NATION IS PERSON Datum 1 no. 3:

This metaphor has the function of aesthetic and information. The information function is to inform a certainty to American citizens that America still remains as the land of liberty.

b. Datum 2 no. 4:

“And I can pledge our nation to a goal: When we see that wounded traveler on the road of Jericho, we will not pass to the other side.” Explanation: In datum 2, the metaphorical expression we see shows that the „nation‟ is perceived as a „person‟. Nation is constructed as a person who has the basic ability to see, hear, smell, touch and taste. NATION and PERSON are two things that have different conceptual domains. Therefore, there is a cross domain conceptual mapping between these two. The target domain NATION is conceived in source domain PERSON. NATION is constructed as a person and conceptually can experience the same basic and social ability as PERSON do. The origin of this sentence comes from the bible about the Samaritans who help the wounded traveler from other region. According to the previous explanation, this statement indirectly saying that America will conveniently help when there‟s another nation that needs some help without seeing other nation‟s differences. Jericho is a town of Jordan near the Dead Sea. Ancient Jericho was the first town which the Israelites saw when they entered the promise land. Therefore, the wounded traveler here means the Israelis. This metaphorical language has an aesthetic function that creates an artistic effect, because this metaphor is originated from bible that usually has a lot of metaphor

c. Datum 3 no. 32:

“We remain a young nation, but in the words of Scripture, the time has come to set aside childish things .” Explanation: In datum 3 the metaphorical expression young nations shows that the „nation‟ can experience the same way with „person‟ who remains as young and old too. Officially, „young‟ is used to indicate the age of a person, but in here „young‟ is used to „nation‟. NATION and PERSON are two things that have different conceptual domain. Therefore, there is a cross domain conceptual mapping between these two, in which nation‟s age usually counting from day of independence. The target domain NATION is conceived in source domain PERSON. NATION is constructed as a person and conceptually can experience the same way as PERSON which day of independence comprehended as nation‟s day of birth. Obama compared the characteristic of a young person with a nation. It is the childish character which shows by the sentence to set aside childish things . The meaning of young is that a nation existed for only a short time. The meaning of this metaphorical sentence explained in the later sentence, that America is not a young nation to do the unimportant things. Therefore, Obama told the citizens that America needs to focus only on the important things to make an improvement and also maintain freedom in their nation. The function of this metaphorical sentence is direction function, because Obama gave the instruction to the citizens that American needs to be mature in order to give great participation in their country. Table 3.1.1 Mapping of NATION IS PERSON NATION PERSON The independence day of a nation is the starting point of the nation‟s life The day of birth of a person is the beginning part of that person‟s life The age of a nation counting from the independence day The age of a person counting from the day of birth Every nation has different culture that leads to different way of thinking Every person has a different personality The mapping in table 3.1.1 above explained the relations between the source domain PERSON and the target domain NATION. The mapping highlighted the human attributes in source domain PERSON which applied to target domain NATION.


There are two data represent the concept CRISIS IS SICK. The conceptual metaphor CRISIS IS SICK is derived from the mapping process based on the metaphorical expressions found in data number 19 and 33.