Background of the Research

response to the address depends on the interpretation in the mind of the listener. 6 Metaphor is pervasive in our daily life not only in language, but also in thought and action. We understand them immediately so that we do not need to pay attention to their metaphorical expression. Metaphor are conceived and grasped with the same facility as our ordinary literal vocabulary. There is no problem in understanding metaphor; the problem is to explain how we understand them. According to Lakoff and Johnson metaphor is a property of concepts, so metaphor can be understood by elaborating the conceptual metaphor. In conceptual metaphors, one domain of experience is used to understand another domain of experience. The characterization of conceptual metaphor is set of mapping, in which this set of mappings obtains between basic constituent elements of the source domain and basic constituent elements of the target. To know a conceptual metaphor is to know the set of mappings that provide much of the meaning of the metaphorical linguistic expression that make a particular conceptual metaphor manifest 7 . By this mapping process we can comprehend the meaning of metaphor easier. Therefore, in this research, the writer try to find the conceptual metaphor that can explain how the metaphor can be understood by using conceptual metaphor theory conducted by Lakoff and Johnson, in two inaugural addresses 6 Ibid. p.1 7 Zoltán Kövecses, Metaphor: A Practical Introduction Second Edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010. p. 14 delivered by George W. Bush and Barack Obama in their first and second term of presidential. Conceptual metaphor theory elaborates the correlation between two conceptual domains called mapping which also leads to understanding the meaning of metaphor.

B. Focus of the Research

This research focused on how the metaphor can be understood by elaborating the conceptual metaphor found in speeches; explained the meaning and the function of metaphorical language used by George W. Bush and Barack Obama on their Inaugural Address.

C. Research Questions

1. What are the conceptual metaphors and what are the meanings of the metaphors used by George W. Bush and Barack Obama? 2. What are the functions of the metaphorical expression used by George W. Bush and Barack Obama?

D. Significance of the Research

1. To convey how metaphor understood by elaborating mapping process from conceptual metaphor theory conducted by Lakoff and Johnson and also to conveying the meaning of metaphor which much more seen in the mapping process too. 2. To convey the function of its metaphor used in Inaugural Address by George W. Bush and Barack Obama by using the function of metaphorical expression theory conducted by Leech.

E. Research Methodology

1. Objectives of the Research

The objectives of this research are to elaborate the conceptual metaphors that lead to understand the meaning and also to convey their function of George W. Bush and Barack Obama‟s Inaugural address.

2. Research Method

The method of this research is using qualitative analysis. A research with qualitative method is a research relying on verbal and non numerical data as the basis of analysis and of solving the problem appears 8 . The result of this research will be described in analytical description. Meanwhile, this research will be analyzed with conceptual metaphor theory by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson. The analysis will be elaborated the conceptual metaphor that lead to find the meaning and the function of metaphorical expression based on conceptual metaphor theory.

3. Technique of Data Collecting and Data Analysis

In this research, the technique of data collecting will use bibliography technique teknik kepustakaan. According to Subroto, this technique used written sources to collect data using semantic field in data collection. 9 Therefore the relevant data will be included with the context sentence in each data. The 8 Muhammad Farkhan, Proposal Penelitian Bahasa dan Sastra Jakarta: Cella, 2007, p.2 9 D. Edi Subroto, Pengantar Metode Penelitian Linguistik Struktural Surakarta: Sebelas Maret University Press, 1992, p. 42 metaphorical expression will be observed directly. It will be noted into data cards based on two inaugural addresses delivered by George W. Bush and Barack Obama. When collecting data cards are complete, then data cards will be shuffled and picked up randomly. After that, the chosen data will be classified based on the concepts which are found in the metaphorical linguistic expression. The next step is finding the mapping to see the relation between source domain and target domain in the concept. The meaning of the metaphor will be much more seen from this mapping. The last is identifying the function of the metaphorical expression used in four inaugural addresses.

4. Research Instrument

The research instrument used on this research is the writer herself by using chosen data card taken from four inaugural addresses that has metaphorical language. 5. Unit of Analysis The unit analyses of the research are the first in 2001 and the second in 2005 George W. Bush inaugural address and the first in 2009 and the second in 2013 Barack Obama inaugural address.