Datum 3 no. 32: Much time has passed

d. Datum 4 no. 19:

“Our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some but also our collective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age.” Explanation: In datum 4 the metaphorical expression badly weakened shows that the „crisis‟ is reflected as „sick‟. Officially, weakened is used to describe the lacking physical strength of body that leads to sick, but here the metaphorical „badly weakened‟ is used to „crisis‟. CRISIS and SICK are two things with different conceptual domain. Therefore, there is a cross domain conceptual mapping between these two. The target domain CRISIS is conceived in source domain SICK. CRISIS is constructed as sick and conceptually can experience the same condition as SICK, which showed that economic crisis can be described as the condition of sick body. The meaning of metaphorical expression badly weakened is crisis condition in economy. It can be seen from the previous sentence which explained that economic situation in America is on crisis, because of the invasion to Iraq commanded by former president George W. Bush. Therefore, this crisis would be the main duty for Barack Obama in his first presidential period and immediately prepare to start a better age. The function of metaphorical expression here is to inform anxiety about the crisis situation of America‟s economy that occurred recently.

e. Datum 5 no. 33:

“An economic recovery has begun.” Explanation: In datum 5 the metaphorical expression recovery shows that the „crisis‟ is reflected as „sick‟. Literally, recovery is used to describe a return process to a normal state of health from sick condition, but here the metaphorical „recovery‟ is used to „crisis‟ which crisis is obviously not related to human body that needs to be recovered, but the process of recovery can be understood conceptually in economic process. CRISIS and SICK are two