Research Instrument Research Methodology

that used by Malay society. Context of culture may influence the mapping process of conceptualization of metaphorical phrases from Bahasa Indonesia with the theory based on English which has a different language and culture background from Bahasa Indonesia. 11 Another analysis about metaphor wrote by Aizul Maula, a student of English Letters in State Islamic University Jakarta, the research is a comparative analytical study about the translations of metaphors in the Holy Qur‟an, using the concept from James Dickin that divide the types of metaphor and the techniques of translations to find how metaphors in the Holy Qur‟an are translated into English by the four translators. The analysis resulted that the five techniques from four English translators of the Holy Qur‟an are accurate in one verse, but inaccurate in the other verse because of their variety of background. The beautiful form of metaphor sometimes lost when it is translated into sense only. It is not always guaranteed that one technique would be the best for translating metaphor without any classification. 12 Not so different from the previous analysis, Lailiyyatuz Zuhriyyah, a student of English Letters in State Islamic University Jakarta, also focused on types and added the meaning explanation of metaphor and metonymy in the Breaking Dawn novel using Lakoff and Johnson theory to show how metaphorical and metonymical expressions may give understanding deeper 11 Eko Prasetyo Rahardjo, Unpublished Bachelor Thesis: “Metafora Pengungkapan Cinta Pada Pantun Melayu”, Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya, University of Indonesia, 2009. 12 Aizul Maula, Unpublished Bachelor Thesis: “A Metaphor Translation of The Holy Qur‟an: A Comparative Analytical Study”, Faculty of Letters and Humanity, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2011. than literal one because they are more expressive and evokes a particular sense which can help the readers to conceive what the author means. This research concluded the usage of metaphor is not completely different from the literal meaning because it is just the matter of meaning extension. 13 The last analysis wrote by Bintarti Mayang Sari, with the title Metafora Dalam Pidato Charles De Gaulle Pada Perang Dunia II. The analysis focused on metaphor categorization and its meaning from an independence speech delivered by a French politician named De Gaulle, using Lakoff and Johnson conceptual metaphor theory to show how a politics speech can be easier to understand by the listener and also can be easier to deliver by De Gaulle to share his concepts and point of view toward the actual situation in France. In this analysis, there are several concepts of metaphor used by De Gaulle to made French societ y easier to access De Gaulle‟s message. Metaphor in his speech showed the concept of his state of mind as a leader of French, toward the complicated actual situation in World War II to achieve real independence. 14 The previous researches above haven‟t mentioned the function of metaphorical language; therefore this is the obvious reason why this research will be seen as newer and interesting research to analyze. 13 Lailiyyatuz Zuhriyyah, Unpublished Bachelor Thesis: “An Analysis of Metaphor and Metonymy on Stephenie Meyer‟s Novel Breaking Dawn”, Faculty of Letters and Humanity, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2011. 14 Binarti Mayang Sari, Unpublished Bachelor Thesis: “Metafora Dalam Pidato Charles De Gaulle Pada Perang Dunia II”, Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya, University of Indonesia, 2012.