Teaching Narrative in Senior High School

28 the maintenance of social relationships as cited by Nunan, 1989, p.27. Another distinction in developing the speaking skill is between the monologue and dialogue Nunan, 1989, p.27. In this study, speaking is a skill which was focused on in teaching learning activities. The speaking competence standard of the curriculum is to express meaning in the transactional and interpersonal conversation in the context of daily life. As such, the activities of speaking materials were based on the context in daily life in a form of conversation, either a monologue or a dialogue. This is in line with Nunan’s 1989, p.27 idea in developing a speaking skill is between monologues and dialogues. The other speaking competence standard is to express meaning in a form of short functional text and in a form of essay: a narrative text, a spoof text and a hortatory exposition text based on the context in daily life. However, the researcher did not use three types of those texts, the researcher was only used two of those texts namely a narrative text and a hortatory exposition text. Since the researcher chose CLT as the basic method of teaching, CLT was used to teach speaking related to a narrative text and a hortatory exposition text for the eleventh grade social science students of SMA N 1 Depok, Sleman.

b. Teaching Narrative in Senior High School

In this study, the researcher focused on teaching narrative texts in senior high school especially in the eleventh grade social science students of SMA N 1 Depok in the second semester. In order to teach narrative texts, the definition, the characteristics, and the generic structure of a narrative text must be known first. 29 According to Anderson 1997, p.8 as cited by Karolina 2006, a narrative text is a piece of text which tells a story and entertains or informs the readers or the listeners. According to Sudarwati and Grace’s 2006, p.74 book “Look Ahead”, they state the purpose, the text organization, and the language features of a narrative text. The purpose of a narrative text itself is to amuse or entertain the readers and to deal with actualimaginative experiences in different ways. The generic structure or the text organization of a narrative text is orientation, complication, and resolution. In orientation, the story introduced the characters and the setting of the story. In complication, the problems begin to rise and in the resolution, the problems are being solved. The language features of a narrative text are as follows:  the use of action verbs  the use of some behavioral and verbal processes  the use of past tense The researcher chose a narrative text which was used in designing a set of English speaking materials because the purpose of a narrative text itself, except to entertain the readers, is to deal with actualimaginative experiences in different ways Sudarwati Grace, 2006, p.78. Therefore, the students will be more active or creative in creating their imaginative story. Additionally, since a narrative text usually tells about story, the students might be more interested in this kind of topic. As such, the use of a narrative text was thought to be helpful as the materials or media or topic to help students to speak. 30

c. Teaching Hortatory Exposition in Senior High School