Recommendation for English Teachers Recommendation for Other Researchers

74 Sleman. Furthermore, the designed materials also helped the students practice speaking more often in the learning activities.

B. Recommendations

The researcher has some recommendations for English teachers and other researchers who will conduct a similar study. The following are the recommendations:

1. Recommendation for English Teachers

The teacher should know the students’ characteristics, background, and their attitude toward English before they teach them. Therefore, the teaching learning process will be suitable for the students. The teacher may add some materials in the learning process and not only focus on one book. The teacher may use the researcher’s designed materials to encourage the students to be more active in speaking. Moreover, the designed materials were already designed according to the characteristics of the learners. Furthermore, the materials were already implemented and the implementation could be concluded that it worked well enough. Perhaps, the teacher could also find other materials similar to the researchers’ materials to encourage the students to practice speaking more often. However, the teachers must know the theory of Communicative Language Teaching CLT well if they want to use these materials or the similar materials. At last, the teacher should find creative, interesting, and varied materials so the students will be motivated to learn English. 75

2. Recommendation for Other Researchers

The researcher recommends that other researchers should develop more the designed materials since the researcher designed 2 units only. Other researchers may also implement the materials for the students which have similar characteristics. Additionally, other researchers may also add some improvements to the designed materials and then implement again the whole units and the additional units. Besides, other researcher may add and develop the other skills in the designed materials. 76 References Adipranata, S. M. I. Y. 2009. Students’ perception on the use of role play techniques in speaking class in the English education study program of Sanata Dharma University. Yogyakarta. Adelita, S. 2010. A set of english instructional speaking materials for the registration and information staff of panti rapih hospital using communicative language teaching. Yogyakarta. Retrieved November 18, 2013, from 20PendidikanPendidikan20Bahasa20Inggris051214024_full.pdf Astuti, E. M. 2010. 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Kuisioner ini kelak akan membantu saya dalam menyelesaikan skripsi saya, yaitu pembuatan materi Bahasa Inggris, khususnya dalam kemampuan berbicara yang kelak akan digunakan untuk mengajar siswa kelas XI IPS, SMA N 1 Depok, Sleman. Oleh sebab itu, Anda dimohon untuk menjawab pertanyaan berikut sesuai dengan diri Anda. Nama: ………………………………………., Kelas: ………………… 1. Apakah kemampuan berbicara speaking bahasa Inggris itu penting? a. Penting b. Tidak penting 2. Seberapa penting kemampuan berbicara bahasa Inggris untuk masa depan kelak? a. Sangat penting b. Penting c. Tidak penting d. Sangat tidak penting Alasan: 3. Anda akan lebih termotivasi berbicara bahasa inggris apabila: a. Anda mempunyai lebih banyak kesempatan bicara b. Anda mempunyai sedikit kesempatan bicara 4. Apakah kendala-kendala yang anda jumpai dalam belajar bahasa Inggris? boleh lebih dari 1 a. Kurang percaya diri b. Takut salah c. Tidak tau tata bahasanya d. Tidak tahu kosa kata dalam bahasa Inggris e. Tidak tahu cara pengucapan f. Malas berbicara bahasa inggris g. Kesalahan atau tidak tahu dalam menerjemahkan kata-kata h. Kesulitan dalam pemilihan kata yang akan digunakan 81 i. Lainnya: 5. Apakah anda pernah belajar bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan permainan? a. Pernah b. Belum 6. Apakah anda pernah belajar bahasa Inggris menggunakan gambar? a. Pernah b. Belum 7. Apakah anda pernah belajar bahasa Inggris menggunakan materi yang otentik? Misal: mendeskripsikan gambar dari brosur menggunakan bahasa Inggris, memahami brosur-brosur yang isinya menggunakan bahasa Inggris a. Pernah b. Belum 8. Apakah anda pernah belajar bahasa Inggris menggunakan mini drama? a. Pernah b. Belum 9. Apakah anda pernah belajar bahasa Inggris menggunakan paragraf acak dan tugas anda untuk mengurutkan paragraf yang acak? a. Pernah b. Belum 10. Teknik belajar seperti apa yang anda sukai dan membuat anda lebih termotivasi untuk belajar bahasa Inggris? boleh lebih dari 1 a. Permainan yang berhubungan dengan materi b. Penggunaan gambar c. Penggunaan materi yang otentik d. Penggunaan mini drama e. Penggunaan paragraf acak f. Lainnya:

11. Kegiatan belajar seperti apa yang tidak anda harapkan di dalam belajar bahasa

inggris khususnya speaking berbicara? …Terima Kasih…  Appendix C The Result of the Questionnaires on the Learners’ Characteristics and the Instructional Materials 82 The Result of the Questionnaires on the Learners’ Characteristics and the Instructional Materials No. Questions Responses Number Percentage 1 Is speaking ability important? a. Yes b. No 53 - 100 - 2 How important is speaking ability in English for your future? a. Very important b. Important c. Not important d. Not really important 41 12 - - 77 23 - - Reasons: … a. English is a global language b. For workingworking interview c. Interaction with foreigners 15 12 6 34 27 14 3 You will be motivated in speaking English when: a. You have a lot of chance to speak b. You have a little chance to speak 50 2 94 6 4 What are your obstacles in learning Eglish? a. Less confident b. Afraid of making mistakes c. Do not know the grammar d. Do not know the vocabulary e. Do not know the pronunciation f. Lazy to speak in English g. Do not know the translation h. Difficulties in choosing the diction i. Others: no partner to speak, the partner doesn’t know the meaning 24 32 34 25 14 2 12 16 4 45 60 64 47 26 4 23 30 8 5 Have you studied a. Yes 51 96