by the target language native speakers as Larss on states, ―The person who does the testing must also understand translation principles and knows the receptor language as well. If shehe needs some respondents, they must be also target language native speaker 1984, p: 472. Those who are helping with the evaluation should be mother-tongue speakers of the receptor language ‖ 1984, p: 49. Based on those reasons, to make a translation acceptable to the target reader, a translator must have more sensitivity to the naturalness of the target language. commit to user 32 However, not all target language native speakers can be respondents of acceptability because each text has its own target readers. Therefore, it needs proper target reader to measure the level of acceptability of a translation text. Based on those reasons, the researcher limited this research only in the accuracy and acceptability of a novel ― Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows ‖ and its translation. Since this book does not mention the specific target readers, therefore the researcher decided only to analyze its accuracy and acceptability.

2.7. Definition of Sentence