Identifying the goals Conducting instructional analysis Analyzing learners’ characteristics Identifying learning objectives

31 The researcher chose hortatory exposition texts as the other text which was used in designing a set of English speaking materials because the characteristic of a hortatory exposition text itself includes the expressing of giving opinions about something Sudarwati Grace, 2006, p.79. Besides, the learners also will choose between “should or shouldn’t” about certain topics. As such, the researcher thinks that this type of text will have many materials or topics for speaking activities.

B. Theoretical Framework

In this research, the researcher combined Kemp’s 1977 and Dick and Carey’s 2009 design model to answer the first research problem. The researcher combined those models because they complete each other. After combining Kemp’s 1977 and Dick and Carey’s 2009 models, finally the researcher’s design model is in the following:

1. Identifying the goals

In this step, the researcher determined the goal of this study which was to design a set of English speaking materials. Both Kemp’ 1977 and Dick and Carey’s 2009 models have the same first step in designing a set of materials which is identifying the goal. Moreover, according to Dick and Carey 2009, this step is to determine what the researcher wants the learners to be able to do when they have completed the instruction. The answer is that the learners hopefully to be able to speak fluently because the focus of the materials which was designed was speaking. 32

2. Conducting instructional analysis

This step only occurs in Dick and Carey’s 2009 design model. In this step, the instructional analysis was done through classroom observations, an interview, and questionnaires. Those were done in order to know the knowledge and the attitudes of the students toward learning English.

3. Analyzing learners’ characteristics

This step occurs in both Kemp’s 1977 and Dick and Carey’s 2009 design models. However, according to Kemp 1977, this is the second step of Kemp’s model and according to Dick and Carey 2009, this step is the third step of Dick and Carey’s model. The researcher also decided that this is the third step of the researcher’s design model. In this step, the researcher analyzed the the learners’ characteristics through an interview and questionnaires. The analysis of the learners’ characteristics was based on the theory of CLT by putting some points of CLT in the questionnaire.

4. Identifying learning objectives

This fourth step is the third step in Kemp’s 1977 model and the fourth step in Dick and Carey’s 2009 model. Both Kemp 1977 and Dick and Carey 2009 have the same point about writing the objectives. The objectives must be specific, can be measured, and what the students are able to do after studying the materials.

5. Developing assessment