95 speaking. The game is used to help students practice their speaking ability through fun activities. The role play is a tool for the students to practice their speaking skill. The use of picture strip story helps students activate their imagination and deliver their imagination though speaking. 3. Language Focus Language focus deals with the language learned during the lesson. In this section, the students learn the language features, the tenses, and the generic structure of the texts being learned. The units, topics, and titles in the designed materials are the following: Unit Topic Title 1 Narrative text Telling stories 2 Hortatory Exposition text To do or not to do?

C. Purpose

The purpose of the designed materials is to help students practice speaking more or it hopefully increases the students’ speaking ability. The designed materials were designed as the students’ characteristics. The designed materials were also designed as interesting as it can be and as fun as it can be so the students will not easily bored in the learning process. Communicative language teaching is appropriate to be applied in the speaking class because its purpose is to communicate in the target language. Moreover, the teacher here is only the facilitator and the role is less dominant than the students. Therefore, the students 96 will have more chance to speak. In order to achieve the objectives, the researcher composed each unit based on the principals of communicative language teaching which is reflected in the tasks. Yogyakarta, November 7, 2013 Ika Wahyuti 97 GAMBARAN UMUM MATERI PEMBELAJARAN Studi ini berjudul “A set of English Speaking Materials for Eleventh Grade Social Students of SMA Negeri 1 Depok using Communicative Language Teaching”. Studi ini bertujuan untuk membuat dan menerapkan seperangkat materi speaking untuk membantu siswa meningkatkan kemampuan berbicaranya berdasarkan metode communicative language teaching. Berikut ini adalah latar belakang, isi, dan tujuan dari materi yang dirancang oleh penulis:

A. Latar Belakang

Ide pembuatan dan penerapan seperangkat materi speaking untuk kelas XI IPS muncul ketika penulis melakukan PPL di SMA N 1 Depok. Hal itu dikarenakan materi yang ada di sekolah tersebut tidak cukup untuk menunjang pembelajaran dalam hal berbicara. Sebagai siswa SMA, kelak nantinya kemapuan berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris akan sangat dibutuhkan untuk melanjutkan studi maupun menjari pekerjaan. Karena basa Inggris merupakan bahasa dunia jadi mereka diharapkan bias berbicara menggunakan bahasa Inggris to mempersiapkan masa depannya. Terlebih lagi, guru harus mengetahui karakter dari siswa sebelum merancang atau menyiapkan materi untuk mereka. Materi yang dirancang oleh penulis menggunakan metode communicative language teaching sebagai dasar perancangan seperangkat materi speaking untuk kelas XI IPS dari SMA N 1 Depok. Communicative language teaching sendiri bertujuan untuk berkomunikasi