RESEARCH METHODOLOGY An Analysis Of Language Choice Used By 2009 Batch Students Of English Department University Of Sumatera Utara.


The method of this thesis is qualitative research. As quoted from Sugiyono 2009 : 14, qualitative research is : “metode penelitian kualitatif adalah metode penelitian yang berlandaskan pada filsafat postpositivisme, digunakan untuk meneliti pada kondisi obyek yang alamiah, sebagai lawannya adalah eksperimen dimana peneliti adalah sebagai instrument kunci, pengambilan sampel sumber data dilakukan secara purposive dan snowball, tekhnik pengambilan dengan trianggulasi gabungan, analisis data bersifat induktif kualitatif, dan hasil penelitian kualitatif lebih menekankan makna daripada generalisasi”. Qualitative research method is a research method that based on posypositivism philoshopy, used to observ in natural object condition where the researcher is the key instrument, the technique of sampling through purposive and snowball, to collect the data using triangulation, the data analysis is inductively qualitatively, and meaning is the essential of qualitative research. Bodgan and Biklen 1982 propose five characteristics of qualitative research as quoted from Sugiyono 2009 : 21, they are : a. Qualitative research has the natural setting as the direct source of data and researcher is the key instrument. b. Qualitative research is descriptive. The data collected is in the form of words of pictures rather than number. c. Qualitative research are concerns with process rather than simply with outcomes or products. Universitas Sumatera Utara d. Qualitative research tends to analyze their data inductively. e. “meaning” is essential to the qualitative approach. The design of this research is descriptive qualitative research. Based on the five characteristics of qualitative research as proposed by Bodgan and Bilken, this research will show the nature of the situation as it exists at the time of the collecting data and will be collected in words form. III.1 Population and Sample To do this research, the writer needs population and sample. The population in this thesis is the students of English Department 2009 batch, but because the writer will do a qualitative research then the writer will choose some samples, by purposive sampling technique. This technique makes the writer can take the sample with a special consideration. Based on the characteristic that Bodgan and Biklen propose, we can say that qualitative research is naturalistic research. Lincoln and Guba 1985 say that “naturalistic sampling is, then, very different from conventional sampling. It is based on informational, not statistical, considerations. Its purpose is to maximize information, not to facilitate generalization”. Lincoln and Guba also say special characters of purposive sample are : 1 Emergent sampling design, 2 Serial selection of sample units, 3 continuous adjustment, 4 selection to the point of redundancy. So, the sample is decided when the researcher or the writer start the research. The writer chooses some people that are considered will give the data that the writer need. After that, from those samples, the writer will choose more people to be the sample to give more complete data. But, in purposive sampling, samples are chosen Universitas Sumatera Utara by information consideration. Further, Lincoln and Guba say “if the purpose is to maximize information, then sampling is terminated when no new information is forth-coming from newly samples units; thus redundancy is the primary criterion”. Sugiyono 2009 : 301-302 From the technique explained above, the writer has done the first observation to find out who are the best students who can give the complete data. Those students are students who speak English active and quite fluently. Then, they are in one group which is one of reason why people do code mixing and code switching. The clear amount of the samples is not given yet, because it is still temporary. III.2 Location and Time of Observation The observation is located in area of Faculty of Letters University of Sumatera Utara, Jalan Universitas no.1 Medan when the samples have no class and the observation is held on February 2010 - March 2010 between 10 am to 2 pm. III.1.3 Data Collecting Method Since this research is a descriptive qualitative research, the main instrument of this research is the writer herself as the key-human-instrument. Quoted from Sugiyono 2009 : 306, Lincoln and Guba 1986 say “ the instrument of choice in naturalistic inquiry is the human. We shall see that other forms of instrumentation may be used in later phases of the inquiry, but the human is the initial and continuing mainstay. But if the human instrument has been used extensively in earlier stages of inquiry, so that an instrument can be constructed that is grounded in the data that the human instrument has product”. Therefore, the researcher or the writer as key-human-instrument has functions to decide the focus of research, choosing the samples, collecting the data, analyzing the data, and making a conclusion of the research’s result. Universitas Sumatera Utara In qualitative research, there are some ways in collecting the data, they are : interview, observation, and documentary Sugiyono, 2009 : 309. In doing research, data can be divided into two : primary and secondary data. Primary data is data that directly taken from the observation time. Whereas secondary data is data that taken from the documentary of the sample, for example : the history life of samples. In this thesis, the writer will use one of three ways in collecting data. Observation is done to get the primary data. Sanafiah Faisal 1990 makes a classification of observation then Spradley in Susan Stainback 1988 divides participant observation into four Sugiyono, 2009 : 310 - 313 , they are : Based on the chart, the writer will do the participant observation with moderate participation. Moderate participation means that the researcher maintains a balance between being insider and outsider Sugiyono 2009 : 312, so the writer then will follow some activities of the samples but not all of them. To help the writer collects the data, the writer uses another instrument which is camcorder to record the dialogue of the samples in their daily social activities. Spradley 1980 in Sugiyono 2009 : 315 say that there are three steps of observation, they are : Universitas Sumatera Utara a. Descriptive Observation ; in this step, the researcher or the writer do a general and complete exploration, describe all the writer see, listen and feel. This observation usually called grand tour observation. b. Focused Observation ; usually called mini tour observation, it means this observation is limited to focus on certain aspects. c. Selected observation ; in this step, the researcher or the writer has explained the focus that has found, so the data will be more specific. In qualitative research, collecting data done in natural setting, primary source data, and data collecting technique is more done through participant observation. Sugiyono 2009 : 309. III.1.4 Data Analyzing Method After all the data are collected and then transcribe into a good script, the next step is data analysis, where the collected data are analyzed using the following steps: a. Coding the data based on the types, forms and the reasons of code switching and code mixing. The analysis uses the the four types of code switching as proposed by Tom McArthur, then uses the forms of code mixing as proposed by Suwito. The writer also uses the reasons for code mixing and code switching as proposed by Kim Eunhee. b. Discussing and summarizing the findings. In this step, the writer shows how many of the four types of code switching and the forms of code mixing are found in the dialogues of the samples in their daily social activities. Also, the researcher shows how many of the four reasons of language mixing and switching in it. Because of the design of this thesis is descriptive qualitative research, to analyze the Universitas Sumatera Utara data, the writer uses the descriptive qualitative method. Bungin 2001: 187 states “ analysis deskriptif terdiri atas tiga, yaitu: a Frekuensi Distribusi, b Tendensi Sentral, c Standard Deviasi”. Descriptive analysis is divided into three, they are : a Distributive Frequency. B Central Tendency, c Standard Deviation. For this research, the writer chooses distribusi Frekuensi in calculating the data. Bungin 2001 : 188 states distributive frequency is “perhitungan data dengan destribusi frekuensi ini dapat dilakukan dengan menghitung frekuensi data tersebut kemudian frekuensi itu dipersentasekan”. Calculating data with distributive frequency is calculating the frequency of the data then the frequency is percentaged. From the explanation above, the writer gets the dominant point through the following formula from Bungin 2005 : 171-172 : n = Where , n : total frequency of code mixing or code switching in percent. F X N : Total types of all categories. : total types frequency of the sub-category Universitas Sumatera Utara